What do you wear to the gym?
What do you disdain that others wear to the gym?
>leaving my home gym for three months
>have to go to commercial gym
>don't want to look like autist
pls help
What do you wear to the gym?
What do you disdain that others wear to the gym?
>leaving my home gym for three months
>have to go to commercial gym
>don't want to look like autist
pls help
Worst possible thing you can do is try to hard. I can not stand seeing some fag in all nike shoes, leggings,shorts, shirt(skin tight of course), wrist wraps and a bunch of other useless gear just to cheat bench 225. Keep it simple, wear whats comfortable. I usually wear a cutoff, tanktop or t shirt, shorts around knee level or a bit above and some vans or sneakers, sometimes a hat. Idk though maybe everyone else thinks i look like an autist.
Basketball shorts in the gym
cargo shorts out of the gym
>wat fagget
>wearing a hat in the gym
that guy huh
I wear whatever reveals the most of the muscle that I'm training - within reason so I can see the pump better. It motivates me.
I have long hair where I can't tie it up yet and if I don't wear a hat it'll go in my eyes.
Silk kimono with paisley design.
what's wrong with hats in the gym?
i have no idea why people wear hats to the gym, especially baseball caps always on fucking backwards
Literally nothing
What I wear
>athletic shirts
>sleeveless shirts
>athletic shirts above knees
What I fucking hate
>cardio bunnies wearing tight as fuck yoga pants or spats that cut off halfway on the ass
>DYELs wearing golds gym
>bunch of jesus scriptures shirts
Pair of chucks, shorts or sweats, beat up T-shirt. Boom done
compression shirt, short sleeve
relaxed fit athletic shirt over that
compression shorts
adidas shorts
no show black hi performance space age socks
asics comfy as fuck shoes
Man just whatever you need for the temp. Don't stink too bad and don't do the weird stringer barely nipple covering tunic paired with ball fondling shorts and we good. T shirt and shorts or sweats seems about right. Wipe down the equipment if you sweat. It's not something to worry about unless you were seriously considering cosplay or going nude.
I wear rugby shorts and one of my old powerlifting meet T-shirts.
I don't care what the fuck anyone else wears.
>cardio bunnies wearing tight as fuck yoga pants or spats that cut off halfway on the ass
yeah bro, cute girls in tight clothing. can't imagine anything worse.
i wear compression leggings and a pair of "mma style" training shorts i picked up on amazon.
sleeveless tank top despite dyel arms/shoulders. arm mobility just feels better
and a pair of sweats i wear for deadlifts.
Seriously I never understood this mentality.
Guys it's like going to /s/ but in real fuckin life, just don't be so thirsty you stare and enjoy the show.
What I wear:
>T shirt
>Wrist straps (injured my wrist some time ago, it helps alleviate some pain)
>Bball shorts
>Cheap running shoes
What I hate seeing:
>Anyone wearing something DBZ related, since they're all DYELs and disrespect Goku/Vegeta with their weakness
Sweat-proof gym shorts, Tight fit turtle neck compression shirt (soaks up sweat around my neck), tanktop underneath to make myself look a little bigger, compression sleeves for my elbows, compression sleeves for my knees, tucked heating pad underneath my shirt for my back, regular tennis shoes. I also wear gloves
My unusually large balls push my dick forward so it protrudes noticeably in my shorts, what do?
Everything was okay until the gloves.
I wear a large white T on bench / arm / squat and a tight black T on bench.
I wear a green short on bench, an orange short on squat, a red short on arms and a blue short on deadlifts.
I hate it when I see girls wearing super tight booty shorts because they then proceed to do stiff-legged diddys in front of me and it makes me want to fugg them.
See, this shit right here, the kind of guy who can't handle seeing a pretty girl is the same guy who fucking colour codes his outfit based on what fucking workout he's doing.
Let everyone acquainted with them in the shower no homo no hetero
I only wear basketball shorts from the 70s.
Pic very related.
I dunno dude, I sweat like crazy and regular cotton is gonna be a bitch in the gym. All that sweat wicking stuff just feels comfy.
sport shorts + tshirt + no shoes on leg days
Jeans + tshirt + shoes one upper body days.
>basketball shorts or loose sweatpants
thats it
You /legdayhotpantscrew/
Tank top, or sometimes a tshirt, leggings or tight-ish shorts. But then again, I don't go to some normie gym where you have people judging you over what you're wearing instead of what you're doing in the gym.
