Can anyone give me an idea of strength/weight goals? I'm currently training on the para 9 week program to prep for assessment, though I intend to go for a good 6 month before applying. Its 75% cardio and the rest is crunches/push ups + a small gym routine. I've added squats, deadlift, bench and sled pulls to it.
Anyone else have experiences in/applying for the military? US/UK/ANZAC whatever
Military is all endurance and cardio. Work on your core strength and do pull/push ups.
I wouldn't bother with compound lifts as you'll lose so much weight and muscle during basic it's depressing.
You'll be doing some form of running and endurance training every day while at a deficit. Also learn to run whilst needing to take a shit.
T. Marinefag
Nathaniel Cook
Mostly what kind of shape most recruits are in when they show up for tests/physical assessments etc. Aside from the run times and push up counts. I've lost a lot of weight as I haven't been to the gym in a year and lived poor as shit. I'm looking to put some back on now gradually but keeping it in check and slim with lots of exercise and maintenance/small surplus. Given the emphasis on bodyweight exercise and cardio I'd think most are very slim but just watching the videos of them, some of those guys are fucking huge. It doesn't really add up in my mind.
Thanks for the advice mate. OHP completely slipped my mind and I'll get on that too. I live in an area that is nothing but valleys. Steep 300m hill just to leave my house every day. I'm making the most of it all with my cardio as I really want to hit the ground running and get into paras. Fuck the normal army t bh
Michael Edwards
Aus army here seriously just do a basic strength program 3-4 days a week and do a combination of interval training and body weight circuits, If you want to be a paratrooper get really good at pull ups
Alexander Campbell
You'd actually be surprised at the amount of skinny fats and skellies that end up joining. Not too many fatties because there's a standard all recruits need to meet. >2 pull ups >12 minute mile >40 crunches under 60 secs
If you're dedicated about going spec ops then make sure you have the right mind set for it. As cliche as it sounds it's all mental. You will be fatigued, uncomfortable, and pushed to your limits on a daily basis. The whole program is designed so only the most dedicated stay on. You seem pretty determined so use that determination when you're getting wrecked by your instructors and all you want to do is quit.
Get your core strength up. Make sure you have a solid back and legs are going to be a priority as well. Not sure what they do in paratrooper training but if you insist on getting a good base use a strength training routine try and hit your entire body twice a week and make sure you do a fuck ton of cardio.
Nolan Peterson
That sounds encouraging. Also glad to hear back+legs as priority because they've always been my strong point. The requirements for what I'm going for are: >1.5 Mile *(2.4km) to be completed under 09:40 minutes >55 situps in 2 minutes >55 pressups in 2 minutes >7 upper body pull ups *(heaves) on a chinup bar in the gym
Doesn't sound too bad but I've never timed myself running. Guess I'll start tomorrow
Connor Edwards
Those standards are abysmal.
Thomas Taylor
>live chat opens 9am >9:12 and still closed Military discipline huh
Evan Robinson
Doesn't sound too bad but I've never timed myself running. Guess I'll start tomorrow You should definitly practice the fitness assessment so you can get an idea of how much you need to improve in each area, remember all those numbers are minimum standards if you want to get selected for anything special you need to stand out
Jack Lopez
Gotcha. I will start tracking my counts/times this week and see what I can do in the next month. Thanks user. Will also need some time to think about how I'll break it to the gf
Colton Hall
>Will also need some time to think about how I'll break it to the gf its over
Brayden Hall
That's my point
Kevin Ortiz
>Chair Force
lol what're you gonna tell OP about the military how to organize your desk or what? fucking Air Force man always acting like they're in the military in the traditional sense when really they're glorified DOD civilians. Worst are your security forces guys who think they're high speed low drag flipping IDs at the gate. Y'all flyboys crack me up for real. Keep doing your thing though man, in all fairness you're probably Veeky Forums as fuck because you can go to the gym all the time and never lose gains in the field. But replying to a thread about military fitness for a guy who's trying out for airborne infantry? Come on man, you gotta be trolling.
Christian Russell
In the British forces being late is illegal due to the weirdness of military law.
