Didn't see one in the catalog so here's our new QTDDTOT.

Do you guys change programs often? I've been on PHUL for some time now and I kind of want to switch to a pure strength program but I don't want to be a program hopper.

new here
so are sets supposed to be done all at once or is it after a set you move to the next exercise

There are certain styles of training where you do one set of each exercise before moving onto the next exercise and then coming back to the first but that's not for beginners. Do all sets in one go with proper rest in between when you're starting out.

shit i've been doing the latter (moving from one to the other). is that bad?

It's not "bad" as much as it is impractical and unnecessary at your level.

here's what you do, using starting strength and a working weight of 2pl8 for reference.
>warm up
1x10@the bar
1x5-10@95lbs (25 on each side)
once your third set of 225 is done, move onto the next exercise. switching between exercises after each set is called supersetting, because the idea is that you're constantly performing some exercise to increase rate of muscle growth or reduce total time in the gym. it can sap strength and wear you out, so i'd highly suggest avoiding supersets of compound lifts.

I'm a skeleton. A fag told me there was skeleton general here. Couldn't find one, so I'll ask here:

How the fuck do I gain weight? Should I get a bit fat before I start hitting the gym?

I'm 6'1 ft tall with 138 lbs. Help me.

Find your TDEE, exercise and eat above that number. You can go as high above as you want to but the range that's generally accepted is 300-500 calories over your TDEE. Just google TDEE calculator to find out. The number might not be 100% accurate so track your weight and if you aren't gaining then up your caloric surplus.

Thanks, m8. Found a website with lots of info. Gonna buy a food and bathroom scale and download some app to track the calories. Wish me luck.

Am i the only one who does 1 rep sets for fun when they arent feeling up to a normal day

a lot of strength/power athletes do that. essentially, working up to a series of 1rm speed rep attempts

Currently doing ICF 5x5. Will doing Standing Press every workout have a negative effect, instead of doing it every other workout?

Speed rep? Like shorter con-/eccentric or low rest

each rep is done as quickly and explosively as possible while maintaining good form. often times people use bands for speed work, if that rings any bells

Thats interesting, ill have to try that next time instead of just grinding reps normally

Is 1/2/3/4 in 1rm?

Don't do that, I did that once because my shoulders would get inflames fro benching, my OHP reached intermediate stats while my bench and squat were at barely novice.

I'm not complaining but just saying.

Which one is better to get rid of fat and why?
A) 500 cal deficit for weigth loss from eating less
B) maintenance and 500 cal deficit from exercise

At minimum

Its a general strength level but the milestone is 1rm

I want to stop drinking caffeine and I don't want to take caffeine pills.

I'm so fucking tired without it though, and I get horrible headaches. It sucks having to willpower myself awake all day while dealing with shitty headaches.

Are rotated outward legs and inward knees due to muscle imbalance? I got a mri and it shows the bone looking normal.\

Yup. You have a weak muscle not pulling enough and an overactive muscle pulling too much basically. I can't remember how to fix that specific one off the top of my head but a quick google search should find it.

Thank god I was thinking my bones were rotated, I was close to getting surgery. I looked it up and its rotation of the legs due to muscles thanks!

I guess whining is KIND OF a question. In that you're looking up at your mommies and daddies to kiss it and make it better. Still though, I don't know. I don't think we needed to know that about you.

Oh whoops, I left my question out of it for some reason. What're some better ways to stay awake than drinking coffee or taking caffeine pills?

>I guess whining is KIND OF a question. In that you're looking up at your mommies and daddies to kiss it and make it better. Still though, I don't know. I don't think we needed to know that about you.
Wene yourself off it slowly, but you gotta stop or you'll eventually have a heart issue. I have a friend who drinks 5 hours and energy drinks daily and he recently went to the er due to a heart attack.

Why 3 to 5 sets for specific routines? Why not work harder and go for 6 to 8 sets?

Oh yes, great question! Unfortunately, I do not know. Maybe pinch your scrotum with pliers?

because regeneration and adaptation won't be done 48 to 72 hours later. If you did more sets you'd need more time to recover

>ok it takes longer but I will make more strength gains. isn't this more effective?

evidence shows 3-5x5 three times per week leads to the best results for beginners

oh the stupidity

I want to buy a wristwatch that
>displays time/date
>shows heartrate
WITHOUT any bluetooth connectivity to any smartphone, gps tracking, etc. basically nothing that sends any info to any other device/network.
Also, changeable battery is a plus. Don't want to have to plug it in to recharge every other day

Anyone know any such wristwatch to suggest?