It breaks my focus when i'm training
I like to train on pure aggression and i don't need my sex drive kicking in when i'm trying to imagine twisting the guy who pissed me off in work's head off
Wearing hats inside is not only unnecessary, but also regarded as rude in many circles; kind of like using your phone at the table while sitting with others.
India pls
My dad gave me his old weightlifting shoes, they are awesome (+30years, pic related). Other than that sport shorts + sport shirt.
How do you guys feel about converse? I have a pair that I haven't worn in years but apparently they're good for lifting? Don't wanna splurge on fancy lifting shoes yet.
yes, great for lifting
Back/biceps: y-back stringer tank because I don't like how fabric pulls against me on a lift, shorts and either chucks or Nike freeruns.
Chest/triceps: regular tank, shorts, freeruns, elbow sleeves (injured)
Legs/actual core: regular tank, shorts, chucks/freeruns, knee brace.
As long as you're wearing athletic wear that doesn't smell like ads, I don't mind others.
>had public holiday yesterday
>gym closes at 2
>decide to go to other gym
>pack gym shit and head there
>get there swing receptionist a story as to why I have to train here
>let's me in
>go change
>realise I forgot my shoes
>train in slip slops the entire session
Last time it happened was like 7 years ago
cross-trainers, compression shorts under basketball shorts, and a t-shirt
What did your t shirt ever do to you?
Sweatpants or long shorts and a random loose t shirt or a vest
Wear saucony running shoes cause i ain't got money to burn on extra shoes just for lifting
- Sweatpants or shorts w/ leggings (guards the shins during deads).
- Solid colored basic T, T that's too old to wear in public, or tank top (when shoulder ROM is important).
- Pair of Adidas lifting shoes or New Balance crosstrainers (dependent on workout).
Pretty much don't spend too much time thinking out it. It's a gym, not a fashion show.
lol you are such a faggot. This board is full of autists
I have a set of old ass graphic tees that I wouldn't wear in public, so I just wear them when working out.
I have a pair of regular gym shorts for bench days and a pair of tennis shorts that are above the knee for squat/deadlift days. I just hate when shorts catch on my legs when coming up.
Don't listen to this neckbeard, 225 is not newbie weight. Why are you like this to people...
I bought an expensive tank top from the local luxury exercise brand as a joke because I've only been lifting two months and thought it would be funny. Now I'm questioning my sense of irony and wondering whether this is the first step to Chad. Bought it on sale but they retail for $100. Fit right in at the gym though, and I never really wear tank tops.
Cotton/poly tee, above the knee shorts over compression pants, Nike indoor soccer shoes from a discount warehouse
it's not difficult bro
Because there's a lot of fat dudes on here that try to say OMG 1/2/3/4 is for 3 months lifting! If you are sub 15%BF 1/2/3/4 is pretty good.
he's saying gymfag is cheating 225 because GYMFAG thinks it's newbie weight.
It's like,
>when you see him unrack 3 plates for a squat
>and he quarter reps it
like that
>I bought an overpriced tank top. Am I Chad now?
This meme needs to die.
Half my gym is fuckboys wearing shorts over compression pants. Hardly any of them work legs. Do you need your legs to stay warm in 80 degree weather walking around doing curls?
>wrist wraps
Take care of your small joints kids.
>that guy who wears vibrams to the gym
Seriously some of the most tryhard garbage
I do cardio almost every day so I like to wear compression shorts
Compression pants feel comfy. Why do you think so many chicks wear leggings (besides to gain attention)?
>falling for the clothes meme
Is underwear that uncomfortable? Don't they make underwear the same style that doesn't come down to your ankles?
I don't normally have social hangups but I think guys wearing leggings is kinda douchey looking. And wearing shorts over them is like you're too big of a pussy to wear them on their own. In all honesty though I probably wouldn't have as much of a problem with it if a bunch of skinny fat dudes with oxygen masks weren't wearing them to my gym.
>down to your ankles?
compression shorts only go down a bit past mid-thigh bro, you wouldn't even know I was wearing them most of the time
I wear jeans, flip flops, a thermal, toboggan hat and a bomber jacket regularly. People think it's weird, but I just love the way sweat feels on my skin.
