Just be yourself bro. Girls love confidence

Just be yourself bro. Girls love confidence.

Nice cope personalitylet

Hiring an escort means you have a great personality


>Looks doesn't matter bro.

I look better then him. Compared to me he is ugly. I still never kissed a girl because girls are intimidated by extremely good looking guys. They never make eye contact and they never show emotions. For him girls probably laugh because he isn't good looking. I actually am and any attractive person will tell you that it's harder to get girls then for ugly people.

>pretending to be a deluded, deformed virgin for >>(you)'s

Nice pasta

yeah nigga just be yourself

>if you post on Veeky Forums you must be ugly!!!

Yeah no. Pic related is me, strong jaw and chin, objectively good eyes nose. I'm confident in myself because I'm attractive.

>inb4 fake

Yeah I post on other boards too. Just stopped by this board.

Nigga, you ugly. Look like you're days away from shooting up your school.