Carson Brown
Evan Hughes
Pretty much this. If you're prepping for any kind of assessment/selection you can pretty much give up on going to the gym and lifting heavy. Long distance endurance is gonna be huge, running with weight is gonna be huge, and body weight exercises are gonna be important too in terms of fitness tests, so hit those pull-ups/push-up/sit-ups pretty hard. I would do some kind of pull up workout every day or every other day. Nothing huge just a pyramid or 3xF every day. Not sure about AUS/NZ but in the us military pull ups are really important for whatever reason.
For long distance endurance, run. Run hills, run intervals, run sprints, run long distance steady state, just run everything. I try to do a hill sprint workout, an interval workout, a top speed sprint workout, and a distance workout every week. Swim and row too if you can.
But yeah man other anons are right about lost gains. I would just give up on that right now. You'll have plenty of time for the gym once you get selected but for now it's a waste of time. One piece of advice for selection: don't ever consider giving up. Don't even let the thought of quitting cross your mind at any point and if it does, punish yourself by working twice as hard. Oh yeah and dump your gf now because she's gonna cheat on you. Good luck bro.
Evan Jones
Thanks mate, appreciate all the advice. I'll continue the compounds but I am only doing them once a week for strength. Cardio and hills are definitely my focus. Don't suppose you can recommend any gear for weight on walks? Or am I best just stuffing a hiking pack?
Kayden Walker
>compounds once a week
Yeah nothing wrong with this honestly. Good for injury prevention if nothing else.
Since I'm not sure of the physical requirements in foreign militaries I can't give you the best advice. However I would assume that if you're going to be in the infantry you're gonna have to hike a lot with a lot of weight, and in elite American units we have timed hikes where the time requirement is such that you have to run for the majority of the distance to meet it. I assume it will be the same for you guys, so yeah your best bet is to get a sturdy pack (if you want you can get a military style pack with a metal frame otherwise your gonna have a bad time running) so that you can put 40-50 lbs in it without worrying about it breaking. Then start out by just walking a few miles with it, and once you can pretty easily hike 10 miles at a fast walk start running with it. Or if you want a weighted vest would work too. But if you're gonna spend the money you can probably keep the pack for when you get selected so it'll be a good investment. I spent nearly 400$ on my pack and it was worth every penny.
Daniel Ross
Thanks again. I'm not entirely sure but I think unlike you guys we aren't allowed our own kit. I'll check on that, but regardless I'm sure I'd be able to sell off anything before I leave. I'll have a look for military metal frame packs here, I've no doubt I can find some in a country all about hiking mountains.
Blake Howard
Learn how to run properly. No-one will teach you how in the military.
Adam Sullivan
it's pretty much all endurance.
as long as your cardio + strength endurance is up you will be fine!
Levi Hill
the hell is "running properly"? when i run, the only things i pay attention to is my breathing and to make sure my arms keep relatively still
Nathan Turner
Just tab mate.
Julian Wright
>triggered grunt with 30 asvab score Hey man don't be salty I was born with a brain!
Andrew Torres
Watch NavaTheBeast. He does a lot of gym videos and PFT videos so you get to see how fit a marine is when they get perfect scores.
William Kelly
this guy
nice roast m8
Jonathan Clark
Ausfag here, I joined with the bare minimum fitness standard. Literally throwing up at the end of the beep test. Passed basic with no worries what so ever. Topped my platoon in school of infantry when it came to pt. Unless you're going to be an idiot and go direct entry sf, don't worry a fuck about fitness, you'll probably lose it in basic anyways. Also don't join the fucking infantry.
Michael Brown
Paras are shite mate. Go RM.
James Cooper
Not OP but
Would doing cardio three times a week be enough?
I dont want to stop lifting because I love it too much.
Liam Johnson
Why not join infantry?
