Old one reached 300+ replies

>no nipple covering surface edition
>h-how long till ottermode friends edition
>lmao2pl8benchstillnochest edition

how's your summer cut going anons?


Looking good, work on those pecs. Nice abdomen.

Its going senpai. Down from 88.7kg to 83.4. Wanna get down to 80kg at 195 cm before I go to Greece in June, then Im gonna bulk

how am i doing boys


It bothers me that you have the before pic to the right. Do over

looking cute, lifts/height? please be my bf?



thx user, you're in this frustrating state where it's unclear whether you should cut or bulk, imho you should start gaining some serious mass, would fit your frame well and give you teh V taper

Yeah I know, would love to add some mass but I have too much fat on my ass/hips, which makes me look like shit when I wanna wear nice cloths. Im gonna go for that first and then bulk up, my ass looks huge if I wear suit pants with tucked in shirt

H-have I left skelly mode yet?


>unclear whether you should cut or bulk
unless you've been lifting for more than 2.5 years, the answer is ALWAYS lean bulk.

when you have more muscle mass you look leaner at higher bf%



i understand that rationale, but it can feel really frustrating to be skinnyfat and i understand the urge to get that fat off as fast as possible first

3/10 got me to respond

chad-lite mode, nice



about 2 months of bw excersise, no gym

Thot so

I'd say your at ottermode, maybe lose a couple more pounds so that you'll look cut without optimal lighting, mirin' though
work your abs, make sure to do at least a few ab isolations along with your compound exercises
mirin' but your baby face is kinda givin me the creeps lol
good progress buddy
work your chest more, other than that, looking pretty cut
yes, try and maintain during the summer, or even put on a little mass,then go full bulk mode in the late fall

coming up to 3 years lifting, 179 cm and 78kg morning weight, gonna try and lose a couple more kg so I'll be shredded as fuck, have lost quite a bit of strength since the bulk though, I probably lift about 5% less on every compound
>get cut, get butt

Take the tren


here's 1.5 year progress, 6'

>dat lighting

started cutting a month ago or so, probably 1-2 more months to go

6'2 185 - 190 lbs (depends on when i weigh myself)

how the fuck did u get rid of those huge scars??


2 months of lifting after an 8 month hiatus. Muscle memory is serving me well I think. Currently doing a 4-day split. How am I doing?

looking shredded bro, keep it up, get on that bulk life and watch ur lifts skyrocket

a couple questions
1. post a pic before you quit lifting

2. what did you do in between the break? bodyweight stuff? im considering having a huge break from lifting

Are you me? Was 87kg down to 83kg trying to get to 80 for a trip to Greece in June

Maybe Ill see you there familam, we can eat some fried calamari and have a beer

Hallo Moritz

looking fucking massive bro! stats?

any advice for preventing hair loss on deca?


3 months of going to the gym now, trying to make some good progress. Used to weigh 107kg 2 years ago.

Post arm day. 6'0, 190lbs.

inb4 why tattoo

aw cute as fuck :)

would give head to

Before i start lifting, to the end of my first bulk. Did it disgustingly dirty (4k+ cals a day of pizza, junkfood and weightgainer)
40lbs difference

Gotta get big cmon

175 cm
~75 kg

summer cut going bad, i think i need to get down to 205 but, i hate being weak and thin

Yeah I wrote my height twice on accident, just noticed, my bad

Also, is my chest too small?

what do i need to focus on?



Chest. Looking good tho.

you still post here? kek

stop posting your faces you faggots

just started posting again, havnt been very motivated to because of life and well theres nothing really changing much at this point for like a year now so

I'm at that point too

I hit 180 and I can't get any bigger without gaining bodyfat or hopping on the train so I don't bother posting anymore

I remember you though gj hope your modelling shit is still paying the bills. Thanks for losing the wallet chain

Is that a McFit in Austria?

understandable reason to not post but there are people who enjoy seeing your body, don't you care about them?

cute, 9/10 would bang from behind

I don't know what to do /fit. I want to keep cutting but not much to cut to. But I am so tired of lifting baby weights and wanna make some progress. What do

My summer cut so far. Thoughts?

Ya I feel ya. I think if my health was better and I didnt have to worry doctor stuff all the time I think I should be able to gain another 5-7 pounds of solid muscle in my life time. But I think realistically with my situation. Given that I havent really changed much in the past year it pretty much is what it is now. Its funny because I can get TRT pretty easy, but I just have read to many forums about it going bad for people at first trying to get the right dose etc and its hard enough keeping my hair as it is with all this lupus shit lately so just trying to stay content somehow...
As for the chain oh I still wear it, im just in my pajamas in the pics. And ha, thanks hope things are going well with you whatever youre doing as well.

