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>girls keep using the phrase haha over text
Are women autistic?

They are just idiotic


why tho


You gotta adapt bro. Mimic her. Use "haha" and "lol" and use all those gay ass emoticons, too. If you don't you're never gonna make it.

Her kid looks old enough to go home alone from the mall

They're responses when they have nothing to say, but want to be offensive. Either because the girl is retarded or because you are a bad conversationalist.

You are fucking autistic, "haha" is just what it is, a less dramatic/serious "lol".

Why say "lol" when you could just say "haha", it is a better indicator of how you actually feel. I can't even explain this shit because it's so obvious

Normie girls don't use "lol" to the extent of Veeky Forums memers so if you don't want to sound autistic, "haha" is superior

excuse me newfag but we use kek

>over analyzing texts

I believe you are the autistic one.

No point. I am sure you've heard that once you learn something it is harder to accept something new that contradicts with what you already know. What that guy said is what he sees everyday. He thinks girls want to be offensive and considered himself a bad conversationalist. Although currently he feels better about his social skills, he is still insecure.

>he pronounces kek as "keck"


I have no clue what this is about either man.

youre being trolled retard

everyone knows it's khek

She is super normie / not sassy / that would be pretty uncharacteristic of her

she really does just say haha a lot though

how do I become a texting god like you?

>tfw no cutie
>tfw no one talks to me
>tfw i've moved so many times in my life, that I have no friends to find qt

end it now

fuck off
>She texts like that so I respond like her (Helps get laid?)
if the shoe fits where it

To achieve my level, you need to become my padawan

Tbh it's pretty common to use "haha" to feign interest when you're not actually into the conversation but trying to be nice.

Its not that bad man
Its not that bad man, I moved every year until highshcool and I was a huge shut in. Took a lot of work in college to be charming/funny around girls.

I get that, but reading her texts to other people she seems to just use it habitually.

what the fuck is that

this right here
i still don't use "haha" except when most necessary
emojis are game tho

What do you even say to not sound boring? I'm always studying or playing guitar so I'm boring af

still get called cutie tho ayyy

Bimbo practice.

The girl on the right looks a Hell of a lot like that 15 year old pornstar that lied about her age so she could get fucked on cam

wait what? Quick rundown?

wut, did you think I was being sarcastic?

I'm a kissless handholdless beta virgin and all of a sudden this qt asian girl is calling my cutie, teasing me, etc. I honestly have no experience with this shit lol.

I can't remember her name, but she was some little slut that lied about her age to do porn (I think she claimd to be 19). She did a few shoots (including DancingBear or whatever the fuck it's called) before the police found out.

You gotta get really good at gauging ages to avoid shit like that, girls get really fucking horny and stupid as they're going through puberty.

Rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs etc

>not telling her about your sikh jamz


>just practicing the aeolian minor lol wbu

Do they seriously not even do something as simple as checking ID?

You guys don't know that girls use 'haha' as a curve ball? it's a serious fact that all these girls are on twitter and consume the stupid twitter shit, they literally use 'haha' to show that you are FRIENDS

holy shit you autists man

I could be misremembering but they did, though hers was faked. A pretty poorly done one, at that.

I don't think she had any parents, foster girls like her tend to be kinda cartoon characters.

I use "haha" as a way to communicate that I am amused. That shit is usually quite relevant in everyday conversations where the point is socializing and not just delivering information.

Is her porn ok to watch and where can I find it? I am ready to break my 2 day NoFap for her.

bro u text girls like this all the time? this shit is weak my man u dont need to be chattin her up all day dummy

There's a girl in my area on OKC who grew up in a foster home and she's bpd and a whore and all that. Single mom of course. Wonder if it's her lel

>where it

>Is her porn ok to watch
>Is it ok to watch porn of 15yo girls
Work it out for yourself dumbo

I don't know, man, in my country it's perfectly okay to download absolutely everything. I've never paid for a movie, game or a book in my life. I've probably downloaded 10k$ worth of content. Nobody is monitoring this so why would they be monitoring porn sites.

When you say "is it ok" do you mean legally or morally?
I've also pirated a fuck ton of stuff but it doesn't mean I go looking for cp.
Piracy and underage porn are completely different legally.
Morals are subjective & I ain't gonna tell you if it's morally wrong or not.
I've done and do some fucked up shit to get my kicks, I ain't gonna tell you what's right or wrong.

>inb4 they live in suburbs and mall is like 5 hours drive away.

>they live in suburbs and mall is like 5 hours drive away.
do you live in reality?

It's illegal, but there aren't people responsible for catching this kind of lawbreakers. And if this video managed to sneak into some trivial porn site like pornhub or xhamster I am willing to risk it. I know people here have gotten in jail for having cp on their computer.

Hey, when you are bored it's normal to pretend you are a woman just to fuck with others.

Don't say stuff like that user, the cheesy pizza patrol will be after you

>There aren't people responsible for catching this kind of lawbreakers
You actually believe that there aren't people policing potential CP sources?

Fuck, you are scaring me. Is there a country where CP is legal? Like from age 14-15 or so

Spain I think
a bunch of other third world countries

It's too late, the Cyber Police are already after you, you're fucking dead kiddo.

I haven't done anything mate.

w8, japan?! I know there are MUM videos, but do they have actual CP? I imagine some world rights organization is going to be forcing them to make it illegal. It must be a heated topic.

For Spain I know sex is legal, but not sure about pornography.

I don't know desu
I just know you can fuck a 13 year old if you wanted to there

I went through a paranoid stage a couple of years ago when I was browsing deepweb sites - sites that I now know were honeypots.

I've not been party-vanned yet.

It's getting more and more dangerous to look for it, it's slowly getting more public awareness so the authorities are doing more about it.

My advice is find another (legal) kink.

Re. Japan, afaik you've got loli which is legal but considered degenerate by 99% of society. /b/ has loli threads sometimes, I ain't posting it here.

Child porn is illegal pretty much everywhere (at least every civilised/first world country).

eggplant ok sign wink

Spain's age of consent is 16 senpai. Got raised 2013 according to Google from 13.

How fucking unsanitary holy shit. Does she even realize how many hands from old men touching their sweaty ballsacks have been on that thing?

About as many as have been in her mouth

Not really. Aside from a couple islands, all prefectures have set the age of consent between 16 and 18. Some prefectures make exceptions when the couple is in a "sincere romantic relationship" and the minors parents consent to it too.

fuck I'm a retard

No lol, i don't think a few screencaps is indicative of how I text every chick I would like to fuck. Its different for each girl. Most of the time Im trying to segue into meeting up though.

I try and text as little as possible (hard to sound interesting w/o coming off as a fuckboy?) I try and set up a date/hangout whatever the fuck so we just talk in person.

Oh I'm sorry man thought you were fucking with me.

>I don't know, be a dick but in a witty way and women will think its charming/charismatic. Same thing if you wanna neg you/her make sure its entertaining for both of you. The plus side to texting is you get a minute to think of something different to say.

>what are you up to?
>in class lol
>in class LOL
>in class laughing out loud

If this is good text game I don't want good text game.

tfw never developed banter

gg life

If the shoe fits where it...?


those are just screenshots of her saying haha etc.
Also "having good text game" is stupid. Some people enjoy certain types of people. Try your best to be that person over text.


'haha' is indicating passiveness, they're not trying to take the helm, they expect you to be assertive and lead the discussion (alongside most other things at that point)

ops a dork xd le leddit

your caking it dude gg
fuck thats painful