John Ortiz
It will eat away your fucking soul. You'll get shit on day in and day out for no reason at all. Maybe 1 day a week you'll do training that'll actually improve your skills as a war fighter. 99% of what you do will be bullshit tasks for the sake of looking busy because when push comes to shuv, you're a warfighter in peace time. If you want to make a difference, be a medic or an engineer or something where you can actually do your job when you're in country and come out the other side with some qualifications. If you want to be a fucking gangsta war dog, join a shitty pog corps, read, train, make connections, drill yourself then put in your SF application ASAP.
Oliver Nguyen
yes you would have to do more if you want to be king of pt though
Eli Reed
>30 asvab Lel stay mad POG Pic related
Cooper Butler
Again man, I get that you don't want to stop lifting but if you're thinking about joining you're wasting you're time. I lost pretty much 100% of my lifting gains in boot camp and infantry training. Once you finish training and get to your unit there will be plenty of time to make a workout plan and start lifting and getting swole again
Wyatt Morales
You fell for the bait you fucking retard. Jesus.
Jeremiah White
Definitely not bait. The first line of defense of the POG when faced with his own inferiority is to go for the asvab score and I happened to have my SRB sitting on my desk.
Sebastian Turner
Training to get in is what you want to aim for. I had a friend who got Veeky Forums before enlisting in the army. Took a before and after and looked fucking awful in his after. Went from muscle to skinnyfat. He said they did minimal-effort physical work and mainly focused on cardio. Even said there were fatties that out ranked him
Cameron Thompson
Samuel Rogers
Was thinking about joining my countries para troopers
How important is that? I need to run 2700m in 12 min, im aiming for 3km in 12.
Ryder Ramirez
About to join the army, any tips?
Wyatt Diaz
Get a 18x (SF) or option 40 (75th). Score over 110 on the ASVAB. Work out; just cardio and muscular endurance (HIIT is good). Go here Handbook Final v4.pdf it'll tell you and all the other interested anons more than you want to know, but it's the real programs and not bullshit opinions. Worst case if you fail you'll still be a an airborne infantryman, which is pretty badass. Regular grunts will see the most action if/when something big pops off. Finally if you get the opportunity pull the trigger, because it's war and these people (hadgi in my case) will do anything they can to kill you and your boys.
Robert Foster
>any tips Join the marines
Evan Flores
Navy Corpsman here. Friendly reminders to every soldier or sailor to wash your ass. The Silver Bullet shouldn't cone back out coated in shit. If you can learn anything from the rest of the Navy bois, wash your ass.
Andrew Long
Anyone done OCS here?
I'm currently enlisted USMC and finished my bachelors during my enlistment. I want to apply for an OCS reservist contract after my EAS.
Any tips at all would be appreciated.
Jordan Roberts
Post asvab pls
Brandon Adams
This poster has it right. Core strength is the most important next to endurance (12 mi. rucks 8 mi. runs etc..).
Having a combat load strapped to your chest/back will break a weak core. Do your sit ups, flutterkicks and even overhead squats/lunges to train that core up.
Luke Bennett
fellow ausfag here, was considering enlisting. how long did it take for you to get from enlistment to kapooka, i keep hearing 3 months to a year.
Nathaniel Peterson
Lol pj has one of the highest washout rates of all sof selection processes.
There are fat stupid grunts with desk jobs. Infantrys not special.
Maybe if they had wings and worked closely with airforce personnel theyd have some respect, dirty stinking legs
Lincoln Collins
cocksucking bootneck detected. remember the falklands?
Wyatt Wright
Anyone in the Army Reserves got time for a few questions? Trying to facilitate college and seeing what I can do by joining.
Not a lot of people chomping at the bit to throw me $20k, seems like my best option.
Henry Robinson
Us airborne here. Love paras. But you guys really are literally the most homo no homo unit ive ever seen.
Benjamin Ward
3 para mortar, they are infamous.
what division are you in?
Dylan Campbell
I am going to join the Marines and got an 88 on my ASVAB. I still want to go infantry, but my recruiter, and even the guy giving me the test said it would be stupid. Would you guys recommend I do what I want, or just strive for a better job that I probably won't like. My plan is to do infantry, maybe try out for recon, and after a few years if I hit corporal, try out for MARSOC.
