Cheating /fraud/s - Return of Crusader Edition
Previous bread: You're all disgusting heretics.
Cheating /fraud/s - Return of Crusader Edition
Previous bread: You're all disgusting heretics.
literally nothing wrong with roids.
If you disagree with me you are a faggot.
little to no sides if you take it during your prime years as a young man
men who doesn't fraud during this peroid are stupid as fuck
Jesus was a Jew and Christians are pseudo-kikes.
>little to no sides if you take it during your prime years as a young man
>men who doesn't fraud during this peroid are stupid as fuck
>>little to no sides if you take it during your prime years as a young man
>>men who doesn't fraud during this peroid are stupid as fuck
A bodybuilder dude told me to sideline creatine when I'm taking winstrol.
Another one told me creatine doesn't have water retention like most plebs claim so it's ok to take it with winstrol.
Who's right? You just can't ever fully trust these guys.
dude creatine lmao
show me that ass little girl
Are you cute like Anzu? I don't know your trip sorry.
>ex texts me weekly, don't respond
>she blogs about missing me
>after 7 weeks respond
>"omg missed you so much I want to see you stay with me"
>three days before seeing her "I don't want to see you okay fine come see you whenever"
>show up last night
>fuck her silly get her high on poppers
>fist this this morning
>grab breakfast
>she gets moody
>"I don't want you here I want you to leave"
>don't have anywhere else to stay for 5 days
>"okay stay fine but I don't like you"
>says she wants to something tonight
>"make plans I don't want to do anything tonight after all"
>lol okay
>she asks "are we still on for tomorrow"
>ignore her shit
Whew lads dig tattoo progress though
>putting dicc in crazy
at least you raped her brain cell count with the poppers
Cool vagina on ur arm
This is better than b please keep going
Nah. I'm pretty chill about it.
you should deadlift
Just go for the bp instead again
not Veeky Forums here but is he 17?
she lives in the first house on wood bury Ave in, qtpatootee town.
Don't know how I'd feel about showing my Mum or grandparents a gf who wears cosplay wigs and contacts. But it'd be fun.
nothing too out of the ordinary imo
i just hate faggots who post in these generals saying you don't need to deadlift and have no lower body to speak of
bunch of glorified curlbros
>guest right? guessed wrong
is testosterone a good substitute for estrogen while transitioning
>stop doing what I don't like!
God damn it bimbs, why do you keep doing the same shit if you know you're gonna get the same result?
>take steroids
>don't train 60% of your body
>working out parts of your body no one will notice or care about unless you wear skinny tight pants with the exception of other men at the gym
you know it's true
is your tattoo based on a Tool album cover?
>unless you wear skinny tight pants with the exception of other men at the gym
or shorts
or a swimming suit
or basically anything you'd like to wear when it's hot as fuck
I'm just going to post more Anzu
you're boring
she looks really ugly without all the makeup
Hence why she wears all the makeup.
Objectively cuter without the makeup
You're a GODDAMNED lie.
The make up just means she's a kinky little attention whore who gets off on playing pretend. Usually as a vaguely legal school girl.
How2cop joocy classic physique delts? Been doing side lateral raises ED switching it up between dumbbell and cables and they've gotten pretty big but I want cannonballs.
More steroids and more side delt raises and dumbbell over head press.
hairy butthole
baka girl (male)s are so much better
Okay not that I am intending on using, just a question that I want a clear answer to
if someone with normal test ranges takes test, say a normal 'blast' range or whatever its called, can they make gains from it and then come off it and be able to produce their original levels of test? will they still get small balls and acne?
it just seems to me if you're a man test is a no brainier, but I also know it can fuck up your endocrine system and make you produce a ton of estrogen if you take test for awhile because it just shuts off, right?
I'm just wondering is steroids specifically test something you take for life? Is test something someone can use for a small amount of time and come away with no permanent side affects?
>be able to produce their original levels of test?
Yes. Given PCT. If no PCT is done it's possible completely destroy your endocrine system.
>will they still get small balls and acne?
Depends on the person. If they do get small balls and acne, it should clear up after usage stops.
> make you produce a ton of estrogen if you take test for awhile because it just shuts off, right?
Test productions shuts of very quickly. As soon as the first injection is made. Using an AI will stops the production of estrogen.
> test something you take for life?
>Is test something someone can use for a small amount of time and come away with no permanent side affects?
Yes, but that's no guarantee.
so what was exgf like, at least blogpost instead of just posting this painted bitch
Slightly hairy buttholes are hot desu. Makes it more dirty and shameful.
