>tfw benched 225 lbs today
I feel like a damn beast, just 2 years ago I was only benching 125 lbs
How many of you have also reached the milestone of 225lb bench?
>tfw benched 225 lbs today
I feel like a damn beast, just 2 years ago I was only benching 125 lbs
How many of you have also reached the milestone of 225lb bench?
based on the last Veeky Forums surveys... "welcome to the majority"
8 months in and I benched 185 the other day
I can only bench press 125, i have been stuck here for like 3 weeks or more. Help!
>5 months
>bench 110 lbs
wake me up inside
2 years? Wtf I bench 235 and ive lifted for 3 months
4 months 115. Im same brotha
Eat more? Lmao wtf I've never understood people complaining about plateauing with such weak lifts. The only answer is that you're not eating enough, unless you have some medical issue or some shit.
Top kek
>5 months to bench 125 lbs
Breh I'm cutting and been lifting for 4 months and I started out at 115 bench and I'm at 185 for 5 reps now. I've also lost 20lbs so it's not food that makes you stronger
I have been lifting for 4 months and i have
Gained 5kg, should i still be eating more? How often should i increase my caloric intake?
>eat more
Why do I always see this on here? You dont need to become a fatass to get stronger
I dont touch the barbell with my chest, maybe its that?
I started lifting in mid February. First day at the gym I was repping just over a hundred. I just put up 260 ten days ago.
They just have low T, even on a strict cut you should be able to get to a 225 bench in a few months
3pl8 master race checking in
If you are not trolling i am going to kill myself, no joke
>it's not food that makes you stronger
Got 225x6 before an accident 4 months ago. Just got to 225x5 again yesterday
how much do you weigh and how tall are you?
Dude how can't you spot that. Also take into consideration weight to strength standards a guy benching 225 at 200 is gonna get there much quicker than a guy weighing 160
How am I trolling? If you aren't 45+ years old you should be able to get to a 225lb bench even if youre cutting within a few months
Those are noob gains.
>Food doesn't make you stronger
Holy fucking shit is this bait or are you straight retarded?
Are your lifts increasing? No? Do you want them to? Eat more.
Who said you had to eat enough to become a fatass? If they're not gaining enough muscle to add lbs to their weak lifts over the course of weeks then they need to eat more, I'm talking 300-500 above maintinence.
God damn these replies, am I getting targeted for mass trolling or something
I'm 5'10" 180lbs
4 months and 210. Jesus I love being yuge.
I bench 240 on the smith machine. d-does that count?
Just got 315 yesterday. It's been a long road as a lanklet.
ahhh fuckin hell, wrong pic. see you lads in 3 days
>tfw you only been benching for a year and are up to 170lb already
>tfw benching for years and keep getting injured
>ac joint always blowsout
>benching 145 5x5 now
it starts with...
170 is like first month type shit
>tfw 5' 11" and 190 lbs
>tfw 585 deadlift
>tfw only 275 bench LMAO
Being a benchlet is a hard existence.
One month in and got to 1pl8. Going to try 140 on Saturday, thank you rippadoo.
Sub bw bench isn't that impressive. Remember there's tons of permabulking powerlifting fatasses on Veeky Forums. Secondly, remember that among lifters even competitive ones variance is huge. Basically no one gains muscle/strength at the "average" and there's large groups of people that gain both at +50% of the average and large groups that gain both at -50% of the rate of the average. There was some big leddit post with data about this.
It's entirely possible you're one of the unfortunate many that's going to make gains at a quarter of the speed of those more gifted. Doesn't really make a lick of difference though, you were going to lift anyway right?
I repped 185x5 last chest day, and I've been putting on ~5 pounds a week
I'll be doing 225 soon friends
tfw go to any normie gym (LA fitness, Gold's, etc) and lots of dadbods, chads, oldfats, are repping 225 with shit form
My dudes.
Just hit lmao3pl8 on Monday.
Didn't even need that spot, lightweight baby.
they probably just don't have correct form desu.
not even taking powerlifter shit, talking actually benching correctly.
>275 on bar in OP pic
hows 4 plates and a quarter 275
New fags man
>your head
>Haven't benched, or lifted much in general, in well over a year
>Benched 170 lbs first try yesterday
I'm only 165 lbs YGSIU c'mon
>225 in 2 years
>mfw 135 5x5 > 290x1 in 8 months
you will probably never get 315
how do I get from 90-100? it's making me depressed
Hop on testosterone
yea roiding tends to do that
A message for all you bros struggling with the bench:
>run out your LP
>do it the right way by gaining some weight and taking small jumps when necessary
>you will most definitely want 1.25lb plates
>eat moar if you get stuck (don't get fat though)
>once you legitimately finish LP, you can begin to add some volume work
>are you sure you ate enough?
