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/FPH/FPS thread
no /FPH/ ?
/FPH/FPS thread
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Is John Burke /ourguy/ ?
>wasting NHS money
Medical expenses are backloaded though, and fatties die earlier. They probably save money.
Well u just got him another subscriber
Name one reason why being obese shouldn't be illegal.
>The blog Confessions of a Funeral Director describes a blaze resulting from the cremation of a morbidly obese person as a "grease fire".
>for millennia
>obesity stated becoming a thing in the 1980s
>literally only 40 years ago
The medical costs of treating them, even if they died at 35, exceeds costs of a healthy human who will live twice as long. Also medical community has less time, energy, and resources to treat ANY patient. Docs are fatigued from treating useless fatties all day. They take up a hospital bed, all those resource put into surgeries.
They are absolutely s drain on ANY health system. Even here in America.
>using tax money for fat loss surgery
They should just be euthanizing them
I say let people be as fat as they want, but once they venture into the obese category there should be zero publicly funded healthcare or benefits. If you want to be fat, fine. Go for it. But pay for it and everything that comes with it yourself.
They do kind of have a point with the lower left one, lots of ad campaigns use "skinny" girls instead of actual fit girls to promote their fitness gear; it is kind of stupid and sends the wrong message- female version of fit is just being "skinny"
Because there's not enough room in the prisons
Still a drain, even w/o direct benefits. Who has to employ that Lard ass? Where does he get money to buy excessive food? Someone has to pay fattycakes. I'll tell you first hand being forced to work with an obese lazy fantasy is torture. Especially when you work for tips that're divided evenly. Theyre a nuisance just be existing and should be dropped off on a deserted exile island
>However, because of differences in life expectancy (life expectancy at age 20 was 5 years less for the obese group, and 8 years less for the smoking group, compared to the healthy-living group), total lifetime health spending was greatest for the healthy-living people, lowest for the smokers, and intermediate for the obese people.
Maybe we should convince fat people to start smoking? It causes weight loss and would save even money by killing them off faster.
And as gross as smoking is, having a bunch more smokers around would be more aesthetic than having herds of greasy land whales roaming the land.
remember second-hand smoke, dumbass?
only thing worse than fatties is fatties literally giving us cancer
Prisoner obviously. How else am I to start the violent gang rape group? First i'd offer my own hole as a release for the lads then after a few weeks warm them up to the idea of taking turns. Eventually the guards are going to get jealous of our hole stretching sessions and willingly submit to our group. One by one they will be corrupted and have their holes violated until everyone has joined.
There will be no division, no hate, no pain.
Only the holes and filling them will matter.
And they shall be led by me, The Great Gape user the First.
I shall lead their minds into the light of pleasure and their shafts into holes of dark.
>remember second-hand smoke, dumbass?
Second hand smoke was unpleasant to be around, sure, but it causing cancer was an overblown meme. It isn't that dangerous.
ignore this wrong thread
You should be forcibly removed from society.
If they can do their job then thats fine, but if they start to struggle then employer should be able to fire them no questions asked. If they are self employed and pay for food themselves, that is also fine.
Let them take personal and financial responsibility for their gluttony, if they can't hold down a job then they are on their own. Fuck them.
>data and research based in the Netherlands
Costs of healthcare and living in America is way different than the Netherlands. This would only apply if we are assuming everyone scales health care costs like the Netherlands. Also it only lists people as 30+bmi, a lot of fatties in UK and the state's are way fatter than just 30 bmi. A 600 lb person will be more costly than a 200 lb one. So that study isn't nearly enough to say that it'd be cheaper to treat fatties
>600 lb person will be more costly than a 200 lb one.
And die even faster.
Worked in cafe with this fatass and he could NOT do the job. He was literally physically too big to fit behind the counter with the rest of us, so he'd walk around through the line of customers in the lobby each time he went to the back (we have to run back and fourth fairly often). So not only was it awkward for customers, but he avoided going back there and took FOREVER to get ANYTHING. He was lazy as fuck, always took too long on breaks, and I always had to clean up his lazy messes.
The manager was a fat little Persian guy who I think hired this guy to make his ugly ass seem more appealing. I ended up quitting because I was tired of doing all the work, yet having to share tips with this lazy fatass
Have you seen the my 600 lb life show? Have you seen the resources wasted there? And that's at an American level of health care costs, not the Netherlands
as science and spending increases, you'd be amazed at how long we can keep these bags of human filth alive. the limiting factor, unfortunately, is usually money related, or family related ('i don't care if they're braindead, i want them on life support')
t. nursefag
If only 46% of the U.S. jail and prison population wasn't incarcerated due to drug offenses
Not to mention such grotesque obesity puts your body so out of wack that they need to take 20-30 pills a day to get their biochemistry back on track. I bet these fat fucks pay $20-200 for their prescription, but insurance ends up paying $2k+ for. This reflects healthy people's premiums since it's discriminitory according to the US government to make the fat people pay more.
But if you look at auto insurance, shitty drivers are penalized by paying higher insurance rates. Being a fat shit who doesn't give a fuck about their health is akin to an auto insurance company insuring someone who has a history of speeding tickets, DUIs, reckless driving.
i started smoking to lose weight then quit a few years later and been sorta fit since then
works pretty good tbhs
>A policewoman who gained weight because she had a under-active thyroid claims she was forced to resign following pressure placed on her to pass the 'bleep test' fitness exam.
>She told an employment tribunal that she was put under huge pressure to pass the timed fitness test, which she repeatedly avoided due to health or childcare issues, or failed.