Bimbs man Jesus Christ what are you doing to yourself. At least stay emotionally detached can you? Also nice tattoo progress looking awesome
Wtf bimbsy!!! Is the pussy that good? Why you keep going back?
>Yes. Given PCT. If no PCT is done it's possible completely destroy your endocrine system.
Okay this makes sense.
>test something you take for life?
What? So can you take test and make gains and then leave it all behind with proper PCT, or is that not how it works?
Met Ex-gf on facebook. I created a method of being able to cold-approach grills on Facebook. She was the younger sister of a girl in my grade. (2 years my junior). I basically just sent a jokingly abusive message to them, wait for the response which would be something interesting at least and then apologise, saying I meant to send it to a friend and then strike a conversation from there. I never did tell her that it was all a ruse, she still believes I messaged her on accident.
She was smart, studies law and arts currently. Very liberally minded though. Her mum is a university academic. Her Dad left her life when she was 8.
Insecure about herself, if people liked her or not. Whether she was actually smart or not. Whether she was attractive or not. It got very exhausting having to constantly affirm her.
When we met she had a lot of problems with sex, had actual panic attacks the first two times. Had to hold her hand through the entire process. Eventually got to the point where she was happy with it. Was very vanilla though, low sex drive. Never wanted to do any adventurous. Didn't have a gag reflex though, which was cool. She was terrible at sex, had to teach her how to do everything properly.
She was very different from previous gf who was practically a nymphomaniac but mentally dull as fuck.
She was nice to be around because she liked to talk. I'm a naturally reserved and quiet person so I didn't have to talk or express much.
Exactly that lat raises ED, supplement with front raises, bent over reverse flies, overhead press.
If you train shoulders heavily warm up with (I forgot the exercises) but hold small weights iN your hand, elbog flexed at 90degree and then internally and externally rotate shoulders slowly and controlled. Me and several others at my gym now always do those and they seem to help prevent shoulder issues better then regular warm ups
>So can you take test and make gains and then leave it all behind with proper PCT, or is that not how it works?
Practically. You won't keep the gains 100% though. Especially if you've extended beyond your natural limit. You will lose a lot of mass during PCT especially long PCT if you've been on test for a long time.
>if someone with normal test ranges takes test, say a normal 'blast' range or whatever its called, can they make gains from it and then come off it and be able to produce their original levels of test? will they still get small balls and acne?
Yes with proper precautions (PCT, maybe even HCG), during cycle balls get small unless you keep using hcg, after they return to their previous volume when you are recovered. Acne some people get during a lot get some during pct and some don't get it at all.
>it just seems to me if you're a man test is a no brainier, but I also know it can fuck up your endocrine system and make you produce a ton of estrogen if you take test for awhile because it just shuts off, right?
It can that's why you need to know what you're doing and prevent that, test converts into estrogen.
>I'm just wondering is steroids specifically test something you take for life? Is test something someone can use for a small amount of time and come away with no permanent side affects?
Yes you can, but if you see how good you look and how much easier lifting becomes you will later crave more like a lot of people.
Personally I did a cycle and stopped since last year but I do feel like I'd like to do one again when time is right.
>studies law and arts
>liberally minded
>mum is a university academic
>Dad left her life when she was 8
so many red flags, going to guess she left to "find herself," or maybe her mother didn't like you
never understood the appeal of academic girls anyway, they'll always put their career before raising kids (if they actually have decent degrees)
probably dodged a bullet desu
We started falling out when her Mum got hospitalised for a spine infection. She said I wasn't being supportive enough when I asked her how I become more supportive she'd just answer with "You seriously need an answer to that?"
She also didn't like that I wasn't very social, I'm very anti-social. Don't like hanging around people to much, unless it's to discuss things like philosophy, politics of religion. I like debate not small talk. This was something that pissed her off a lot. She would say something to me about politics or something and I would start questioning her. Because I wanted to understand why she thought the way she did. She took that as me trying to always outsmart her and make her look dumb.
She got annoyed that I got 'lazy' with taking her out on dates. I had taken her to literally every place in my city and beyond, everytime I'd offer to go to the same place she'd just say no because we've already been there. I'd ask her if she had any ideas and she responded with "You're the man, you're supposed to come up with the ideas." Which is fair to an extent.
Things got very heated when I got into faith. She, her mother and shit kicking little brother are devout atheists who think religion is a form of mass mind control. So that was always fun, always invited her to Church but she never came.
She eventually left me by calling me saying "user, you don't make me happy anymore. I think it's better we stay friends." I just replied with "Okay." Hung up and haven't spoken to her since. She seems to be doing fine though from what I see on social media.