Is there any harm in taking too many naps? I'm an overworked Veeky Forums autist, it's the only thing that stops my head hurting long enough for me to get some work done.

Getting back into gym after tendinitis in the wrist. All my usual compound lifts are fine now but I can't do barbell rows because something about that movement in particular aggravates the old injury. What's the best alternative I can do for lat development?

Dumbbell rows seem to be ok but are there better exercises for this purpose?

>I'm an overworked Veeky Forums autist
me too. best thing for me is work -> gym -> 8 hours sleep
caffeine, sugar and naps just fuck my shit up

doesn't exist. if you want to know your heart rate, grab a woman's hand and place it on your penis, then count how many times she yelps in 15 seconds and multiply by 4. if you want to know the time, ask a woman whose hand you're holding to your penis. if you want a stopwatch or timer, chase a woman down a certain number of city blocks. just sexually assault women bro, watches are for shy faggots.

quote from schwarzenschnitzel:
>vertical pulls (pullups) make the lats wider, horizontal pulls (rows) make them thiccer
so for bodybuildung purposes I'd say chinups and deadlifts are enough. so do them and then maybe add rows
db rows are less stressful on your lower back
db rows also work obliques (might be unwanted)
in db rows the arm is more parallel to the torso so it might be a bettter accessoire to wide grip pullups. bb rows therefore synergize better with chinups
candytoe prefers db rows and I trust him
personally I do bb rows bc my program says so and learned not to use my brain bc I always try to sabotage myself...

tl;dr doesn't matter

Does engaging my core until failure while I'm walking or sitting at my desk do anything? 280+lb fat fuck here wants to know if this is just a meme or if it will burn more calories/strengthen anything.


Been doing db rows and pull ups anyway, I guess I'll continue the rows and work on widening+weighting the pull ups.

Audible kek

heading to the gym for the absolute first time tomorrow, anyone got any nuggets of wisdom i should know before going in?

Don't overwork yourself

Hey, fellas. I was wondering: If I'm trying to lose weight, should I fuck with protein I checked out the wiki, and it said that you should eat your target weight in protein per day. I started going to the gym about 3 weeks ago, and after starting at 227 lbs (6'2", I ain't no fucking manlet), I'm currently at 218.5. Thing is, the only real dietary change I've made is eating slightly less and drinking a bit more water. I've looked at my protein intake, and it's nowhere near the target.

Sorry for the fucking blog post.

tl;dr: Is there a better way to massively increase my protein intake without a huge spike in the amount of food I eat, aside from scoops?

Talk to one of the trainers. Put a bit of money in, if you have to, so that you can figure out a routine that's right for you.

When doing AMRAP deadlifts how much rest between reps is acceptable? When squatting I'll start resting 5-15 seconds (with the bar on my back) once I get past 9-10 reps.

I guess I could take the rest at lockout but without straps that turns into failing early due to my grip going.

Yes, change your diet. Chicken and ground turkey breast are your new best friends. Tons of protons in that shit. Eat peas for veggies, nuts, peanut butter, etc. Also, maybe do some oatmeal in the morning with a scoop of flavored protein powder if you don't like making shakes.

1. Should I start with SS if I just want to look good? Ive heard its a meme and that you just turn into strongfat

2. What is brosplit? Does it work?

3. Is it possible to get big on calisthetics?

Thanks, senpai.

>1. Should I start with SS if I just want to look good? Ive heard its a meme and that you just turn into strongfat

SS only lasts 3-6 months and will get you strong enough to be able to run an effective hypertrophy program. You'll only get fat if you eat like a fatass but remember that it's much easier to cut fat than it is to put on muscle (so run SS and eat like a savage, cut when you're done with SS)

>2. What is brosplit? Does it work?
One day per muscle group per week, lots of machines and isolation exercises. No they don't work optimally but I guess it's better than nothing.

3. Is it possible to get big on calisthetics?


Two questions:

Does cardio timing matter? As in, is there a meaningful difference between running directly after I lift, or waiting to do so later in the day?


