
so when did /FITPOL/ happen? why is every thread political lately?

When the retards on /pol/ couldn't contain their autism and obsession with interracial cuckoldry fetish, so it spilled over here.

Just ignore and report, they'll go back to their shit hole soon, then come back after a few months. It's always been like this.

niggers have the audacity to get upset when someone says nigger on Veeky Forums

is curbstomping nigger skulls a suitable exercise for quads?

The majority of people on Earth dislike niggers. Your 'le /pol bogeyman' isn't some tiny minority of neo-nazis. Plenty of dedicated Veeky Forumsizens don't like niggers and are smart enough to realize that Hitler did nothing wrong.

If you don't like it, I hear racism is banned on redd*t. You should head on back over there.

Good triple, but you have to go back.

I bet you're from /pol/, nice trips by the way

nigger nigger bitch nigger nigger nigger fried chicken nigger watermelon nigger bitch nigger nigger nigger white women titties ass...

I'd rather deal with /pol/ than r9k. Hopefully they displace the robots completely.

They've spilled onto every board. Veeky Forums has also gotten a lot more autism lately because of Bill Nye.

>you have to be a neo-nazi to think bill nye is a retarded political propagandist

SJWs have picked fights with the rest of the country and the country responded in kind.

Now everything is political, everything is degenerate, everything is sexist, everything is racist, and You Have To Point It All Out.

no but you're probably a /pol/tard if you care that much about what some celebrity does

No but you have to be unused to the board if you make 4 bill nye threads, and you're probably from /pol/ if you give two shits about ecelebs.

pic related: a /pol/ "satire" bait post

and if you don't think culture wars existed in the 90s, 80s, 70s, etc i don't know what to tell you

>no but you're probably a /pol/tard if
This thing where you put everyone you don't like and disagree with into a neat little category is an intellectual crutch. You're a simpleton.

Anyone who discusses politics on the internet are autistic cucks.

Seriously, does chad or a slayer discuses politics on the internet? Fuck no. It's only autistic rotting stormfrontcels, atheistcels or leftistcels that discuss this shit.

cuck, ur probably posting blacked porn on pol

they got invaded by r/The_Donald and are running away from their containment board.

>he doesn't easily understand politics
coping IQlet detected

Because we are one bad presidential election away from having to pay federal gym taxes in order to prevent triggering fatties and skinnyfats

/pol/ is retarded shit and the racebaiting nigger poster above sucks ass but the particular strain of mentally ill sjw shitheads also come after your precious weights. That's why we have the fatpeoplehate threads so we can vent about the HAES retards trying to take your weights away.

Not that they're any good at it.

>don't categorize everyone is special!
>proceeds to categorize

/pol/ became shitty after the election when the mods completely stopped enforcing the sticky rules. Like me, they came here.

>/pol/ is retarded shit and the racebaiting nigger poster above sucks ass
not an argument

good trips baad post

By the way, your favorite cheap bulking food is racist. GOMAD is racist. This shit affects you.


I don't care about politics and it has no place on /fit. But lately I've seen people on her reactiong to the use of words like kike, dyke, fag, nigger ...

This is Veeky Forums not fucking reddit. If the intervention of some poltards can deter those fags from shitting up this board with their ((((progressive)))) views I'm all for it.

>HAES retards trying to take your weights away
attempting to change cultural expectations (for the worse imo) has nothing to do with removing access to exercise, this is beyond paranoid

/pol/ has been infested with 3rd party raids and shill posts. I got permanently banned from there for one shitpost so not only that but the mods are ban hammering contributing members so they are either paranoid or compromised.

mods need to remake /pol/ with /r9k/ level moderation, where repeat offenders get perma banned and porn-posting is a permanent ban

the resulting degradation of /pol/ has led to an exodus of most of us, so the good and bad posters are now posting in other boards twice as often and the mods can't keep up.

Underrated containment bread, thanks OP.


Arabs, whites, asians ... No one like blacks people. It's like the universal hatred for coackraches, it's stunning.