I mean like 75% of the people on university are 'liberally minded' these days, but I agree too many red flags
alright thats fucking it. Fraud you were cool for a bit but now that this phaggot is back im breaking out the fraud-bot.
dont come to fraud tomorrow.
But it is tomorrow
oh fuck bot brah is back?
>include me in the markov chain deep learning interface
Go easy. I was like 17.
How come its so hard to find before and after pics of people who have used DNP?
what's up your ass dude
/fraud/ is dead without blogposting, at least it's not alex again
>they'll always put their career before raising kids
Maybe I've read Atlas Shrugged too many times, but this gets my dick super hard.
>raising children
Because most if the retards who use it are skinnyfat and won't post result pictures cause they'd just be laughed at.
>mfw I'm skinnyfat and interested in dnp
okay you're right
never thought I wanted children either, nor do many young people until they realize mindless hedonism is not the path to a fulfilling life
I bet your philosophical views are reprehensible too
if it helps, some/most pro BBers have used dnp for cutting cycle/ amateur prep
the tricky part is regulating the bloat/loss of water
>I bet your philosophical views are reprehensible too
Come at me
just sounds like she wanted someone to treat her like a princess because her daddy never did, so you'd've been forever doomed to the role of entertainer/walking ATM until the day she inevitably leaves
i stand by my words man, you're better off
To be honest. I didn't feel anything when she did pull the trigger, I still don't feel anything now. I just feel numb. The last couple of weeks I've just been ghosting around.
my creatine cycle plan >
>Things got very heated when I got into faith
You fucking retard. Might as well go to Hogwarts with your little wand in your pants.
Seriously though, thanks for sharing your experience. Feels like she just wanted you to entertain her.
I had a similar thing with a friend who finished law school and we went out a few times. She expected me to always go over to her place whenever she had time etc.
Relationships don't work that way, well at least not for me. If she saw me as an equal she would put the same effort in.
Good riddance. I'm 28 now, finished my pre med. Roided to the gills, have slayed many sloots. This lawyer chick is still single and aging badly.
Majority of girls age so bad towards late 20's and and beyond. Guys expire way later in life. I could still bag a 20' year old when I'm in my 30's or hit 40 with my physique and academics.
All the best though! Wasting too much time on Veeky Forums time to beast mode my assessment tasks.
Not wanting children =/= mindless hedonism. I have goals I want to achieve and children would come in between me and those goals.
I had a similar thing with a friend who finished law school and we went out a few times. She expected me to always go over to her place whenever she had time etc.
I feel you. She only ever came to my place maybe 4-5 times the entire 4 years. It was always me going over to her place whenever it was convenient for her.
You're only goal on this earth is to procreate your genetics and offer them the best chance to procreate them further. Scientifically speaking.
>he hasn't impregnated a fertile 18 year old yet
Explain yourself
Tfw dropped all my classes this semester because can't cope with loss of gf
Time for some self improvement.
beta faggot
typical weak cuck Christian
This has been one of the faggier fraud thread. I think ill wait this one out and see if the nextone is better once this one 404s
Idk not really emotionally invested. Was just expecting someone who was excited to hang out and fuck. Not some lame power play bullshit and being moody out of nowhere for zero reason.
>okay you saw me we fucked I guess you can leave
Come back from drinking with the boys and seeing a movie, she's passed out in bed. Crawl in bed with her and no attempt on her end to get close. V lame.
I think I'll stay up and smoke. Watch some NF. Not play into her shit.
You're so beta it's unbelievable block her on everything and leave. She's winning.
My only response to her shit today has been "haha alright" "talk later I have shit to do" "grab my mail" and generally dismissing her. Playing into her emotions is v lame, my dude.
Blocking and leaving shows a lot of emotional investment in my part. I'm really not bothered enough to leave or block her. Especially considering by morning, she'll be on top of me.
No reason to get huffy lmao.
How much would it cost to buy tren and that other thing that people use from silk road?
$148.80 minimum
How long does that last? An entire cycle?
i went to the Berkeley protest today. all i could think about was how fat the free speech side was and how spooky vegan skeleton the antifa faggots were. people from the internet are disgusting.
damn i love roids. even if i don't look like a monster, at least i feel like one.
don't purchase more than you need for one cycle. you might not be able to handle the sides and have to quit.
Aren't the only sides getting acne and possible test depletion after you stop taking gear? Are there noticeable side effects while you're on a cycle?
Any tips on how to get rid of the Tren resting face? Everyone's saying I look psychotic but really i'm very calm inside.
Pic not related
Embrace it.
you needa read up dude. Tren can have serious mental side effects on top of crazy physical ones.