I've started lifting again after about 10 months of almost nothing (was abroad without reliable gym access). Surprisingly, I regained my old strength and then some within a month of lifting, and now I'm gaining weight (6lbs in that month) while also leaning out noticeably. Wtf is happening?

>had a long break from sex
>now dick doesn't work properly
>doesn't get fully hard
>can't put a condom on it
what do? I've been no-fap and no-porn for the past 10 days or so

Try jelqing. Even if you don't believe in dick gains, it helps with bloodflow and hardness. Also zinc supplements.

Yeah but I jelq your dad and he doesn't seem to like it. In fact, it makes him quite angry.


I'm just saying, your dad hates being woken up by a strong, jerky jelq. Feel free to use that if he ever pisses you off.

I was told that if I didn't like the way I looked in the mirror, I should cut, if I wanted more muscle, I should bulk. What if I hated the way I look but also wanted to build more muscle?

are vitamin d and magnesium only nonmeme supplements??


And, you know. You're welcome.

Get a new mirror.

Here's my stats:
212 pounds
~20% bf

I'm down from 295 pounds last July. Didn't start counting calories and doing a real cut until mid-December when the noob gains and weight loss stalled at 255. Just did IIFYM with an 800 calorie deficit for about 14 weeks.

Weight loss stalled at 228 because I could not control myself at night around my kids' cookies and cereal, so I decided to go keto. I'm 4 weeks in and have dropped another 16 pounds. Things are going great. I'm well adjusted to the diet and feel fantastic when I wake up and at the gym.

From what I've read, you're supposed to take a break from cutting every 10-12 weeks at my bf%. Should I start that break right now, as I'm about 18 weeks into eating at a deficit, or should I start that break in 6 weeks, since I just started a new diet 4 weeks ago?

My ultimate goal is 185, but I DO miss them GAINZ

How do you pronounce Jeff "Seid"

while high bar squatting, after a set or two, when i put my ass back to start going down it hurts a bit in my lower back, however that's the only movement that hurts, then going down and up is mostly ok.
the pain doesn't remain after.
should i worry or is it normal? I'm squatting around 2pl8 and it's the max i've done.

>Should I start that break right now
I never did.


I flex my traps during bench press which makes my shoudlers shrug
how bad is that?

Yeah I've read that you should break periodically from a diet and eat at maintenance for 7-14 days, but I really don't want to. I think I'm gonna keep cutting til I get under 200 then take a 2 week break, eat at maintenance with a 20/40/40 cpf, carbs only around workouts, then continue cutting.

Just eat right under maintenance for a week. You'll probably have a higher tdee than you think coming off the cut and put on a little weight instead of maintaining.

Poorfag, no money for professional opinion but:

>Very lethargic
>Lay in bed most days
>Start eating oranges
>I don't want to lay in bed anymore
>I want to go out and talk to people?
>Have eaten other fruits normally and don't react like this?

What the fuck

well just keep eating them you dummy

Yeah but I don't know why the fuck I'm feeling better?

Time? I'm not 100% it's oranges?

I'm confused.

A week ago I'd sleep 15 hours a day and have no concept of when to wake or sleep.

Now I'm getting up at 7 am without trying?

What the fuck?

you might have scurvy

Not anymore...

I had rashes on my hands normally but they're not there at the moment?

Vitamin C.deficiency?

OHP hurts the tendon in my left elbow on later sets and reps. Is this a form or a strength issue?

what resolution do I have to set my phones camera to take a picture I can post to Veeky Forums ? They are always to big/

samsung galaxy 7

put them in paint and shrink, crop or save as jpg

I know how to do it when connecting to my computer and batch resizing from a web site. There is no way to do it from my phone? There is no way to take a picture and go direct to posting?

How much back is too much back?

I just felt like adding t bar rows on top of pullups and bent rows, is that pointless?

T bar and bent rows are probably redundant.

Eat at a 500 cal deficit and exercise as well.

I feel way more bicep action from t bar... Guess I'll switch to that

when it's not helping you grow more.

If you're resting between reps that's not an amrap faggot. It's one thing if you set up for every rep because the bar drifted or you need all the cues to get tight, but literally resting with the bar at the bottom while you catch your breath is dumb and doesn't count towards an amrap.

I have a disease that essentially destroyed my right knee when I was young. MRIs show that it's equivalent to very late stage rheumatoid arthritis. If it werent for bleeding complications, doc would have replaced my knee already. Running hurts like shit and i can only do a handful of leg exercises.