My skin is like one giant erogenous zone and it makes me have full body tingles to feel like a wet snake or something.
Oh most guys at my gym wear the ones to the ankles. the more confident ones are now wearing them without shorts. I live in LA. dunno if that's why.
dress minimalist but dress nicely, also dont brand mix and dont wear casual clothes.. spend decent money if you have it
I like layering tight swim trunks under basketball shorts and hit the pool as my cool down. Shirt is just whatever, usually something breathable or a knockoff soccer jersey
I wear compression shorts for my underwear on the daily.
Believe it or not, but some people don't want attention. It might not have to do with confidence when someone wears shorts over their compression pants.
Am I allowed to wear tanktops if I have skinny arms
I think it's fine if you're sub 15% BF
Calm down.
I wear compression pants and I work legs. I wear shorts over the top of them simply out of courtesy as the people in my gym most likely do not want to see my cock and balls and any residual ass crack sweat when I work out or walk from place to place.
Makes sense. I'm not mad I just got a bit triggered by all the NYR cucks that wear compression pants doing curls leaving weights everywhere. Are they that much better for legs/cardio?
If I get on the treadmill for an hour wearing regular underwear I chafe like a motherfucker. With compression shorts I can run all day comfortably.
My nig
Unironically funny shirts from target.
>Pic Related
Theyre athletic fit so they fit snug.
Regular shorts that go above the knees, Long socks and my romaleos.
It's been a while since I saw someone doing that. Just moved to Portland OR all these guys just do baby weights with nice form and don't look like they're trying hard.
Is nobody else hoodie masterrace? I keep them joints lubricated. Wear them with trackpants in the winter, basketball shorts in the spring. In the summer I usually wear old t-shirts and more basketball shorts.
For shoes either Nike Flex trainers, or Asics matflex. Used to do the Chuck's but they hurt my heels.
I think they feel great on squats, almost supportive, particularly with knees though maybe that's just a mental thing. Apparently there's also science backing up the claim that they help your recover faster so that's a bonus, I guess. I just think they're more comfortable than regular sweatpants and aesthetically nice.
They help you recover faster if you wear them while you train only or all the time?
I think both but I only really wear them outside the gym when I go to bed after heavy volume days. Also, they're great for long haul flights. I sound like a compression shill now.
lol yeah you're selling me on them, I won't wear them for upper body days though. What brands are good/bad?
bumping for this
I was offended halfway through your last sentence but you saved yourself from eternal hatred by honoring Goku and Vegeta
You guys will never feel the glory of doing naked squats while shouting retarded memes in your home gym.
Pure bliss.
>not lifting naked on your home gym
you guys are missing out
I own a few from different brands depending on whatever I can get for cheap with Nike, Adidas and New Balance being solid choices. Avoid generic made in China stuff you see on ebay and other online marketplaces. I made the mistake of buying a few pairs thinking they'd be of similar quality. Nope. Shit was paper-thin and felt like I was wearing tights than actual compression. Sizing was always off and stitching came loose after a few wears too.
Wear whatever you want. Don't worry about anything anybody else wears.
Just make sure not to wear your outdoor sneakers, please.
I'm the same way. I wear my old soccer shorts on leg day. Besides that, I find it's helpful to keep an eye on the muscles you're trying to work if you're concentrating on that mind-muscle connection.
I have this and the shorts that go with it in 4 different colours
>I hate it when I see girls wearing super tight booty shorts because they then proceed to do stiff-legged diddys in front of me and it makes me want to fugg them.
They're asking for it, seriously go slap that ass.
Plain t shirt and stretchy tight jorts or rugby shorts.
Logo outfits.
Just go to the gym and lift.
Dont worry about the people around you. Wear something comfortable that was designed for what you're going to do.
This is how i got my last 4 children. Daquan, Carlos, Annalynn and Bob
Jesus Christ this level of autism
I imagine you're the obese guy
I'm actually 6'1, 185lbs. Far from obese. I just don't see the gym as some sort of social club.
Sorry its just that's usually the same attire the fatasses wear, except the t shirts usually have the sleeves cut off. But believe me when I say I wear whatever.
chucks, shorts, and a gym vest tucked into my shorts
Im with ya minus the leggings. If youre tearing your legs up youre doing something wrong.
Note i said "tearing up" not slightly scraping them.