Feels good man

>Feels good man


Show me your build faggots

T. rex reporting in




around 9 months. pretty happy, i don't bench though

Whats your frontsquat?

>No bench for 9 months


Bench & squat mode

i hate it. i just do it with dbs on incline

I don't do front squats

'Right then

Feels bad man, used to be proficient everywhere, then took a year off due to life stuff. Only been able to train at a planet shitness for 3 months as I've started back.

Add dips into your program

>Planet Shitness

Yep, only gym I could afford in a small ass town while I was job searching. Just got a new job in a new city though, getting a real gym when I move.

I've given up on squats because I just cannot do them consistently without getting hip and knee pain. Fuck it.

I hurt my shoulder for a couple of months, heard a pop when I was trying to begin a chest press set. So it sucked.

Mostly novice and a few untrained

>lifting for something above 7 months


Do you include the bar weight in this shit?

Uh are you also lifting the bar?

Thanks for the ironic answer. Helps a lot!

Did it not answer your question?

Seems pretty intuitive

Intermediate and advanced together JUST

Great site to track progress
posting my totally pathetic newbie lifts



>1.5 years of SS, 1 year of TM

forgot pic


Started training in August. Just hit the 1000lb club yesterday, feels good.

nice traps

holly shit nigger try doing a pull day every once in a while.

Gonna need a video substantiating thud

how much do you weigh if 1000lb total is intermediate


t. dyel



stop lifting get off this board

how much do you weigh, you monster?


>> work of fiction

I have bad knees, how can I squats more?
Or at least what other exercise for lower body

Leg press with leg curls are a good substitute for squats if you can't squat.

been lifting 7 months and got a pretty shitty squat because i already had huge legs

Does this site include the bar weight?

Since I just started I don't test my 1RMs yet, so I need to know an approximate percentage of 1RM you should be able to 5x5.

I guessed it was ~85%.

It's not even that much guys, there's plenty of people at my uni gym who lift more than me and don't even roid.

195lbs, 6'1
Been lifting for just over 4 years.

If you heard a pop, it shouldn't be a problem. Once it starts to hurt, that's when you should worry.

lel chestlet


Just broke my first intermediate and only 5 lbs away from breaking more LETS FUCKING GOOOOOO WE'RE ALL GOING TO MAKE IT


I need to diet again.

>Gender male
>Am jolly green generic male

>Change change to female
>Elite class lifter with world class Chinups for just doing 10 reps with 20 pounds

holy fuck

Me and my gf

Currently 152 coming down from 170. I need 10 more lbs to cut hoping to be done around june to end of june.

Just hoping my strength doesnt drop. Currently a little less than 1year and a half

my legs are actually best part of my body

What ever lifts you're doing for your upper legs, she needs to start doing.

She would if she could.

>that asymmetry


fucking dam son. your lifts?

How did this happen

You no longer lift

I'm a recovering fatass so my legs are progressing fast but my upper body is lagging, been lifting maybe 3 months. I'm 6'1 and was 339 pounds now I'm 228, been lifting at a deficit this whole time pretty pleased with my progress but OHP goes absolutely nowhere in terms of progression, it's frustrating.

I do, but at a plateau on bench squat and deadlift for months. Suggestions for how to break it? I'm trying to switch it up now between a week where I max out and a low weight high rep week.


into my 4th week of MADCOW. my deadlift sux.

Well I know what I need to work on..

counting the bar as 10kg for every barbell exercise though

Fuck you and your gorgeous squat stats!

Tfw everything would be great if my fucking squat wasn't garbage

> benching


Too bad I'm t-rex mode ;(

Started lifting about 7 months ago, my OPS game is fucking weak

What were the metrics?

dyel. fucking peasants

>6'1.5 and 170lbs
>tfw bench sucks ass
>tfw you just realized you bench without vertical forearms
>tfw you are excited for your bench to possibly skyrocket now that you've fixed your form from benching at the nipple to benching at the sternum.

I-is your gf in a wheelchair user?


Yes, why?

>almost full yellow



> guys I'm a girl give me attention!

Future T-Rex


Random Greyskull shit where I did bench, squat and deadlift thrice a week for like 3 months.

60kg 175cm

literally completely untrained even by female standards

why even post