>you will never be allowed to do this
>you arent chad
Might just be a good friend or family member doing it as a joke
When you're chad, they let you do it, you can do anything, just grab em by the pony tail
fuck that would be borderline incest user
Some people are into that.
Some people..........
>the autistic kid pulled my hair again
>just smile and nod stacey, he can't help that he was born with such a disability, god has a plan for all of us
>white people
dont get butthurt, your idiot president said it
so what is the actual context for this?
Lmao. Notice the gold watch? This is CHAD and while you're surfing an anime image board he's pulling girls by the PONY TAIL and plunging into their PUSSY
>it's just Brian the autistic frat pledge, thad told me they weren't even letting him in but he keeps showing up and buying alcohol
>such a douchbag with his gold watch always being the funny guy
>I heard him crying the other night drunk while I was blowing chad in the other room, what a pussy
>shhh just play along and he'll buy us some beer and nachos
Why would you pull her ponytail any other time than when going to pound town on her ass?
Because chad=alpha=display dominance=she gives him that look
Lol, the guy is half black
>played hs football on a top team in my state
>three year starter
>age 13 saw first tits
>age 14 got first blowjob
>talked to many chicks in highschool
>got asked to go to other chicks proms jr and sr year
>got smashed alot sr year and summer after graduation
>get to uni
>play football
>getting interceptions and going on road games with team as a freshman
>knees fuck up in practice
>both mcl's
>no way I was going pro anyways
>done football
>quit partying
>study hard
>get into programming
>meet nerd friends
>many of my nerd friends never had a gf
>lot of them don't know how to talk to a girl
>they want me to go with them to bars
>been there done that already
>just looking for a chick who is cute, in STEM, physically active, possibly musical, and not anxious
>tfw I had the chad life
>tfw learned alot from the chad life
>tfw I walked away from it
green text was too long for such a shitty story.
Get help. There's nothing worse than a beta attempting to molest a girl in an attempt to be a chad
I liked it. Tbh pretty impressive to go from CHAD -> STEM
you can do whatever you want if you're holding a gun
if ur a manlet with a gun everyone will think ur a dicklett same for if a manlet drives any sort of sport car
Are you retarded?
Have you actually ever tried? Don't you have any female friends who you just bully for fun? You realise you CAN actually do this anytime you want, right? Unless you have some sort of mental block like superman that inhibits your power to be a normal human being.
>No girl will ever look at me the same way that girl looks at chad.
she looks like a generic annoying high school cheerleader who "isnt into drama" and cant shut-up for a second. at this point im sure this entire board is nothing but incel-scum and insecure underages
>tfw no gf
Go away normie
Look at her friend's face. Brittney is pissed but looks to Stacy to check how to react then changes her expression.
Well, she has a poneytail, there's no way Chad would fuck her. He's just bullying her
You guys are all fucking retards. Femanon here and this is the kind of shit we talk about in the bathroom together. That dude is getting a smile but zero pussy later on.
Like someone would want to go down on curtain calls, any day of the week.
What the fuck is this "pussy on the pedestal" bullshit going on in this thread?
Veeky Forums is a place to be alpha. If you want to whine about the fact girls aren't looking at you like this go back to R9K
Jesus fucking christ. You guys probably won't believe this because you're kissless virgins but the TRUTH is that:
She has no reaction to it whatsoever, even before seeing who pulled her hair. she obviously knows the people sitting behind her. Stop being autistic
STEM erns 6 DIGITS a MONTH while you SLAVE AWAY trying to achieve CHADHOOD while STACY gobbles down on 16GB RAM
And you should fuck that man instead.
Don't put pussy on a pedestal. Women are people, as soon as you all realize that and really understand what that statement means the happier you'll be.
>Flirty couple being flirty
>Flirty fuck buddies being flirty
>Flirty friends being flirty
There is no such thing as alpha and beta.
Someone's touchy. You sound like the kind of creep that makes friends with women hoping they'll change their mind and date you someday.
If it pleases you
You didnt really walk away from it did you. Leglet
This looks like it was made by an autist or a child. Why would you embarrass them like this by posting their art online?
