Exercises you dread doing

Exercises you dread doing.

>lat raises

leaving the house

>heavy lat pulls

pretty much the only thing I hate

btw took me a few to realize you meant lateral raises lmao they're my fav excercise tho

also front squats

>bicep curls of any variation
>talk-to-girls of any variation


I know that someday the last thing I do without a cane or a crutch will be squats.

extensive kek

I enjoy every exercise I do, and if I don't do it, I find a suitable replacement exercise I do enjoy.
Happily for me, I enjoy all the irreplaceable lifts.

I know a guy who hip thrusts instead of squats and he actually has decent legs, but I still feel like dead and squat and bench are necessary

i love all back stuff

ot: front squats, lunges, curls

need to know: how are images like OPs pic made? They crack me up all the time

ham curls, i feel like im being raped

Rows are great

I don't like squats because I'm fat and squatting properly repeatedly crushes all my internal organs until I die mid-set.

I'm also shit at OHP. I never feel like I'm approaching failure like I do for other lifts, I just go from fine to failure in 1 rep. Doesn't feel like I'm making maximum gains.


How tall are you?

nah thats just ohp for ya.

How can you not like curls, the pump is borderline orgasmic

Snatches and jerks.

I can power snatch pretty good and my clean is great too. I just struggle with the catch position in a deep snatch and keeping my hips beneath me during the jerk.

> bench press

Literally only person in this thread who lifts.


Am I retarded/alone? Squats and bench both feel roughly similar satisfying, ohp a little less satisfying but at the same time locking up at the top is satisfying.

But deadlifts, I don't like them, don't like doing them, don't like the way it feels doing them, don't like how I feel after doing them

Weighted lunges. Show me a worse pain. I fucking dare you.

They're hard on their own and if you're not lifting properly according to your leverages you're just making it even harder despite using correct form.

Overhead press, yeah I'm an SS fat and everything is progressing pretty well but OHP is permanent stall.

I refuse to do those.

Clench your ass cheeks tight enough to crush your boyfriends dick.

Dumbell pullovers I can never feel them and they make my shoulders feel like they are about to snap off of my body and fall onto the floor

I hate squats with a passion.

I'll try this but how do I get better at OHP?

Ruck runs for miles in the double digits.

I feel months of life drain away fron my soul while doing this but I ain't trying to live forever so fuck it.

Do more shoulder volume work like dumbbell presses for high reps medium intensity. Seated, standing, you name it. Just hit those shoulders hard and eventually you'll progress on OHP. Yoursholders are really small so they need a lot of work to grow.

DB bench and ab wheel

Make them your primary lift and relegate the bench to an accessory exercise.

Like the other user said, add more shoulder volume. Front, lateral, and rear shoulder raises.

db bench is great, get better forearms

>long legs
>fucked up knees from football
>mild scoliosis
i hate squats

100lb dumbbell behind the head seating triceps extension. Getting a 100lbs db from my thigh to my shoulder is fucking terrifying. But it has to be done.

flat barbell bench
any row that isn't a t-bar row

U r literally retarded.

>bulgarian split squats
>barbell rows
>don't know what they're called, but it's like a walking lunge with dumbbells where you touch the dumbbells to the ground on every step

as someone with unusual bone structure (wide ribcage, shoulders and hips, long legs) i fucking hate squats. my body was just not designed for this shit. I'm good with rows though, dunno why you guys don't like them.

Flat dumbbell presses, and seated dumbbell presses. I have to use a lot of weight, and I hate getting them up by myself (45 kg per hand).

This, I like the exercise but setting up is annoying as fuck.


I've always struggled with them. When I am making g progress with them they are the greatest thing I the world. When the go badly they are just so soul crushing.

Not been able to do them for the last couple 9f months due to a should injury stopping me from getting under the bar. I saw slowly scraping my way to that 200kg pr. When u go back I'll probably be lucky to hit 170. Life is pain

Squats. I don't hate the movement itself, but I have a bad knee and hate that I can't squat as much as I should be able to for my size. So I still do them, but with more shame weighing me down than the plates

bent over anything

bad prison memories, eh?


It reminds me that I can't do them worth shit.