Kayden Anderson
Im in training for paras to, though by the look of it, im a few weeks, or even a month or two behind you in terms of physical ability. You can add me on kik if you want, and we can help eachother out in prepping for PRAC. My usernames al3xw00ds
Alexander Wright
1/82. Did a couple missions in germany with para. Always a good time.
Leo Reyes
I remember being that infantry guy whose identity was that I'm an infantry guy
Its like looking into the past. Good thing I left
Anyways hes not wrong. OP is a dummy that didn't specify a trade, and air force guy is a dummy who thought anyone needed training advice for chair force fitness.
If you're going into actual combat arms (infantry, eng, medic, etc) start carrying a fuckton of weight on you and moving around in it quickly for hours. The military is divided into two fitness roles: people who have to carry all their equipment/supplies and those who do not. If you're in a trade where you need to carry supplies, train for that because new recruits almost universally suck at marching around all day with 80lbs on their backs
Luis Williams
Looking for the replies, then realized we aren't on /k/.
Cooper Miller
Enlisted TACP here will be JTAC certified next year. Special Forces is ALL CARDIO no one cares if you bench and squat 2pl8, rather it's if you can ruck for 5 miles then do it again and again. Then run another 2 miles to top it off. PJ and CCT have extra fun cuz they have to go to scuba school, so better start swimming too. If you can't swim underwater for 50M or 1500M freestyle you wont even make it into the pipeline. I prepared for the pipeline by always breathing as deep as I can to increase lung capacity and running 4x weekly until I puked. Really is Chair force. Hell, even pilots barely get fly time.
What's even funnier is watching scrubs whisper "Damn check his beret, he's special forces!"
Do what makes you happy, I have a bachelor's in Biology but I still went enlisted instead of as an officer cuz we get to do the fun shit. I honestly would recommend the Air Force, Marines are known to do more with little but it's not for everyone. The Oohrah! attitude wears off quick when your joints are killing you. If you do join Infantry try to learn a skill that would be beneficial after the Military, get your associates through the online college it's easy as fuck. Or do medic etc. Good luck bro, quitting is the easy part.
Gavin Long
Let's face it, if you can run and you do frequent push ups, you'll be fit enough. (I know pull ups are important for the Royal Marines too - don't know about Paras.)
Most important thing is conditioning your body well so that you don't get injured during training. Do lots of core stability exercises and small unilateral movements to ensure balance. Do not neglect the smaller muscles/areas like the abductors (essential to avoid knee problems when running) and rotator cuff.
Kayden Foster
Hey, I got a BS in bio as well and I'm enlisted too
I kinda wish I did infantry, I'm in the air wing and it's chill and all, but it gets boring. I really liked going out in the field with my boys and even though rucking sucked, you were all in it together, you know?
Isaiah Johnson
You need connections in high places. Having a family member in the corps is a big plus. Getting a recommendation from a top dog at your school goes a long way. The selection process is extremely competitive and most of the other OCS applicants are from wealthy families with all of the above.
It's doable but you need to show dedication and have something that sets you apart from the rest of the applicants. I made lance corporal in basic and finished top of my class in MOS school and because of that I was offered a grant at my school only for marines and was pushed to apply to OCS.
OCS is pretty easy it's all team work based training so make sure you communicate and get a long with everyone in your battalion. The hard part is being selected.
Elijah Murphy
USMC Sergeant here. You literally need no preparation to complete basic training/boot camp. Even when you hit the op forces the most PT you'll do as a unit is a hike with a pack. I know fat asses with 35% body fat and i know skinny bitches who have never picked up a weight in their life and they are perfectly fine. Literally, dont worry about it, do your normal lifting routine.
Connor Cruz
I heard that you guys have recruits ruck long distances. Isn't that horrible for joints? What's the benefit?