0/10 drawing skills
Number one chad
In the realm of things that are real, this is possibly ultra reality.
do it Veeky Forums
The more idiots who believe in the existence of Chad, the more power he absorbs. You must ignore Chad so that you might overcome him. Thus it is written.
Literal who's.
Literally, they both look like they just escaped from the grinch. You seriously want to fuck one of them?
gotta get the squat, fuck everything else
Lookism.net pls go
Literally only males obsess over barrett
Is that the snake-faced plastic surgery catalog the guy up there wants to stick his dick in?
who is this guy even
Cyber bullying is wrong, user. How would you like it if someone posted your art this board. Unless that is your art in which case don't quit your day job.
>How would you like it if someone posted your art this board.
I wouldn't care
>Unless that is your art in which case don't quit your day job.
I can't tell if this is a ironic satire of those redpill comics or just shit drawn by an autist..
>There is no such thing as alpha and beta.
Fucking meatheads I swear
looks like a final fantasy character
Her instagram: instagram.com
Lol at the coping ITT
>cope cope cope
>lol you not rot at home all die haha just coping
>going to the gym cope haha
>look at all these people doing something with their lives just coping not like us enlightened virgins haha poor them
fuck off. no one likes you in real life and no one likes you here either.
she looks average as fuck with a ton of money and lot of makeup. if you obsess bitches like her better just end it, it wont get better i promise
Can someone explain this picture? "Lakers Girls Lunch Date, at Carl Jr's.?
I know Carl Jr's is a burger-place, but what is this lunch date thing?
Y'all are dumb. The difference between alpha and beta is caring about what people think. That's it. I've seen in this thread people saying you have to be a trust fund baby who's always been into sport and above 6'2 to make it. Naw. Just don't give a fuck about anyone else. Do things for yourself regardless of what people think. These threads literally have to oppisite effect.
Be funny and confident, get pussy. The reason you aren't getting laid is because you're uninteresting and ugly, not just because you;re ugly
how many of these pictures you got? holy autism
whats your problem? The people making stupid assertions about a girl clearly out of their league to feel better about themselves are what you should be worried about.
>I've seen in this thread people saying you have to be a trust fund baby who's always been into sport and above 6'2 to make it. Naw
You have to be a CEO 10K/day who's always been captain of a football team, above 6'4, above an 8x6 dick, below a NW0 hairline, above 8" wrists, above 48 degree eye-mouth-eye angle, below 100 degree gonial angle, positive canthal tilt, anogenital distance above 4", North Atlantid colouring, single digit bodyfat, bideltoid width above 22", skull circumference above 25", shoulder:waist ratio above 1.618 and lower third at least as long as midface and upper third combined to even be considered human by females in 2017.
that girl has zero unique features, uses a very generic makeup and dresses like every other instagram model. she is literally a living stereotype who advertises green tea for money on social media. but you dont see it because you dont want a gf. you want a popular girl you can show off. you gonna end up dying miserable
I literally can't even tick off one of those, not even the fit-related ones.
just because you completely lack aspects that does not mean they dont exist
She turned around smiling. The dirty bitch is clearly into it
Ive gotten laid plenty, had cute loyal gfs and have lots of close friends. Stop projecting. I know plenty of Chads and the shit that goes down at some parties is hard to comprehend for people that have never been exposed to these kinds of social gathering.
Im all for self-improvement, read voraciously, lift and encourage others to do so as well.
That being said, trying to smear that girl just because she does not look like a shut-in, mentally disturbed femanon in an attempt to feel better about experiences you missed out on is a blatant coping mechanism way beyond pathetic, and I point that out.
>calls out projecting
>start projecting himself
>cant even imagine people genuinely not being attracted to some generic instagram slut
>uses word like chad and claims to get laid
pure asperger
lmao at copecels in this thread denying BONE theory
you do realize, that literally 90% of this board isnt fit?
Do you think, the beta ass virgin faggots here acting like cucks are jacked handsome masculine men? No, its the uggos and dyels/fattys posting their bullshit here.