>The detective, who was referred to by her colleagues as 'Blue Moon' because she was so rarely at work,
>can't pass basic fitness test so don't show up to work
>"im being unfairly discriminated against!"
>The detective, who was referred to by her colleagues as 'Blue Moon' because she was so rarely at work
My Seids
>We also object that the beautiful pig is used as an insult
post cute piglets
post the one where it describes that guy on the left's thoughts
Did she eat #2 and #4?
>jail drug offenders
>jail obese
Yeah most blacks are already in prison
Feed the obese to prisoners to cut costs
I was saying we should stop incarcerating non-violent drug offenders. We shouldn't imprison fatties, we should just fine them.
An obesity tax
>blue moon
>physically can't do the job she's paid to do
>I'm being discriminated against!
by standard BMI most buff people are obese
no, then they'll just eat worse, fattier, cheaper foods
>'i don't care if they're braindead, i want them on life support'
Yeah I don't understand that. It just seems fucking wasteful to keep braindead people alive and seems like they're clinging. Must suck but Christ that's cruel as shit.
I want a bodyfat% based obesity tax starting at a low minimum at 20/25% (male/female), a warning fee, then increasing in brackets of 5% until Gordo Fatkinsson must choose between food and house
We kept my brain dead grandma on life support for ~72 hours. Long enough for the family that was out of town to get back and say 'goodbye' to her while she was still technically 'alive'.
It was pretty terrible, and I can't imagine dragging the process out any longer than required for necessities like that. How can you look someone you love in that condition and say "this is good, we should keeep this up for a couple years"?
>blue moon
fuark mirin double insult
I say we tax cheap shitty junk food so it's no longer cheap, and subsidize healthy foods.
You can get fat on beans and rice too
i want off this ride
I'm actually all for this. why do they tax tobacco and alcohol so much, but you can get a $1 400+cal cheeseburger? Tax the junk and use that money to subsidize healthy food. This will also help mom & pop restaurants compete with the mcdonald's on every corner.
but it's very unlikely
So this study is based in the Netherlands, where healthcare costs are approximately 40% cheaper than the US, on average.
In addition, only 18% of the Netherlands population is considered "obese" (BMI 30+).
With these facts in mind, it's possible to see how the difference in obesity rates and cost of healthcare in the United States can lead to vastly different results than in this study.
>by standard BMI most buff people are obese
No, their overweight.
Being Veeky Forums and obese is pretty impressive.
it's not about the quality it's about the quantity
when it comes to weight anyway, nutrition wise of course it's a different story
There have been fat peopke in the past, they were just unusual. The Ancient Egyptians had a wall to weird shit they found in the world (like a cross between a book of World Records and Ripley's believe it or not) that described a fat African Queen they'd made contact with. They though it was weird as fuck. And then there's the incredibly famous example of King Henry VIII. So there's always been the possibility.
i'm so confused, he's unattractive even though his bone structure is amazing how does that work
he has a weird nose
They apparently cost more than smokers, in Canada at least.
>comically fat chick comments on how she can't swim
>says she has a pool at home but almost drowned in it, saying "i almost drowned on land!"
>bite my cheek to keep from laughing at the landwhale
>have access to private pool
>be fat anyways
I just want to do laps but I hate public pools.
It's turned out medical professionals assume a patient is braindead way way way more often than they actually are. Keep up with the fucking research.
>his bone structure is amazing
Ly shit*
When a guy is lacking good cheekbones, jawline and has no good symmetry going on, that's bad bone structure.
lmao nice one
>natural shape
>one legged negress
'Overly obese' body sparks Ohio funeral home fire
Also Robinhood rules! Free stock.
For all you neets that wanted free stock, here you go, and sign up. Sign up for free money that makes money!
Saw this while shopping
This has to be satire.
I got a few ill dump.
If we can fit it in.
how is this possible?
american exceptionalism
She's going to go sit on a bus seat. Fucking gross.
Orlistat is a drug that, when combined with a calorie restricted diet can help fatties shed the pounds. What it does is act as a lipase inhibitor, reducing the body's ability to absorb dietary fat. Unfortunately fats, as has been well established over and over again, are not keen on anything requiring effort and view this drug as a magical quick fix. Thus they take orlistat without any dietary modifications and since their bodies no longer absorb the fats from all the pizzas and cheeseburgers they compulsively gobble down it gets purged from the system as this foul orangy liquid you see in the pic. Since the diabetes does pretty severe nerve damage they often don't even realize that they have shit themselves and will happily go about their day in public with orange, foul smelling leaky buttholes.
It's quite foul.
Daaaaaaayum that's well written
ngl this one is kinda cute
>beatiful pig
>well written
that poor fucking thing, how much it can't lift the person. That's goddamn cruelty.
That's like if a grown-ass man sat on a pomeranian .
>can't tell when a photo has been shopped to hell and back under copious amounts of makeup
nobodies face literally glows dumbass. Overexposure hides tons of flaws like folds, wrinkles, and cellulite.
I've seen everything on Veeky Forums from gore --> poop ---> rape and yet this photo actually made me feel sick
fucking unacceptable
Oh man laughing so hard at this one
All that tie thing in the front does is draw attention to her gunt.
>Hello Kitty backpack
Why does no one understand the most basic of dating concepts? Imagine yourself as the sex you're attracted to. That's who you can realistically date. It's not that hard.
>that moment when you go to snap city
No matter how many times I see this, I always expect that poor animals knees to give out. At some point someone had to question if letting him try to ride it counted as animal cruelty right?
So barely any nigs or spics. Do it in the US and watch the shitskins tip the scales (literally and in the study).
This has to be trolling.
Natural selection.