I did actual meal prep for tbe first time Veeky Forums!
My anxiety has been killing me, but I've been cooking since I got up. Anxiety makes me feel a little nauseous, almost as if drunk, but I pressed on nontheless and prepped a few meals of the good ol CRB. Going to buy more stuff in the afternoon and spend the rest of the evening prepping too.
I'm gonna make, r-right?
/meal prep feels/
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Sorry for the typos, my hands are shaking like crazy.
Cutting up the broccoli was hell
Good for you mate, good for you
European here:
So, this is actually about making and preparing your dinner? Thats causing anxiety?
The only people who meal prep are competitive bodybuilders in contest prep and autistic gymcels
Looks Nice. Try Brown rice next time though.
Look up the examine.com guide for supplements to help with depression and anxiety. Fish oil, ZMA and vitamin d3 can all help. Also blueberries are surprisingly very good so buy 1kg frozen and try them in your she's or eat as a snack with your meal.
Look up anxiety on ergo-log.com.
Also anything that helps boost test can help kill anxiety. Look up things that reduce cortisol too.
Here's my meal prep for 6 days. I eat this for dinner with a big ole fruit/protein smoothie. Comes to about 400 calories a meal.
9oz chicken breast
California style veggies
Medium salsa poured over
looks boring user why dont you flavour your rice and mix veggies with the rice.
OP here, I'm a Czechfag myself, so Yuropoor too.
Iťs not the thing itself causing anxiety, but rather just general anxiety coming outta nowhere complicating basic tasks such as mealprep
Thanks, will try all of these out
Can anyone suggest a meal plan similar to OP's, based on this image? Something i can just put in the fridge and re-heat at lunch time everyday. I'm a fatty trying to lose weight at 1200~1500 kcals. Just lunch-dinner-possible snacks for seven days, doesn't matter if they're the same things.
Here's basically the same image but with better resolution.
what kind of sauce is that? looks delicious.
I get Pace medium chunky salsa.
>he didn't stock up on sprouts brand tomatillo and spicy salsa when they were 2 for 4$
>Implying deals are the same everywhere
>Cutting up the broccoli was hell
Buy frozen vegetables, more variety, takes minutes to cook, all pre-cut and snap frozen so they're almost as fresh as normal. Endorsed by Scooby in his morning routine video
why do people prepare some bland as fuck meal then use white rice
How is cutting up broccoli hell?
I'm having real troubles wrapping my head around OPs post. What fucking anxiety?
Also this looks absolutely disgusting. White rice with 1 (one) kind of vegetable and some boring piece of meat.
Just looking at it makes me want to kill myself.
At least try to put some variety and spices in it.
This is the kind of shit which spawns these "le white people food memes" negros post on twitter.
you have the pictures, make your own meal plan based on what you like to eat
i eat eggs, tuna or oats for breakfast then three meal prep chicken shits for lunch and dinner
chicken broccoli rice is the most basic meal prep and you should at least be making that. grab the $12 10 pack of containers off amazon and a $40 rice/slow cooker combo
if you get in to meal prepping you can move on to other shit like salad jars or bison balls or breakfast burritos with protein powder wraps
because white rice has a better taste and is nutritionally healthier, you dumb guzzle necked swine
Wrong! Awkward!
patrician taste in rice.
brown rice is a GAY MEME full of ARSENIC
Anybody eat jasmine rice. I have it with pic related.
That's great soy sauce replacement, fan. Should try coconut aminos too
Will do
Not op but:
>Just looking at it makes me want to kill myself.
You are spoiled from all the sugary and buttery things you've been eating all your life.
>This is the kind of shit which spawns these "le white people food memes" negros post on twitter.
The fuck are you talking about, who cares, they probably eat their lunch at mcdonalds.
>You are spoiled from all the sugary and buttery things you've been eating all your life.
I never talked about butter and sugar. I'm talking about spices, different textures and some fucking variety.
I hate the meme that fitness food has to be as bland as humanly possible.
This is already ten times better because it has different kind of vegetables and a dash of pepper at least. The sauce can be added before eating to get some variety every day.
Watching Veeky Forums cook hurts my soul sometimes.
is this for a day?
what are the spices
>You are spoiled from all the sugary and buttery things you've been eating all your life.
wtf? even if someone is "spoiled by all the sugar" in their life, this doesn't somehow make a completely bland, TASTELESS excuse of a meal acceptable in any way.
The meals in the OP are awful looking (and tasting), don't try to justify this
this user has it right
Anyone have any chicken marinade tips? Can'
do you reheat this?
that looks delicious
6 days?
do you freeze some of them
What is a good bulking meal for meal prep?
Looking at that looks like a fuck ton of food but he says it's only 400 kcals.
Whats an example of calorie dense meal prep?
and people who bring their lunch to work. Probably a lot more of them out there than the fitness crowd.
look closer and you'll notice it's just veggies and lean (chicken breast) meat. replace breast with legs, skin on, or replace with pulled pork. Add rice and/or legumes. Use more oil.
Yes, that was a day worth of meals
Yeah, microwave for 1:30 minutes, and it's delicious
Thanks, it's simple but good
None, salt and pepper
looks great user
use brown rice or quinoa instead of white rice it's healthier
is it okay to just eat fish/eggs/chicken with vegetables and cut out the rice entirely? i'm a bit overweight
> My anxiety has been killing me
Anxiety about what, preparing healthy meals?
i can see how that's stressful if you've been used to eating unhealthy your entire life
in my experience brocolli doesn't do well for extended fridge stays. maybe for a day or two but after three it starts to overpower the rest of the flavors in a sulphurous way.
i meal prep all week on sunday and have been sticking to carrots celery spinach and green beans
>no red meat
what's that white stuff?
Literally what's wrong with only chicken?
Anxiety is a bitch. Unclench my man, I'd eat it.
how do you cook thick chicken breast like that so it's not undercooked in the middle but not tough?
Just throw it in the oven for like 45 minutes at 400 degrees. Cut thickest breast to make sure it's not pink, done.
what exactly are california style veggies?
Broccoli, carrots, and cauliflower.
>I'm gonna make, r-right?
Sure, but try not meal prepring too much food or else you might get sick of it before it is over, don't make more than 4 of each or you will end up not eating it.
Try those frozen veggie mixes, those are very easy to make and will cut your meal prepping time quite a bit, specially if you already have rice.
Suggestion: Lasagna can be cut on the exact size of the tupperware, you can have carbs protein and veggies on a single delicious dish that you can easily freeze and enjoy anytime.
Also, try using ground beef to make meatballs, those taste pretty good even after microwaved if you seasoned them nicely.
Also try soup, you can easily freeze it and heat it any time and you can place literally anything you want in it.
>I'm a fatty trying to lose weight
Cut all carbs, eat nothing but meat, chicken, fish, pork and eggs.
After 1 month of doing this you will notice a drastic weight loss, that is your body burning fat to compensate for the lack of carbs.
This is called Atkin's diet and it is proven to work.
>get xlarge containers, keep protein, carb and veggies seperate
>only have like 2 to-go containers
fuck dishes and those large instagram photos of meal prep.
this is so much more cost effective and time saving
also lunch and dinner cycles between chicken, beef, fish, pork. Each meal lasts 3 days and I technically started the second meal when Im on my first meals second day so its perpetually changing, while also cycling them for lunch and dinner.
>no saturated fat or cholesterol meme
>not throwing your chicken, broccoli, and rice into the blender and eating it with a spoon
Cover it tightly with baking parchment paper. This keeps the chicken juicy as it cooks.
Keto is essentially the same thing too right? Removing all the carbs or is Atkins not high fat?
No lentils?