Not saying I like it tho, being mixed myself. But this hatred exists and it exists for a reason.

>But lately I've seen people on her reactiong to the use of words like kike, dyke, fag, nigger ...
Probably because the same posts contain obvious /pol/ shibboleths like

You're not subtle at all. Go back to your safe space.

>Seriously, does chad or a slayer discuses politics on the internet?
Yes. This notion that the internet and real life are isolated separate entities is a false one especially in 201x. Relationships are made and broken on okcupid, tinder, and facebook just as much as they are face-to-face.

Try again.

>this is beyond paranoid
if only you knew how bad cultural marxism could make things

Again, just report the autists, like and And are your (ex?)fellow mods working on it? The board has been trash for quite a while, you know, not just the after the elections.

like I said: paranoid

>I don't care about politics
fuck off with that shit, i don't care about your edgy memespeak

This is what you fucks sound like

/pol/ won Brexit and Trump 2016, and is virtually mainstream. FITPOL is here to stay

I've seen a lot of really feminine posts on Veeky Forums lately. Shit like people calling each other out for being mean (lmao). The reason why /pol/ is necessary is because it offends the mediocre poster so deeply over a long period of time that it either converts them, or drives them away, greatly increasing the average post quality.

/pol/ is like an anti-body swarm against normie redd*tors and assmad roasties. Be grateful for it.

>attempting to change cultural expectations (for the worse imo)
It's a slippery slope that goes from zero to "We must ban this sick filth" very very very quickly nowadays.

>because cuckposters bring up /pol/ even more than /pol/ brings themself up in a discussion
>because saying nigger on the internet triggers sperglord autistic cucks
>because being a physically competent, mentally sound and succesful individual makes you more right-wing, something Veeky Forums aspires to be

naive and delusional

>The reason why /pol/ is necessary is because it offends the mediocre poster so deeply over a long period of time that it either converts them, or drives them away, greatly increasing the average post quality.
Ah yes, the "/mlpol/ is an improvement over regular /pol/" argument

okay, bucko. Do you realize how badly post-modernist neo-marxist "intellectuals" have fucked up western civilization? They're "intelect" has undermined the objectivity of science and morality. That's why we have mass immigration, welfare states, Islamic springs, horrible race relations, degeneracy (fat people, sexual deviants, junkies). There's a reason Neitzsche said "God is dead" and it wasn't because he was trying to be a trilby tipping edge-lord.

>Implying the media didn't go apeshit on that ((((thing)))) because it was all over twitter and it now became a thing even normies are aware of

You guys are basically saying that anyone who disagrees with you comes from /pol. Can't you see the irony there ?

>"This thing where you put everyone you don't like and disagree with into a neat little category is an intellectual crutch."
Funny because all I see is /pol/tards making buzzword after buzzword to describe the same groups of people they dislike.

>Ah yes, the "/mlpol/ is an improvement over regular /pol/" argument
no? nothing I said is untrue, cucky. Post an argument next time.

not an argument. those have nothing to do with restricting access to exercise

I wasn't a mod. I started going there in June 2016 and it wasn't nearly as bad until CTR and ShareBlue started campaigning right before and after the elections up until today were the worst.

>proceeds to categorize again
you're fuckin hopeless lmao

That is the exact argument /mlpol/ posters spread everywhere to keep their precious board around: spamming overt garbage to chase out normalfags makes the board better.

Was /mlpol/ a good board? Should we make this /mlpfit/?

I fail to see how this post has anything to do with fitness.

>those have nothing to do with restricting access to exercise
No shit retard. Not yet they don't, but what direction is everything headed in.

You must be a 70IQ nonwhite. kys

>disagrees with you comes from /pol.
nobody is saying that, its just so obvious when the person comes from /pol/ nothing to do wether they agree with me or not

Your post has absolutely nothing to do with what you're replying to.

>I've seen a lot of really feminine posts on Veeky Forums lately.
A lot of feminine penises if you get my drift

Not that I'm complaining

The post it was replying to wasn't fitness related either you illiterate cuck. Open your eyes before you post.

