Show me your favorite youtubers
God-tier youtubers
Name is Brian Alsruhe btw.
Seth Feroce. Wish he'd upload more.
Calum Von Moger also. Only two youtubers I watch.
Mr. Thrall
Good technique tips
I like Mark Bell's training seminars. Not so much the chucklefuck shit that's mostly on the channel.
Mah man
you have to go back
What does Veeky Forums think of the Buff Dudes?
Good birthing hips.
Makes me question my sexuality
his technique tips can be great regardless of if the reddit population likes them too, you infinite retard
seth feroce seems like the 13 yo kid who just found out he can swear when his parents arent around
>Thor's ugly cousins
also, how the fuck did you know if reddit likes Alan Thrall unless you browse there? read your comment and apply it to yourself
Ben rice
Damien Pezzuti
Clarence Kennedy
Gabriel Malone
you have to go back even further
Alan Thralls content is only really useful to beginners. he has no knowledge about lifting beyond what he read in starting strength so he preaches it dogmatically
hes also kind of autistic
I think Brian and Eric are great tho
Except for his retarded side quips, Brian Alsruhe. Youtube fitness community is pure garbage, anyone who watches this shit for things other than improving your form or acquiring knowledge is just like teenage girls watching reality tv
THICC leonard
Jason Blaha, because he looks and speaks like a true Veeky Forumsizen
Calum von Moger
The Golden One
Hardgainer Crew
This, the rest are cookie-cutters
this fucker
He monetizes his shit directly
but you can learn fuckton without spending a dime just by watching videos with him
>alan thrall
Wtf are you talking about? They have great proportions how do they have birthing hips at all?
Not really. He compares and contrasts one lift vs another (ie sumo vs conventional) and has all kinds of different guests show up at his gym to give their different views and pointers on lifting. His channel is great.
t. a beginner
if you find his content useful, then Im not shitting on you. what he teaches works, but he makes out like its the only viable way, which its not. its not even close to the best way for an intermediate/advanced lifter
also, his "different" types of guests lately have just been those starting strength coaches, who are even more dogmatic about rips ways than alan
His last two guests were a trainer/dietician and an Olympic weightlifter.
You also haven't watched much of his stuff if you think that he preaches his way is the only way. Literally anyone could learn from the guy. A lot of his stuff is for beginners, but he also invites guests and does Q & As that go much more in depth.
Hell he just did a video about owning your own business
Fucking Broscience is fun to watch just dont be a retard and take anything he says serious.
I will admit I havent really been watching his content lately. can you link to the weightlifter vid (unless youre talking about silent mike, who is a powerlifter, not a weightlifter)
I did see his vid on owning a gym/business, which I thought was pretty good t b h
I just think he's a good dude putting out solid information fairly consistently. While he does do a lot of beginner stuff, I wouldn't write him off entirely as that. He always seems open to new techniques too which is nice.
I like Sean Nalewanyj a good bit. He has some good tips and I usually go to his channel on form for accessories.
Seth Feroce is a manlet dwarf who sounds like a manlet elf
> none of these anons get the shilled meme
Eric Bugenheimer or whoever
Ninja Tyler
Durianrider somewhat unironically
Boston loyd
Enhanced athlete (after u watch a couple vids he's useless)
If you seriously watch rich piana or calum or Jeff or Steve or Seth feroce you are retarded
>watches xd so random screamers
>calls other people retarded
well, I'm a beginner so
>not an argument
Dr. Austin Baraki and Dr. Jordan Feigenbaum
if this is an ironic post about alan thrall SS shilling then I approve
if not kys
>His last two guests were a trainer/dietician and an Olympic weightlifter.
Once of whom is a SS coach and the other of whom is coached by an SS coach. Hell, I like Starting Strength but they should probably stay in their lane. Often they'll say something stupid about intermediate/ advanced training (eg: Oly lifters should pull with high hips), get called on it, and then say: "No we're in the business of getting novices strong. You're misrepresenting us."
And then they wonder why people call them dogmatic.
I bought his beginner's program and it's upper lower split, it is periodized, starts from 5x8 and has accessories, so it seems like he is not SS fanatic
you don't even watch his videos, do you?