Any ab exercise

Chins get too tough too fast, and massive pressure in head

Pendlay rows don't feel right unless with light weight

Squats are fun but when they are heavy its tough to 'be ready'


You're not alone brother. I know it's Veeky Forums's favorite meme lift but I fucking hate doing them and usually just do hyperextensions and shrugs instead. I know those don't work all the same muscles that deadlifts do but I don't really care.

>absolutely no nutritional value added

Thank fuck, afraid I might get some vitamins from my sour gummy worms.

Its a joke; a candy company (It'Sugar) using a joke as creative advertising

Absolutely hate anything involving snatch. Power clean is pretty good. But I can't reliably do 60kg power cleans yet. So I just power hang clean.

I need to work on the catch for the clean. I always instinctively drop ATG and have the bar crash on me

We /owg/ now

Bench press and deadlifts - completely serious.

One word, sprints.

Buy some better bait next time.


God damn they get so exhausting.
I'm surprised people are saying things with back, those are the easiest.

i hate running because i cant run far for long distances before getting super winded.

i have to take like a 2 minute walk break between 5 minute run sessions. i roughly follow this method to and do this around 5 times for ~2 miles


I love all of the lifts, but getting myself to do cardio is hard.

im the total opposite, can we trade genetics?

I love carido and look forward to it, hate lifting weights and I avoid it

>fell for the pump meme

I never look forward to squats. The full body strain of pushing a 5x5 max out each week sucks. But I feel fucking great after I get it (even though I'll have an OHP max to hit straight after :/)

i have a love-hate relationship with frontsquats and deadlifts

i unironically enjoy the pain of overtrainning more then the routine
i know >dibs fedora
and all that shit but its just real, and progress cant be measure like the feeling of pain


although I hate running, I find joy in the soreness.

skull crushers with the the narrow grip press super set
>i hate'm but i love'm

dude, do your ohp before your squats for fuck sake

for what purpose? they work 2 different areas.

genuinely curious and willing to learn

p90x is such a fucking good program.

>falling for the p90x meme

ok troll aside, it does have its benefits, but its a grinders workout


But at least later in life if I ever need to immediately destroy my knees and ankles I'll know exactly what to do

i fell for it back in 2010, but one thing that stuck with me was the look on tony hortons face as hes walking through the people on the floor doing the ab work out. as hes strutting he says "p90x, i hate it but i love it" as he brings his arms into an X. I swear he went slightly cross eyed as he did this. all most seemed like one of those people that enjoys pain

I'm rowing 120kg for reps and I've never seen anyone getting even close to that, is that strong?

How is he retarded?

You have shit form


Shoulders weak as fuck, really feel like a complete memer since I can only do 5x5 lmao1pl8

lunges and hyperextensions

im sorry, butdo you have a shifted vertebrae due to this austism?

Have you just called lifting heavy weights "autism"?

how do you get bicep pump
there's just this one point where I can't go on anymore
but it doesn't feel pumped or good just exhausted

I always skip lats in place of traps.
who the fuck needs lats when you have monster snake traps? smaller lats will create the illusion you're bigger than you really are as long as you've got overcompensating traps.

pic related, tom hardy would look even bigger by comparison if his lats were underdeveloped

>inb4 cope

and how fat are you? I used to weigh almost 350 at 6'2 and rarely had problems like what you talk about

Alan Thrall has a really nice video about proper OHPing

rowing 120kg is pretty fucking metal, thats all im saying brah.. hard to believe

>that first rep of the first set of really heavy squats

thats still pretty respectable, m8. OHP is a slow progress lift for a lot of people it seems

>Shrugs and Bench
Never felt Shrugs do anything except fatigue my forearms and bench just was annoying as fuck to do even though I perfected my form.

just paint or photoshop brah check out bikinibottomtwitter on leddit xd

weak humble brag, 60kg overhead for reps is rock solid, do you use momentum from the hips/core? i feel safer just focusing on a tight core.

approaching girls.
can't complete a set to save my life

are you counting the fucking bar ?

>Lat raises

Fuck anything involving my shoulders creates physical pain, due to my hypermobility. OHP/Bench included.


I like doing push press with a Dumbell for 3-6 reps tho

I swapped out squats for sumo deads and my legs are still growing nicely

It's not more than a few months training..

what makes it such a meme? it seems to work fine for getting healthy and ottermode at the very least. Not in 90 days but in 2 years why not?



one handed rows or anything else where you need to do two sets to work both sides of your body