Camden Edwards
The benefit is being able to ruck long distances and learning to deal with discomfort over a long period of time
Ethan Hall
It is horrible for joints. In fact, most the physical 'training' exercises the Marine Corps does is based off nothing more than broscience with the sheer intent of risking injury for the sake of looking 'tough' and 'manly'. Anyone who says otherwise is some shillbot brainwashed fucktard who took corporal's course to heart and isn't going to amount to anything in life because they'll stay in with their douchebag position and continue to self propagate their own fallacy laden ideologies for the sake of it being easy and 'back in my day' they did things MUCH harder. It's an endless cycle.
tldr; marines are fucking dumb
Anthony Bell
8 years infantry here, this guy has it. Whether for qualification standards or just your day to day work, it's almost entirely cardio. Though if you're going USMC it would behoove you to get really good at pull ups too.
Ryan Davis
No, he said, "military". Gtfo.
Owen Smith
Dont join infantry. You can still do recon or MARSOC as a POG. I lat moved out of infantry because its gay as aids. Do logistics or air wing mechanics.
Ian Brown
or maybe because rucking is more useful in actual combat than doing 60 minutes on a fucking elliptical, and having your joints getting fucked up in the long run is just the price you pay for being a soldier.
Michael Anderson
Learning to deal with discomfort over long periods of time is probably the single most useful skill you can have in the Marines.
Brayden Edwards
Posting from Fort Benning basic bro, just work on apft standards like push ups, situps, and running. I'm in my recovery week right now with 6 days left. Good luck bro
Julian Hill
Being king of pt is its own reward it's just that military pt tests are running, push ups sit ups pull ups not squat bench and deadlift, being strong is great but past a certain point it stops carrying over to your run time and push up count. It depends what job you want to do in army for inf the wait is long because you are waiting for someone to quit but if you want to be a truck driver you could be on the bus in two weeks Pack marching long distance is more a mental thing and gear prep ability compared to how fit you need to be at the end of the day its essentially walking with intermittenet jogging most of the problems i've seen people have is that their packs are unbalanced and they're wearing the wrong socks and underwear
Hudson Hall
The Sgt here. My knees and hips barely work anymore after being infantry for my first enlistment. I thought rucking long distances was stupid becauze even on deployment you ride everywhere in vehicles. Til one day I was out of the wire and we took contact. All the vehicles became immobile and comms never work obviously. Had to ruck 19 miles back. That is the only reason and justification for doing formation hikes for more than 5 miles. Either way, theyre still pretty easy.
Juan Phillips
You can go in as a radio operator and still try for recon selection, plus if you don't make it you're not stuck in the infantry battalions. Trust me, infantry in peacetime(ish) is NOT where you want to be.
Noah Johnson
The guys that do the best in the military are the little manlet otter mode guys. Your 1RMs don't mean shit. You just need to be able to run around and carry shit all day long.
Christopher Garcia
You have internet in basic? We were in very different situations...
Brody Butler
Accurate as fuck. Why should you wear sappies to the range if you dont HAVE to? Because training yourself to wear them while you shoot is more important than being comfortable for a few hours.
Noah White
Everyone besides the marines do at this point bro. Theyre also the only ones without gender integrated training. And it makes both sexes better that way.
Cameron Miller
Marines aren't soldiers; and I'd love to hear all about how you're a master of "actual combat". Shut the fuck up, retard. When you're getting shot at it doesn't matter how many miles you've walked through the park with a 60 pound bag. Learning to deal with discomfort over long periods of time? You don't need to fucking learn anything, you just fucking do it. There's nothing you have to prepare for because in a real situation you don't have the fucking choice. Either you can survive or you can't. Outside of boot camp to weed out people who won't hack it faced with adversary, there's no point in breaking your body down.
Camden Martin
No internet, but this Mongolian basket weaving forum takes barely any data to use.
Austin White
Training to be able to lift yourself up, have decent core strength, run a moderate distance without passing out, carrying and dragging another marine as well as being able to maneuver your body to amf through a fight quickly and move ammunition is pointless broscience? You're either a disgruntled Lance who doesn't understand that nobody is out to make your life miserable or you were unable to reenlist because you sucked at your job and PT.
Evan Reed
MARSOC and recon are both 03xx MOSs so they are infantry.
