What do you think of this fit girl?
What do you think of this girl
I'm talking about the one on the far left.
I don't
what fit girl?
The one on the far left is that Jewish tranny
Looks like she has a Jew nose. She's tall though so that's cool.
Fuck her, but dont breed with her if she's non-white.
I dunno, far left? Shit hair line, kquite tall and big feet for the other part. For the rest quite plain, far right in the other hand seems fertile, would make babies with.
4 1 3 2 in that order
far left has a shit face and generic skinny girl body. she also doesn't look white
all four of them have weird faces imo but i'd still smash all four. one on the right is most promising tho
Would fuck even if tranny. Nice body tbqh.
2 3 1 4
1 and 3 have no softness to them at all. They look like sticks.
4 has the most graceful and beautiful figure and face - she's the only real woman there other than 2, whose face is trustworthy but still kind of unfortunate
Found the closeted fag who lusts after the bodies of 8 year old boys
high school / 10
so i dont have an opinion
>I'm not allowed to have an opinion about girls who have hit puberty
Found the other closeted fag
my nigga
dude, im not attracted to children
4 4 4 1
>you will never have a woman instead of a girl or a slut
They're okay but nothing special
Wouldn't say no to a fugg but would also drop in a heartbeat for a girl with a bigger ass/boobs/bigger slut in bed. Would gf material if feeling down but not willing to push myself.
no one in that photo is fit
dat ass in the background tho
Can you not see the cellulite? How long have you been on Veeky Forums?
After seeing the difference between women who work out and those who don't, I legit can never unsee a fat untrained ass without also being instantly repulsed by it.
4 3 2 1
Guys, all of them are white. I think it's the light.
nice bait
But she is not naked
(((summer camp)))