>7x20 squats edition
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What happened to the other thread?
The mods know /plg/ is pure garbo, and they're putting us out of our misery.
Sumofags are objectively weaker specimens
Yeah but at least i have some people to talk to after the gym
And somehow win the biggest money meet of the year
Looks comfy. I get to have a godly bench pyramid tomorrow. Might inflate top sets a tad.
you deadlift then go back and deadlift more after benching?
god damn
What did you train? How did it go?
Is this your first time here?
It's more fun when you squat then Bench then squat again.
Did that yesterday, was actually more fun than it was on intermediate medium load
So is that advanced or something then?
Advanced large load. For people whose bodyweights are
>It's more fun when you bench then bench and bench again
>all those cardio sets
Join the inflated small load master race for lazy gains. 7x2 @ 80%+ is the one true way!
That is indeed the most fun. I wish sheiko had a day where all you did was bench
Can't afford to be lazy when I won't be able to lift, or at least brace my core, for two weeks. Gotta beat myself up and accumulate as much fatigue as I possibly can
>It's more fun when you bench then slingshot bench the spoto bench then closegrip bench then bench with chains
I'm hungry I'm eating choccy milk with extra protons added and drinking ice cream
I hope I don't get diabetes
One day I may squat 4 plates and that day is very soon like 9 weeks or 10 weeks away soon
The best bench programs are memes, if you wanna do something fun you should do 3 bench days and 2 OHP days for a total of 5 pressing days and do a DUP scheme
day 2 of c6w and my bench felt pretty strong tbqh but im gonna switch programs cause i dislike some things about it
howd u do senpai
Eh, I'll be close enough with Hepburn. 2x bench and 2x ohp for 4x pressing a week.
>forgetting to multigrip bench and deficit Larsen bench
You goober.
>8x2 presses 4x a week
Good volume, you should do lotsa accessories too
Also if I were you I'd do one day closegrip and one day OHP for more bench gains, another cool idea I thought of would be to do hepburn CG right after comp grip bench but with a deflated closegrip max (so 8x2 comp bench with your 8rm and then 8x2 closegrip with your 12rm for lotsa volume)
It's a never ending cycle. I spent a year chasing 4pl8. When I got it, it wasn't enough. Waited 10mins then hit 425, now I'm insatiably chasing 500lbs.
I doing inflated small load tomorrow, so 7 doubles at 350 might be fun.
I know what you mean user
I'll be doing rows and belt squats for the pump sets on squat/bench day and weighted chins and RDLs for the pump sets on deadlift/ohp day, gonna keep the pump sets normal for bench and ohp. Might intersperse spoto presses/slingshot work in there for bench, not sure about ohp variations.
>mysterious Canadian
>deadlifts sumo
P-pooptine is that you? Pls come back we miss you
you make me wanna do sheiko i cant take the high rep sets senpai
>OHP variation
Push presses and DB presses are good, never done pin presses but those seem fun too
>no pin presses no dumbbell presses
What I'll probably end up doing is just changing the variation I do for my pump sets every 1-2 months or so, maybe 2-3.
Cardio sets are a meme brah. Just take intermediate small load and add like 1-2 sets to the top percentage depending on how you feel.
how many days a week is it. i like going 4-5
sumo is cheating
That's good, if I were you I'd do more actual accessory type stuff
For squat I like split squats and hammy curls, for upper body days I always do some form of DB pressing, tricep extending, dibs, and bicep curls. For deadlifts I don't do anything except rows n chins lel
>having DBs heavy enough to be worth pressing
I'm jealous.
i never do hamstring curls because they feel really bad on my knees
anyone else
I'm gonna be cutting, so I'm not sure how much more I'll be able to handle lol. That's why I was going for the less intense/easier to recover from variations for the lower movement pump sets.
I only do Sheiko for squats and it's Mondays and Fridays.
I fell for other memes for other lifts.
