Home designated for best race in the world, you can post your lifts here and how easily you BTFO other races. Feel free to help each other after proving your whitness.
White Lifting General - /WLG/
black man checkin in. Feels good to be the actual superior race.
yea post body buddy
Daily reminder lifting and exercise as recreation was created by the white man and any nonwhites who hit the gym are recklessly culturally appropriating
That means you lotus
I have brown eyes, but otherwise, white features. Can i post here?
I hope you don't take creatine.
yes but you have to stand down when blue/green eyes want to lift in squat rack and you were first
>Dad and his have blue eyes
>Mom and his dad have brown eyes
>Every other male on my mother's side have blue eyes
>End up with brown eyes
h-hold me..
On average, whites tend to score the lowest on IQ tests. According to the American Secruity Counsel, there's been a growing trend in white crime, which seems to correlate with number of immigrate crimes being reported. Whites are also most likely to commit instances of incest.
There's a reason no one likes it when white people say they're proud of their race...literally the worst people on the planet
>implying racemixing is bad
spotted non white
>On average, whites tend to score the lowest on IQ tests.
merchant reporting, probably out life all of you
don't forget to buy lots of supplements!
>Whites are also most likely to commit instances of incest.
Muhammad GTFO
my greatest ally
and outlifted by whites
>best race in the world
exactly my point
still stronger than other races
>On average, whites tend to score the lowest on IQ tests.
Weak bait
current top 3 of strongmans is all white
Even you know that's not true.
non whites btfo
Heterosis, hybrid vigor, or outbreeding enhancement, is the improved or increased function of any biological quality in a hybrid offspring.
An offspring exhibits heterosis if its traits are enhanced as a result of mixing the genetic contributions of its parents.
good they dont forget where they come from
>stop watching netflix
>stop watching mtv
>stop watching tv in general
>start reading
>stand up straight when walking
>walk with good posture
>look everyone in the eye
>train hard at the gym at least 4 days a week
>train brazilian jiu-jitsu and muay thai
>don't back down when challenged by minorities
>stop looking at porn
>eat clean
>stop being a pussy
>when someone makes a joke or comment about whites don't laugh
>be proud of being white
>train brazilian jiu-jitsu and muay thai
cultural marxist detected
You could train Glima but the fact is, bjj combined with muay thai is the most effective way of combating enemies so you can hold your head up high when challenged.
Łajzeł wykurwiaj.
>stop pissing your life away on a Manchurian goat herding image posting forum .... and misc
you're a chantard. lowest of the low. total manchild
t. internet tough guy
fuck off you neet
you have no effect on me, minority
Jak ty soe chuju zwracasz do prezentera tv
>t. internet tough guy
I don't think you know what that means
haha this little pussy got his panties in a twist
technically I did have an effect in that you responded.
you're not the sharpest tool in the shed, eh.
brownskin MAD
im not even furious
>brazilian jiu-jitsu
memest mem
Zero evidence in humans, some information even indicates contary results
When whites send their people, theyre not sending their best
why are minorities so affected by mass media?
I have A LOT more respect for a black nationalists rather than the average fuck whitey memer
>best race
>literally copies /brown lifting general/ on the same day
I'm white and your insecurity makes all of us look bad you autists.
we have dan harmon
>don't back down when challenged by minorities
But I'm a minority you fucking faggot
so do you back down, or do you bang?
>Implying any of of those bodybuilding faggots have alot of strentgh yet alone can wipe their own assholes.
Friendly reminder that blacks are more aesthetic than whites without even trying
Friendly reminder that blacks have denser bones than whites and are far less likely to get osteoporosis
Friendly reminder that whites, especially the women, age like shit
Whites officially btfo gg no re
> America on course to becoming a white minority country within 15 years
>michael jackson
I wonder who's behind this post