Now you might wonder
>why the fuck are they here
because they want to be part of the cool people. But, the sheer amount of beta ass virgin cuck faggots joining this board to be part of the cool people, in return turn this place into something that resembles themselves.
Its like, America was a country of the american native tribes, with their own culture and history, then the europeans came, wiped everyone out.
Now when you think of america, you see what you are seeing today, you dont see the ancient american natives. You dont picture america the land of american native tribes. Instead, you think of hollywood, mcdonalds and trump.
This is what is happening to Veeky Forums, or in fact, it already happened.
But you cannot stop dyel/fatty virgin beta cucks from joining this board, and acting like they are part of it.
What the fuck... Tell these faggots to stop desecrating our land
glad there are people like you who make sure this place doesnt turn into /r9k/. God bless
Anyway as someone who has experience would you rather be together with a girl or spent your life mostly alone? yesterday I had to spend three hours in a shopping centre with 4 of my classmates and my head was seriously aching from some of the bullshit they were spewing.
>What are we gonna do now?
>idk lets talk about people behind their backs
>I feel no remorse for handicapped people, actually it´s funny to look at
>Tell one of them smoking is not a good idea and doesnt make her look cool at all
>Other three tell me it is her choice and I shouldnt stick my nose into it. (what kind of friend encourages smoking?)
I never cared much about women and never interacted much either but yesterday seriously left me baffled...
>glad there are people like you who make sure this place doesnt turn into /r9k/
>I never cared much about women and never interacted
what did he mean by this?
coping the post
not him, but this has nothing to do with you. Its literally just girls being fucking retarded.
Trust me, even chads think they are retarded.
I was in situations just like this too, and i hated the girls for it, i felt disgust. BUT i wasnt there to wife them, so i kept my autism shut, even tho i would have enjoyed to point out what kind of disgusting scum they are.
When stuff like this happens (it will, lots of girls are disgusting like that) dont say anything. Dont tell them they are dumb bitches, just dont. Dont participate in their "behind the back" shit talking either. Just stay neutral.
Also once you have a girlfriend, and she starts saying bullshit like that, and you are not a beta ass faggot, you can easily worp their minds and that that shit out of her. But never do it to strangers or girls you are dating.
>gives a fuck about girls
girls hit on me all the time with shit like askibg me to help them study or accompqny them to their classes
i dont give a shit about them
getting baited this hard
First of all don't lose weight, you look great.
Secondly wtf how do you weigh more than me? I'm Skinny fat 5'7 male and I look A LOT heavier than you
Yeah sorry I dont want this place to be infested by /r9k/ faggots and turn this board into shitposting festival. Me being neutral to women has to nothing to do with wanting Veeky Forums to be quality board
This is saddening to hear... I didnt participate in their behind the back talk, I just said Im going to sit down on nearby bench (and two of the girls actually came with me but two stayed there for good half hour). I was trying to not say anything serious and keep up light atmosphere but after 2 hours of listening to their stupid opinions I was getting tired of this bullshit, needless to say I got immediately bashed....
So if I ever decide to get a girlfriend I will need to influence her no matter what or else she will also spout this kind of bullshit? I hoped I was just unlucky and it was 4 of them acting retarded
Im never really alone since im friends with my roommates, we have people over often and my close circle of friends is pretty tight.
But I can be alone on my own without feeling bad about it. A girl I hooked up with on tinder last month really liked me, was thicc, a good lay and wanted to hang out more often. However, she was also pretty fucked up, abusing drugs. I occasionally do them, but that girl went hard every weekend. So I stopped replying to her instead of making her my fwb. ´
Id agree with user that replied to you. Its none of your business, everyone knows smoking is bad. Maybe they are anxious, maybe they want to seem cool. Its not on you to lecture them, at least not in a serious tone.
Jokingly you can tease and banter back and forth criticizing it, depends on what terms you are with them to yourself. You might have habits people dislike, you wouldnt want to be lectured about it in front of other people in a serious manner either.
Probably the biggest thing I've learnt about dealing with girls is that if shes not keen, shes not keen. If she doesn't have any interest its time to move on.
>mfw when theres a hot girl at a party but shes not interested so I reluctantly leave to scope out greener pastures