Go really light and go slow and do sets of 10+
Aah okay that's fair then, what're you cutting to? 93s?
Gonna try to get to sub 190
>sub 190
Good luck bobbo that sounds painful
Why not maintain and qualify/compete for Collegiate Nationals?
I think I may have figured out how to squat less badly today lads.
Why is it a thing to recommend oats? Just looking at quaker oats nutrition it doesn't seem like they have much protein (1 packet of instant is 160 calories but only 4g of protein)
dies anyone actually workout at that gym
kroc rows build strong traps
what the fuck, no matter what I do, I reinjure my shoulder benching.
Anyone got any advice for this? I get to around 275-295, (bw 170s) and my shoulder gets injured every time. What do I need to do? Shitloads of facepulls apparently didn't help this time. Do I just have shoulder cancer? Should I stop benching forever?
>see a doctor
>go to PT
>stop benching and pressing for a while
tbqh you may have rotator cuff damage if it's a regular occurrence, and it's just not healing properly on its own
milk and oats is what old timers were recommended to eat by their old timers, who likely lived in a time where bread and oats were the only reliable/available sources for carbs. properly made oatmeal can be pretty hardy, but modern premade microwave shit isnt very good for you.
Paused squats before or after normal squats?
i do them during my warm up sets for squats, but idk your volume and intensity. after my first warm up set with the bar, i like to throw on 10-20lbs and do sets of 3-6 paused reps until i get to around 75% of what i'm gonna be working with for my working sets.
if you don't want to do it like i do, i'd suggest paused squats after so you dont detract focus from the major movement
It's meant to be a carb source, you bellend.
>premade microwave shit
Literally just oats and a settling agent to stop it boiling over whilst cooking. Stop with the momscience.
I sometimes to paused while warm up
I was meaning heavy paused for like triples. After makes sense, this is my light day so I like to think I won't lose much if I do them before.
Thoughts on Juggernaught method? Considering buying the book, the guys have good youtube content. Is it purely for advanced intermediate and above or? Any thoughts appreciated
Per 100g (two and a half portion) it's 12g protein, decent amount of fibre, about 70g carbs, so together with milk (half a litre or so) it's a decent meal. Mix it with a couple of eggs and yoghurt/cottage cheese and you got really nutritious pancakes.
What's not to recommend?
Sabretooth is running it, but he hasn't posted a lot about it.
Mods are faggots that would rather baleet an entire thread because of a few posts that were nonsense, yet are completely content to leave countless relationshit and autism threads up.
how much you inflate?
Mistake. It's outdated. The guys at juggernaut have since switched over to hypertrophy-strength-peaking phases.
In fact juggernaut method in some ways contradicts their current line of thinking. During the higher rep portions of the program at least, volume tends to decrease within a phase while Mike Israetel preaches increasing volume through adding sets which is what JTS uses for their hypertrophy phases.
when do you do deadlifts and how frequent?
Cheers, had never actually seen that search function in my lurking, interesting.
Is there another ebook they have that is more up to date? Maybe I'm fanboying a bit but I like their presentation style, proof of actual lifts and advanced degrees so interested in their philosophy. Right now running Nuckols programs but it feels like not much volume.
>Right now running Nuckols programs but it feels like not much volume
Which Nuckols?
All beginner:
bench x3, sq x3, DL 2 over 3 days with pull ups/chins and minor accessories as my energy allows, do cardio stuff 2 days. Work a seriously physical job though so maybe I shouldn't seek too much volume
Scientific Principles of Strength Training is the latest ebook that outlines current JTS training philosophy. I think. I haven't read it. I do know it doesn't contain any training template, you're supposed to design your own based on the principles outlined in the book.
I'm sure the strength and peaking phases will be explained clearly. Idk how far the book goes in terms of hypertrophy phases but you can always defer to Israetel's work, he recently made an excellent article on how to make your hypertrophy blocks.
I'm also a JTS fanboy, I think their stuff is the best out of all the online powerlifting material.