You're talking about Mary peck? The one who won the US national competition and who's closing in on a bunch of world records? Yeah she must not be very advanced. Her coach is a beginner too I guess
Any youtubers that are genuine nice people and aren't cunts? Feroce sounds like he goes out of his way to act like a douche than screams "lol ur triggered xD" whenever anyone calls him out
If it's not tons of jump cuts, flashy colors millenials won't care for the video
>Except for his retarded side quips, Brian Alsruhe.
Someone needs to tell him to stop.
Colinfurze and
are my favorites.
Thrashmetalriffs is allso good.
love these dudes
How do people get following on youtube? How do you advertise?
nigger crew
Brian is awesome, discovered him recently, totally legit. Everyone should watch his stuff
Not trying to diminish her achievements but her form / training style is unique and shows a lot of the marks of the SS method.
Literally 0 other weightlifters at her level use the sort of form / training that she does. Glad that it works for her but if you were trying to get good at weightlifting would you do the thing that literally one successful person is doing or the thing that every other successful person is doing? You can't point to one person and say: "see that person's training method is the best way to do it"
you just put out content for a long time and no one pays attention to it. if you can get to ~5k like that a snow ball effect starts to happen and you end up popular
doing collabs with more popular people helps too. and IG is the main place to advertise for fitness youtubers
Quick rundown?
candytoe was genuinely nice. But his channel is dead
Good guy.
Yeah, been impressed with this dude since Omar plugged his channel. Seems like he'd be a good guy to have a beer with. Would gym buddy.
Also, Candito pls come back.
Yes. Because right now she is the most successful one out of the entire country.
Love Brains Alsruhe aswell. Might be a stupid question but is he natty?
no. he doesnt talk about it tho, better to be safe than sorry as it would be a legal issue
No chance in hell.
K thanks thought so. Wish they could disclose it because dont think a natty person could survive his linear program.
the basic free template he makes videos on is just conjugate style. tons on natty powerlifters run it. and the programs he sells are tailored to the person, so he probably asks if your natty before he writes it
His linear program doesn't look all that demanding.
also consider, at his his gym they train in classes where he and everyone else do the same thing. Im assuming the middle aged women in his vids arent on gear too :^)
>What you are seeing is 23 years under the bar, lifting heavy 4-5 times a week, day in and day out, month after month, year after year. If I chose to draw portraits for that amount of time with the same effort that I put into my training, then I would be a pretty awesome artist as well.
>But I chose lifting. You are seeing a body of work that I have sacrificed a lot of my life to achieve. Please look at it as such. People who ask me if I am natural have usually already made up their minds on the matter and no matter what I say, someone gets mad at me...
>Thus, I choose not to address the question often. But I figured I would get out ahead of it now and throw this out there so I can reference back if it comes up again. I will happily talk to you in person or direct message about the matter any time you want, but I am going to attempt to not let this discussion degrade into that argument. I'd rather keep it positive and give out some advice from what I have learned over the years. I appreciate the question but that is the end of that conversation for me. >Thanks
except she isn't
where is this from?
Hm. He is masculine as fuck, high test levels and he grew up without internet and other distractions. Running in the woods all day, lifting since he was 10 years old, eating a shit ton. He has done bjj, mma and was some kind of special OP but doesnt talk about it. Go figure
Anyways, he is a true athlete regardless of whether he roids or not. Fast and strong as fuck
Reddit AMA
He talks about it in one videos as well. His development and lifting/sports career. Dont know which vid it was tho
why is one arm so much bigger?
He suffers from pornography addiction. all the fapping causes one arm to be over developed
>not posting the GOAT
Seriously shame on Veeky Forums
people won't accept a "no" as a response, but at the same time anything but a no is a yes.
golem get ye gone
>he unironically competes
they are great as fuck
also, this:
literally a meme channel, taylor made for reddit
>taylor made
Thats a fair point.
Good for beginners, but also really weak for their size and training age, and their programs aren't very good.
Also fake natties.
No Elgintensity? He's literally one of us:
They golf?
Looks like an alien
>not including the piano
How can anyone beat this?
Honestly I don't know how anyone can compete
try-hard faggots
The one true bro, Dom Mazetti.
Actual fitness tubers are just boring as shit.