How to choose a water bottle?

I started keeping a water bottle on me and drinking more water every day. Feels fuckin' great. But my plastic bottle broke a few weeks ago, so I figured I would stay away from any kind of chemicals in the plastic bottles and buy a STEEL bottle, because apparently aluminum is also toxic.

I have this fancy new steel bottle for not TWO WEEKS and it fucking rusts from the inside. What the hell am I supposed to drink my water out of if plastic gives me cancer, aluminum gives me cancer, and steel gives me cancer?

pic semi-related

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1 gal jugs

anything else is hipster tier

>plastic gives me cancer
so does emission but that doesn't stop you from driving to the store to buy meme bottles does it

Dude gallon jugs are made of even worse plastic than water bottles. Not meant to be re-used. Go watch a documentary or something if you don't believe me

I got this one. Love it and its BPA free.

to be honest I think I'll just give in and buy a plastic "bpa free" water bottle even though there's like 50 other things in here that are apparently bad for me

>rice processing contaminants
>chicken farm diseases
>videos of fat people sneezing on vegetables at markets
go watch a documentary if you don't believe me

Yeah I know there's a lot of nasty shit out there

Who am I to try to minimize my exposure to these things, gosh how stupid of me

Peep a Nalgene. They're quality and you can put stickers on them.

The bad thing is plastic material is plasticizers, which are banned in some country (Denmark for example). So get yourself a bottle from there.

>Falling for the water meme

Idk man there really isn't much selection here and the quality doesn't look so great

best answer is glass, OP. just gotta be careful throwing it around.

you can get much better BPA free bottles. The thing is tho, it's not just BPA there's a ton of other stuff like Bisfenol-s that's also toxic. All this shit is toxic and the only thing to do is suck it up and die sometimes.

>so I figured I would stay away from any kind of chemicals in the plastic bottles and buy a STEEL bottle, because apparently aluminum is also toxic.

Just wanted to let you know you're an idiot. Metals and plastics are chemicals. Chemicals are not unsafe. Metals are also not toxic in the sense you're thinking of, though heavy metals do have unwanted health effects.

In short, shut up and use a plastic bottle like a normal non retard, source BPA free if you're gay enough to spend $25+ on a bottle

Had one. Tasted like shit and needed to be thoroughly washed every day

Well what bottle do you recommend? I just want my fucking water desu

>water in a glass tastes like shit

magnesium bottles senpai

makes the water taste amazing as well

I have a set of 6 500ml glass bottles that I always keep filled on the table.

No chemicals, cost-effective, no tear, no wear, it's great. I have yet to buy a high-quality filter for tap water though.

The biggest issues I have with water bottles is fucking washing them. It's impossible to get the insides properly dry so you end up with a lingering taste of washing-up liquid.

where can you buy one?

>washing-up liquid
Have you tried, like, water?

no clue desu mine was given to me, though I suppose any sport shop should have them

get a hanging drying rack instead of those dinky plastic ones. and you rinse with water after using soap. l2wash.

what about fucking GLASS lmao

what the fuck just put them upside down

we aren't allowed to take glass bottles with us in the gym. (we can leave them at the front desk though.) they break rather easily and then leave shards everywhere.

>They break rather easily
If you're a manchild maybe

Get a glass bottle like pic related. Easy to clean, and tastes just like drinking out of a glass (no metallic or plastic taste).

Forgot pic

Hydroflask brand bottle. I've owned one for almost half a year. Steel, no rust.

So put fucking duct tape around it so if it breaks there are no shards

Since when could you wash dishes with water?

>not drinking water that has been through reverse osmosis
>not tasting how sweet and nourishing it is
Do you even fucking breathe into your balls?

My man

If plastic does not contain BPA it will not give you cancer. Good examples od non BPA water bottles are Cammelbaks and Nalgenes

what about a goatskin?

for fucks sake

Been using a Gatorade squeeze bottle for years and it's been solid.

Sheep bladder my man

>muh CHEMICALS boogeyman, don't u know literally everything is a chemical??
mankind evolved for millions of years in an entirely organic environment. in the past 200 years or so we have started synthesizing a ridiculous number of compounds that have never existed on earth. you think the human body is ready for that?

Klean Kanteen 27oz + stainless steel cap has been my go to for years now. Stainless steel master race.

Thanks user. It's occasional gold like this that keeps me coming back to this horrible place.

>be me buying neat shaped large glass bottle of anything with a screw on cap
>buy some colored duct tape so no one at the gym knows it's glass and it won't shatter.

Get legit safe reusable bottle for $7 that I'm proud of for making myself.

>PRO TIP: this whole post

Aldi should have glass bottles with a hardened rubberized shell in stock for a couple more days if you have an Aldi near you


Get a rubber bottle? Like a hockey one.