Well you can't expect beginner programs to have huge amounts of volume.
Move onto the 3x intermediate (sq and b) and 2x int (dl) when you stall. The increase in volume will be noticeable.
This is one thing I get conflicting info on: when to move to intermediate.
So I'm weak, not trying to hide that (5RM is around B/S/D 65/70/100 at 70bw in kgs), but I'm also mid 30's and work a physical ass job doing 75 hours/week in the Australian bush so I'm not going to gain like a 20yr old who has 15 hours of uni a week. I consistently seem to LP to around where I am now but then can't push through - does this mean intermediate programs and a long term view is a better approach because I'm stalling or are beginner programs better because I'm weak?
>tfw running 'The Slavic Swole'
So much accessory volume. And who doesn't love doing daily max attempts for presses and squats 4x per week each.
Jelly tbH.
Imho that means beginner programs are just enough volume to get you to that stage, so you need to move on. So I'd suggest you move on to Nuckols' 3x intermediate. Since you're working a very physical job, start gauging your RPE and get good at it, because you may want to transition to autoregulated training.
Also, you need to eat.
Cheers for feedback mate, appreciate it.
Stuffing down around 3k calories atm, as best I can judge (mess provides food so can only guess what I'm consuming now. previously tracked) and only just maintaining. Hard but trying to stuff myself at every meal to keep it going. Rest on point.
I'll give the intermediates a go and see what happens
Could try adding hard-boiled eggs somewhere in your day. Cheap and easy to prep. Various shakes, with or without supplements, are also good (ref. Garagebro).
You'll notice the squat 3x is based on RPE on the LB and FS day. It can be a good idea to be a bit conservative with your RPEs in the beginning while adjusting to the volume - e.g. do the 10RM with one or two reps in the tank, and FS @ 7 to 8 instead of 8 to 9.
Some people wonder how to work up to the xRMs. I did sets of e.g. 10 while adding weight until I reached my 10RM for the day (and 8 reps up to 8RM on week 2, etc). Some other anons here had a target weight based on their estimated 1RM (e.g. 70% of e1RM). I want to suggest the former, but it's up to you. It's going to be a painful day either way.
Good luck and have fun.
>sheiko is a meme for bench
>muh protein
how dyel are you
sheiko is literally best thing that happend to my bench?
yeah me too gained 15kg on my bench
Trying to squish this Norman khan out of my butthole but he's being a stubborn one
ooh boy and that was a really STINKY SMELLY Norman khan
Him usually the dry shits aren't nearly as smelly aa the wet ones huh..
Everyday, exact same time.
I envy you. Pooping at irregular times sucks.
who /semi sumo/ here?
>not as hard off the ground as the sumo
>still takes some work on the lock out like conventional
>good back form
>good ROM
semi-sumo masterrace
Damn a solid SSSCNTK100 just came shooting from my asshole. 1 big log and I think there will be a few more smaller logs to come
Anybody know gibbs best lifts in competition?
He's competing tomorrow by the way at 1:30pm Sydney time
>Bought standard sized condoms for the first time
>so small they ripped before I got them down all the way
I do accessories Monday and Friday, and I train intense/heavy on Wednesdays.
I ran large load and it didn't add anything. I could've had an off night, but I was still extremely off putting. I do plan on doing medium load for all lifts when I'm 12 weeks out, and at the very least that should maintain my bench.
Next day after hookgrip for the first time thumbs dont hurt and are barely feeling numb
Hookgrip is goat desu cant wait to max out with it
what was the name of the fat ginger powerlifter who posted her
hookgrip goat
Tired of lifting too much weight with shit form.
I heard Sheiko unfucks peoples form, and it looks comfy.
37/30/32 spreadsheet good?
Current lifts are 5/4/3@165lbs
You bench 4 plates and diddle 3? Damn senpai
well probally because you didnt recover properly, guess you fell for the 'train 100% everytime' meme