>logistics or air wing
Nigger if you are planning from the start to go MARSOC/recon why the fuck would you start out with a bottom tier POG as fuck MOS? Nothing against those jobs but there is literally zero carry over and it will make you soft as shit. If you are legitimately planning to go operator and not just talking out of your ass it makes way more sense to start out as a grunt.
Camden Gomez
Actually, I'm a SARC HMC. But does that really fucking matter here? You couldn't even begin to argue anything beyond assuming who/what I am, so just shut the fuck up, boot
Liam King
OP I have been preparing for Pararescue as well. I am 6'1" at 162 lbs and so far I have been running every other day since January. So far I got my 1.5 miles to 12 minutes on good days. I feel I have reached a plateau when it comes to my running because now my shin splits are really hurting. As for the swimming part, I feel that is a greater challenge then the body weight standards. As long as I keep up my training though, especially my swimming routine, I feel I would be ready for the extensive training by November. Anyone got advice on helping getting rid of the pain of my shin splits, it's ridiculous, i haven't ran in 3 days and i still feel pain even when walking.
Easton Perez
The reason they opened up both MARSOC amd recon to all MOS's is because the marine corps has realized that you dont need to be am infantrymen in order to learn how to effectively and intelligently make decisions and solce problems under pressure. Not all infantrymen are badass studs who destroy the PT tests. I'd say most are either skinny as fuck or pudgy and have no ambition to better themselves in anyway. Dont be closeminded and get swallowed in your pride of being an 03xx. I'm in so much better shape, I'm happier, and have more free time to do whatever I want be it lift, go to school, or have sex with my wife since I left the infantry for my new "bottom tier POG" MOS. You're ignorant as fuck.
Jose Russell
You're whole argument was that the PT is pointless. I explained to you why it's not pointless. You called me a boot as your rebuttal. You really got me there with your masturdebator skills bud.
Jayden Reyes
former long distancefag here. the cure we got for shinsplints was to keep running. its a muscle imbalance so just rest properly and ice them up after runs. but that is not a "plateau". dont be a pussy
Jordan Peterson
Figured out my army questions but thanks for the response, bro.
Thomas Wright
No, the way the USMC approaches physical training is fucking stupid - not that you'd understand why, you can barely tie your shoes without someone telling you how. Destroying your joints isn't going to make them stronger or anybody more combat effective than proven physical training regimes that will condition your body to perform at levels required for combat.
Why do you think there's so many fat Marines out there, or half the FMF is a bunch of skinnyfat kids? At any rate, you're a fucktard, and I'm done talking to you
Gavin Barnes
>Learning to deal with discomfort over long periods of time? You don't need to fucking learn anything, you just fucking do it. There's nothing you have to prepare for because in a real situation you don't have the fucking choice. Either you can survive or you can't. Outside of boot camp to weed out people who won't hack it faced with adversary, there's no point in breaking your body down.
I genuinely can't tell if you're trolling. Did you not have guys in boot who started like shit and got better? Maybe you inherently have the grit or not, but part of the point of boot camp is to filter those people BEFORE real situations come up. It's an imperfect filter to be sure, but it tests people who likely have not had to endure long periods of discomforting bullshit before.
Carter Fisher
run less often and do it on grass, you possibly need to look at getting better shoes or orthotics. You can look up stretches on google You also need to learn to swim better consider getting a coach for a few sessions for stroke correction
Luke Murphy
Consider mobility exercises as well. It won't necessarily make you a better runner but it can mitigate some of the discomfort as you train.
Evan Bailey
Daily reminder military is not a depression cure
Ryan Gomez
How many miles do I need to be running every week to get into a SOF type deal?
Currently im doing around 3 x 9 mile runs with alternating intensity and a few where i just run up a hill over and over again until I puke into a tree
Eli Nguyen
What makes you say that?
Ryan Martin
You ain't in the military
Elijah Wright
Can be if your depression is caused by a lack of routine/purpose
Zachary Evans
Military will only give you a job, not a purpose. If you go in rudderless, you will be rudderless. All you get is a punishment for not doing your work. >30 soldier suicides a day
Easton Lewis
Well for someone who's neet/unemployable at most places just getting a job can be a godsend