
>tfw 0.75/1.75/3/4
How do I into OHP and bench?

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More volume and frequency. Try 3x int med from 28 free programs by Greg Nuckols for bench (can be used for ohp too.) Also remember to be in surplus as bench benefits very much from higher bw.

>more tricep work (close grip bench, JM Press, etc)

Dunno really, I'm currently 1.5/2/4/4 so bump for interest.

With ohp start by learning form and what works best for you. Width of grip, spine positioning, breathing, all that good shit.

For bench, volume and triceps work if you aren't doing so already.

>tfw 145/225/195/335

If you are stalling on bench, switch to DB bench for like a month then go back. DB is a good bit harder and will build up your tendons.

I tried it for a month and stalled quickly and also I'm currently cutting so no caloric surplus for a while

You are tall (likely over 6 feet) and have long arms. Great for pulls, bad for presses.

Train OHP, bench will follow.

who else here /nolegsnochest/

>tfw 1/2/2.5/3 (3 months lifting)
how do I stop being such an alpha? how do I into the beta lifts? i just want to be a sissyboy normie memester who thinks squatting makes you awesome xDD

You're not eating enough

Pullups master race?

I'm doing pic related but with added dumbbell press/seated dumbbell press as extra accessory lifts on day a and c is this enough volume?
I'm 5'9 but have a 5'11 wingspan

I'm cutting

Stop training your upperbody

DB Bench
Close-Grip DB Bench
BB Bench from the rack
Incline Bench

Just do more.


how does this even happen?

Im afraid of snapping my shit up from deadlifts and squats give me knee pain so I do bulgarians instead

You can't fucking stall in a month you retard. The program is literally one month long. If you can't go up 2.5 lbs in a month you're diet is fucked

If you cant progress on ohp, switch to pushpress. Progressing in that will help you progress in ohp

Get swole with us faggots

what site is this


your form might need work
Maybe you aren't as consistent with those lifts?
I have kind of the opposite physique: my squats novice, my ohp and bp are nearly proficient. This is partly because I put less effort into squats and diddly and so have made slower progress.

switch to close grip bench. makes your triceps hella stronger at pressing. before i could barely get 135 on ohp now im doing 150 for sets of 4. cgpb is arguably superior to regular bench

I watch a lot videos on bench and OHP form and still I never feel anything or get any soreness in my chest when I bench I only feel it in my shoulder. Form might be an issue but I'm not sure in what aspect.

What in the fuck is a close grip dumbell press.

Im guessing it's when palms are facing each other, not sure though

>only feel it in my shoulder
Sounds like it could be a few things.

You are not drawing your shoulders back enough. You should feel completely tight in your upper back, to the point of discomfort.

You may have too large a ROM due to no or little upper back arch. Drive your traps into the bench. Your elbow should be at 90 degrees at the bottom of the rep.

Your grip is probably too narrow. Use an empty bar, assume good setup, and lower it to your chest. Your forearms should be at 90 degrees to the floor.

Maybe your leg drive sucks or is non-existent. After you set your arch, start moving your feet toward your head on the floor until you can push hard with them but not raise your butt off the bench.

Googled it and yeah palms are facing each other.

>tfw 135/175/305/365

Just fuck my chest up senpai

As far as OHP goes:

Make sure you have a narrow enough grip:
Your hands should be just outside of your shoulders at the bottom. Your forearms should be at 90 with the floor and directly under the bar.

Flex your glutes and shift your hips a little bit forward at the bottom of the lift. Brace your core. If you do it right, you should be able to push the bar straight up without hitting your head.

You could also start pressing and benching more often. Do em both 3 days a week, but with only one heavy day, the rest are to learn the movement and cement it.

I already do what you listed when I bench except for the hand placement. I normally place my pinky on the outer ring when benching do I need to place my hand even further down the bar?

I'll try to get a video of my form next time I go lifting that's probably the best way to tell where I'm failing

whats the name of that website?

i do 531 but with weekly progression and another bench day and my bench has shot up


>Your forearms should be at 90 with the floor and directly under the bar.
nope, they shouldn't.
just look at any good overhead presser.

>shift your hips a little bit forward at the bottom of the lift

Stop being a bitch


Below worked for me.

Stretch stretch stretch, work on getting your shoulders further back alongside your chest.

Try doing halting reps with a close grip, facepulls and btnp

Add in some lat raises with upturned pinkies to target your supraspinatus.

I also find shrugging helps too.

>Add in some lat raises with upturned pinkies
you're begging for shoulder impingment issues.

(internal rotation also doesn't target the supraspinatus better than neutral or external rotation:
a better exercise even, specifically for the supraspinatus:
a better way

you're cutting, no chance you will make bench gains now

this is not true in general, only if you have a front delt weakness specifically will overhead pressing drive your bench press

if the goal is to train the most muscle mass and get the strongest, do loads of bench and OHP as an accessory


> Tfw 115/135/415/460

rippetoe would be proud

still, there's most likely a technique issue on bench, you could probably progress up to 180-200 bench by fixing technique alone with that ohp pressing strength

tfw 135/235/350/275

how do i into deadlift

Bad case of shoulder bursitis :(
Pre injury was 165/275/405/440

Great argument.

Why would you not want your forearms to be directly under the bar and straight up and down? This is the most direct path of force transfer to the bar.

Shifting your hips forward allows you to move your head out of the way to allow for straight, unhindered force transfer to the bar without rounding your back. It is the most efficient way.

Your squat form is fucked.

>>just look at any good overhead presser.
that is actually a way better argument than what you're saying.

path of force regarding forearms and grip doesn't really matter for ohp.
the different elbow and shoulder position that a different grip allows however, does matter.

hip shift also just doesn't really matter.
once again, just look at some good overhead pressers.
some of them do it and some don't.
it just doesn't really matter.

also, i think you mean arching the back, not rounding.

what matters most to ohp is good thoracic mobility, not letting the bar get too forward, learning how to use the delts instead of the pecs at the start of the lift, and finding your optimal grip width.

I just hit 175 press for a 1rm. Dont worry about "feeling it" thats the worst way to determine if you are doing it correctly.

To progress simply, press twice a week one volume day one intensity day and you should be fine. Just take about 60% of your 5rm and use that for like 5x8 on volume day.

on hevy day just do 3x5 and try to progress weekly by 5 pounds until you get to around 155 3x5 but by then you'll probably have it figued it out