Too many guys decide to add moar volume when they have no need for it. Get smaller plates and you WILL get stronger with LP. Once you definitely can't make any more LP, extra volume will drive your progress for a while. I ran a 4 day TM split that worked pretty damn well, got me to a 375lbs Bench. The extra assistance work can also mix in a decent bit of hypertrophy.
Press 1x5
Bench 5x5
Assistance 3x8-12
Chins @ BWx3xF
Squat 5x5
Power Clean 3x5 (just fucking do them)
Bench 1x5
Press 5x5
Assistance 3x8-12
Weighted Chins 3x5
Squat 1x5
DL 1x5
I liked CG Bench on volume Bench day, and Incline DB or CG Incline on volume Press day. You could do dips on Bench day instead of CG and alternate weighted with unweighted. You can add extra work on lower body day but I never needed/desired to do so. I recommend starting with no extra stuff for the first few weeks and easing into it. Better to be conservative at the beginning since this is a huge shift from what you were doing in SS. Another assistance can be added for upper body days once you're fully acclimated, but be cautious about stalling yourself with that much volume. It should be obvious, but you need to gain some weight to get good results while doing this.
ah the joys of being 15.
also post pics and videos so we can laugh.
Went from 120 to 225 in about 7-8 months
225lbs, hmmm how much is that in real units....google tells me it`s 102litres. I did not realize it was a big deal. Still good for you OP.
Did 85kg (187lbs) 3x5 today. On the last set I actually got 6 reps. On those 1rm calculators that puts me at around 100kg 1rm. Gonna test it out in a few weeks.
335 bench. 3pl8 master race step aside lanklets.
>manlets thinking their 10cm arm length from their barrel chest reps are impressive
> tfw skinnyfat
> tfw constantly cutting
> tfw it's been two years and I'm 10lbs away from 2pl8
oops didn't mean to reply sorry breh
Was meant to do 225 1x5 today but only got 1x3
Tip for benchlets:
Work on triceps, it helps a lot to have strong triceps when benching.
This definitely. Also, Someone pointed out to me that I was using a very narrow grip. I widened it a bit and it improved my bench a lot.
Another tip is to make sure you have the pins set to the right height. If you have to push the bar up significantly with your triceps your going to waste a lot of energy.
Lmao 2pl8
It's called eating and having some natural talent, I feel sorry for the really skinny guys like you I see
honestly took me about 3 months
160kg bench and i just do a bro split
>mfw friends have pussy sub 3 plate benches
>don't take my advice
>do random convoluted routines
>don't get stronger
Did no one tell you it was for 5 reps, not 1
My younger brother was like you, got to a 315x2 and 335x1 just doing some bro
split and whatever he wanted
Some people are just strong
190 lbs, 6ยด1, 30 years old, and im having a hard time bench pressing 80 lbs, been a sports guy all my life so im kinda fit
You are fucking stupid
That's 100kg, really not that much. Are we talking 1RM PR or for reps?
I currently do 80kg for 4x10, about 5 months in. I can do 100kg for a few times easily but not as my working weight.
Just keep at it breh, it comes faster for some than others.
I know
To be like "yea 225 club XD" is pretty sad
Fair enough if you can do it for 5-10 reps
I thought 315lbs was the standard? 225 is first set after 135 warm up.
People take qualitative advice to the extremes here. "Eat more" becomes "eat so much you have cellulite on your knees." You have to be specific, almost like you're dealing with a bunch of teenagers.
Good for you my man, keep lifting heavy!
Lol you are either fat like me or lying
>can bench an ok but unimpressive weight after three months
Tbh when ur a noob lifter food doesn't matter. I've been cutting since October and my lifts have gone up by 50lbs minimum
>progress from 95 to 135 in a matter of weeks
>cant reach 185 after a year of training
Just fuck my life
Yeah lol, I was 6'1 160lbs and I could bench 2pl8 when I first went to the gym. These strengthlets are delusional!
>4 years of training to bench 1 plate
>i have a torn labrum in each shoulder from doing snatches with half a plate
100kg bench is by far the hardest one from 1/2/3/4 for lanky fuckers with long arms
few years back i benched 225x18 at 198. I dont lift as much anymore though