I don't want people to think I'm a coddled faggot though

yea thatll make people think you arent a snob

Use a sharpie and write a B over the V.

No one makes fun of the BOSS.

I thought you were making a reference to Hugo Boss' logo. Not exactly less snobby than Voss water


Fuck... You could pour that all onto your body and then refill it with water. Wear BOSS, Drink BOSS, be BOSS! Smash your PRs! Plus all eyes on you at the gym.

Get a good one you cheap cunt, I have a klean kanteed and an ecotanka and they're both flawless after years of daily abuse.

Dont get those

Why not ?

Just get a fucking Nalgene OP - those fuckers are built lab grade to resist chemicals, not leech them.

>drinking BPA

Go to REI and buy a Nalgene bottle for 10 bucks or buy a Hydroflask

smart fuckers like me
buy a nalgene for cheap and roll on with water verses the neet who only drinks bottled water

or buy a stainless steel bottle like klean kanteen to avoid bpa idk

>aluminum is toxic
Lol what retard told you that? I am a metalworker, and out of all the metals, I would trust bare aluminum above all others. Stainless steel- ACTUAL stainless steel, not meme garbage comes a close second. Aluminum reacts with oxygen and forms a coating of aluminum oxide on its surface. Unlike iron oxide (rust), however, this oxide coating is impermeable to water, and forms a film that stops any weird chemical in its tracks. It also does not leach anywhere, it stays put. Simply just wash your bottle before using it for the first time to remove manufacturing contaminants

>I am a metalworker, and out of all the metals, I would trust bare aluminum above all others.
>Aluminum reacts with oxygen and forms a magical coating of aluminum oxide on its surface. Unlike iron oxide (rust), however, this oxide coating is impermeable to water, and forms a film that stops any weird chemical in its tracks like adamantium. It also does not leach anywhere, it stays put especially in my penis. Simply just wash your bottle before using it for the first time to remove manufacturing contaminants, and the aluminum village hokage will not be disappointed.
"Some workers who breathe aluminum dusts or aluminum fumes have decreased performance in some tests that measure functions of the nervous system."
>Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

>Steel is best water bottle
You can boil water in it, case closed.

So confused by your maths there

>ameridumbs fail intelligence tests


really good bottle, I use it in my office all the time, but little bit small for gym though being only 330ml

[spoiler]he didn't use the whole roll [/spoiler]


do you work out at the library?

You're going to want one that's at least a half gallon.

Breathing in fucking metal dust is not the same thing as water being in contact with solid metal, you fucking imbecile.

i'd lose if someone came to the gym with that thing hanging around their waist

nalgene or bust

Because the glass leeches into the water dummey .

You know the levels of BPA in water stored in plastics is next to nothing and doesn't do shit right? Also stainless steel is fine.

Stop falling for memes made by retards.

My man get a takeya. Best water bottle ever and stays cold a very very long time. I have been using it for 2 years now and it's the best!

Your drink getting warm is no longer a problem.

They come in an 800ml variety too

this one is supposed to be pretty cool, apparently BPA free and you can drop it without breaking it + they last a long time.

might get one soon.

Impossible to clean cap, the plastic thing holding on to the cap will melt. Mainly it has a lot of crevices on the cap and it's pretty impossible to clean. Find something with a bigger cap or a simpler design. I own one of those btw.

Wow this looks better than the one I posted Why haven't I seen this one before?

get one, i've go the narrow mouth one.
Very good very sturdy.

I just use a shaker cup since I got a blender to make my shakes. Costs me $5 and still don't have cancer.

Big dick 64oz stainless motherfucking steel keeps water cold for days coming through

Probably bad marketing. I'm about to get home so I can take a picture of my water bottle setup

Phenols, pthalates and other chemicals used in the production of plastic have literally been proven to enter the bloodstream and disrupt the endocrine system. Enjoy being low-test

I literally just drink out of a spare shaker cup
It's large, it's easy, it's BPA free

Obviously remove the blender ball first

They're not as indestructible as they were when they had bpa
The old ones you could drop and it would literally bounce all the way back up to the height you dropped it from

I just use a big glass Voss bottle. They're cheap and plain and nice. Glass, so no rust, or plastic cancer shit

Glass doesn't leech

Causes dementia

I drink from glass vodka bottle.

>his masters haven't awakened yet
Why live?

>Not drinking zippy water filtered through an Alex Jones water filter
not gonna make it

holy shit user

>people ITT afraid of drinking out of plastic, metal, or glass

Just live in a goddamn bubble if your body is so weak.

Here is my takeya bottle with rubber cover and some chinkland contraption holder

air gets trapped and the glass starts to smell

this is the true sip thread