Does anybody know of some exercises where I can take it easy on my knee but still get gains?

stiff-legged deadlifts (use a slight knee bend), normal stance and semi-sumo stance.

bodyweight glute bridges or hip thrusts.
if they don't hurt, try them single-legged.

bodyweight squats each day for a few reps might be a good idea.

hanging leg raises, try with straight legs and try with bent knees.

I just broke up with my girlfriend for eating McD's on a regular basis.

Did I done gud?

Can I do SS like ABxABxx or something instead of just thrice a week? Been at it for two weeks. I feel like I could be doing more but what do I know, maybe It'll ruin my gains.

It can suck if you're at a gym and constantly moving from one thing to the next, gets annoying to others around you, but in terms of exercising at home there's nothing wrong with it. Part of the benefit is that as you switch muscle groups, the ones used in the orevious set have a rest period, so that you can essentially superset everything. I've been doing that with calisthenics for the past 6 years and I can stop working out for a few months at a time and not lose much mass, which can be attributed to diet and genetics of course, but just that my body maintains so well I like to believe it has something to do with that routine.

How do I become patient? How do I not go crazy on a 1500 calorie diet? How do I wake up at 5 am to go to the gym everday and do cardio after without wanting to kill myself? How do I do all of this for a month and only lose 4 pounds?

i fucking hate everything about myself


One thing you'll notice about all the programs suggested here, and it really is one of the most important rules in programming, is that you don't work major muscle groups two days in a row.

This is why basic programs are alternating days and why splits never do for example, heavy chest two days in a row.
There are exceptions (like calves and abs), and certain light accessory work or light sets for joints or to learn a certain movement or grease the groove etc. But until you have more knowledge the answer to your question is no, especially for SS, the rest is not only for strength gains but it also protects your tendons and ligaments and shit

How about you stop counting calories and just work harder until failure. Put your cardio on your rest day(with more distance/speed to make up for it) and focus on lower weights with higher reps. Start doing calisthenics as your main exercises and drink a gallon of water a day. If you do all of that and don't lose twice as much weight as your current(i.e. retarded) routine, you should just submit to the Jew gods. Your problem right now is that youre stressing yourself out so goddamn much that your body is fighting it.

Thanks. I think I was being overdramatic. Maybe it's the EC Stack moodswings. I actually did move from a linear U/L 4x week split to "Arnold's Blueprint to Cut" (which kinda lines up with some of your advice; lower weight higher reps) but I think the switch was a bit too intense.

I have lost 18 lbs total since January but I guess I am just too impatient. In 3.5 months I expected to have lost 25+ lbs. I've never worked so hard fitness-wise and maybe I'm burning myself out.

Again, thanks for the voice of reasoning.

>being this paranoid

Absolutely, and know that we all go through some form of self doubt, but you can work past it. Getting fit isn't just about getting physically stronger, it's about strengthening your mind to will your body. This is why telepaths are the best at putting on mass. If you want personal opinion, drop the stacks, start drinking coffee or black tea and if you want your ephedrine go buy the plant and brew that into your tea. Since switching to the natural sources my gains have gone through the roof and I don't feel like shit when changing things up.
>growing camellia sinensis and ephedra in the back yard
>unlimited stacks for the cost of dirt and water

So i gained 7 lbs of fat in 4 days, why we cant loose the same amount in the same time ?

I seem to have lower back problems and raising weight is really hard for me on squat. I fail because of my back not even my quads. Will doing front squat help with this?

3500x4= 14000
You would need to eat 14000 EXTRA calories beyond what it takes to maintain your current weight.
In other words you probably didn't. You probably ate a lot and your body is holding on to water. Did you literally go get your BF% tested twice in the last four days?

No, you need to stop pressing heavy weights like that until your back is strong enough to support that. If you continue on this trend you can seriously hurt yourself. Planking, pushups, unweighted squats (especially pistol), hanging leg raises and bicycle crunches are major for this. Running helps too so long as you stand up straight. Once these are easy, start with a weight that doesn't hurt, fuck it even if you have to start with the bar. Build up from there. Pushing yourself like this just because others can do it is stupid and you'll regret it in the long run. Try working on your posture and center of gravity, bending your knees slightly while standing is a good way to strengthen your back up in a natural fasion.