5'9 175~

I cant tell which, if either, is supposed to be the before pic.

You're already quite lean, I wouldn't be too aggressive

I'll post in next CBT

I haven't taken a picture in a while either.. guarantee I look objectively 'worse' because I've gained 20 pounds since last year, but I'm way bigger than I used to be. In a good way, I find, but I don't have my insectoid six-pack anymore

y-you too

wide hip, big oblisques masterrace reporting. 6 months in.
188cm 6"2), 87kg

i'm holding you to it dickhead, and you BETTER show lots of skin. no tank top sweatpant bullshit

Mcfit Mariahilferstraße in Vienna

6'2 195

>cut 13lbs from 185
>still look like dogshit
Fuck. If only I had bigger shoulders and arms...

really good body bro, cut a little more sou you don't need to flex 24/7 to have a six pack

God damn vascubrah it's been a hot minute since I last seen you.

You should hop on the gear train man. Why not?

yes, change drugs, go full on test E along with anavar, you'll get much more clean results, without hair loss, lower chance of gyno, its more expensive, but the results are out of this world, its almost like Tren's small brother

focus a lot on your arms bro, you'll look lot better, you look like you focus too much on compounds, don't get attached to routines, do a fuckton of isolations and you'll be good, focus on shoulders and arms

That's a really nice bathroom. Is this you?

Not the user you responded to, but I just needed some advice as to whether or not what I'm doing is stupid

I ordered gear (test, var, arimidex, and nolva for pct) and got my var early, but my test won't come in until next week. I started running 90-100mg of var ED, and then add my test once it comes in until I run out of var (7ish weeks) and start bumping up to a bulk afterwards.

After that, continue doing Test E alone for 2 weeks, then run dbol 50mg ed for 6 weeks.

So it's a 14-15 week cycle of test, var, and dbol with arimidex on hand.

Is that stupid or nah? Sorry for the long lame question senpai

Will do man, thx

How do you get those six packs. Is it all lot of ab work needed to make that happen?

>bretty good

5 9 147lbs 3 years

What's your routine look like? you look good m80


It used to he HST, now I just dick around and work out what I think needs more work.


CHAD dicks around at the gym and eats PIZZA while the rest of CBT does starting STRENGTH and looks like an unaesthetic small piece of lard

you dont even need to post
>n..n.. no ho.. homo..

Strength training is useful when you start out in my opinion but most people stick to numbers and lose track of the bigger picture and this will cause disproportions in their physiques. Let alone that they "only" focus on three lifts when there are a lot of movements that benefit from strength gains.

The only time I impressed a girl with my squat is when I squatted her on my back.

>be me
>pretty strong for time lifting
>look like garbage

h-heh lifting for girls!!! shiggy diggy!!

6'0 175

no downlighting, no pump, and no gf

I do ab isolation exercises, but the most important thing is low bodyfat. Was also lucky with the lighting in the picture

My traps wont pop my dudes

time heals all wounds user.

and Vitamin A.


So you want to become the ultimate skeleton?

Anyway enjoy your time here.

Bad insertions, don't worry. Traps are the most un-aesthetic muscle group besides hamstrings. I have great trap genetics, but I avoid training them to the max to keep them down.

Been at it for 6 months now. A-am I gonna make it ?

cut more pajeet
looking promising tho

6 foot 1 190 cutting ten more lbs

aw fuck, your back looks great
also jelly of your frame


bruh why did you train obliques so much if you know you have wide hips? concentrate on lats more, you look like a pear atm
nice arms doe would let u fist me/10

inb4 hurr durr fuck off

5'9 dyel manlet, 147lbs
Been lifting for like a month and a half, started bulking and doing calisthenics like 3 months ago, obviously flexed as fuck in this picture.
D-do you think I can make it Veeky Forums?

Yeah man ur super shredded

there are 2 threads with your pics as the OP on /hm/

How to get the skin more tight?

170 cm/ 73,5 kg

why you browsing /hm/ m8

Lose weight.

There's a near 100% overlap in the visitors of /hm/ and Veeky Forums

Filmed myself changing to try and get an idea of how others see me naturally without flexing and shit
5'11" 88kg
do I even lift?