? Autistic much ?

>what direction is everything headed in
continuing their original goals

none of which have to do with restricting access to exercise

you're paranoid

The year is 2017 and picking things up and puttng them back down is now a political act.

(((white people)))

>That is the exact argument /mlpol/ posters spread everywhere to keep their precious board around
The difference is it didn't actually chase out normies.

is that from Preacher?

You're right: it's a terrible argument, because all it does is degrade board quality.

Thanks for proving my point.

Your gif is pretty creepy. Anyway, you're completely right. When these marxists have divided everything in the name of equality they will have come for those with the characteristics of self-respect, self-image, and responsibility. Those who take care of their bodies and are fit. They will have said you oppress others who lack the confidence to keep themselves fit.

>none of which have to do with restricting access to exercise
3 years ago you'd never think that they would have made getting your 3 old son's dick chopped off because he likes playing with dolls socially acceptable in such a short amount of time.

you're a naive and delusional cuck

Even blacks hate niggers and know that around blacks never relax is not a meme..
Its redditor scum

people like
>pic related
who sperg go back t /pol/

>Why do people act autistic on a website made for autists

Their original goals are to divide in the name of equality. That will include those who oppress others because they are "fit"

>being racist degrades board quality
no it doesn't lmao

only niggers and cucks dislike racism. go back to worldstar/redd*t my man

is it spilled over or is 90% of 4chink /pol/ who have other interest.
Think about user, everyboard is not being invaded. People have multiple home boards..
How fucking new are you people
Fuck I hate r/Veeky Forums

gender theorists and transgender activism has existed for a long time

there is no left-wing movement to restrict access to exercise

you're retarded

It simply wasn't this bad until last month.

You son of a bitch

naive and delusional

/pol/ garbage does degrade board quality. it's why you have your own special little containment board

This website needs to be nuked.

People don't realize how much nigger hate was here before the US elections. /pol/ basically gave every lefty on this site a blanket term for anything political they don't like.

It's because some whites are extremely insecure at their own lack of acheivements and coming to terms with the realization that the modern white american man is a obese, un-skilled embarassment to what whites did once achieve. Some of you white people are really worse than SJW's, hopefully some people call you out on your bullshit pretty soon because you internet social justice warriors make me sick

Yes, they have, but shit is fucking wild these last five years or so. What rock have you been living under?

I'm inclined to think you're being willfully dishonest here. What are you hiding?

>land whale
>black kid
Every time

yes there is you fucking imbecile. Is it just a coincidence that all the fat body-acceptant land-whales are leftist political activists? Is it just a coincidence that if anyone criticizes those whales that the other lefties, who aren't fat , cry out "MUH ACCEPTANCE AND EQUALITY". They WILL oppress those who are fit

literally every person in that picture is a fat fuck, even the fucking dog

you americans man, sickening fucking people, retrid human beings, need to die

what rock are YOU living under?

just because the LGBT stuff is new to YOU in the past couple of years doesn't mean it's not the product of a decades long effort. this stuff doesn't spontaneously generate, it has existed for a while, it is publically visible in left-wing circles

go find a credible left-wing movement (read: not right-wing satire or a tumblr post with 20 reblogs) to reduce access to exercise and then we'll talk. until then, you're just shitposting.

This sums up Veeky Forums perfectly, but the reason /pol/ is so intense right now is due to various reasons.
>still hungover from the intense election
>huge population of a new younger r/donald undergraduate pissed at the world right now.
>lack of moderation and being constantly provocated by trolls / ctr

Really it's the world were living in today. Shit is tense, racial tension is at an all time high. Our MSM is constantly race baiting.
Shit is going to hit the fan soon. Both in Europe and in the U.S.

Can't you all kind of feel it. Like humanity is ready for a big shake up. We can't sustain at this level, with this many people who are so so different..

One last great war.

please dig up some credible HAES literature that's focused on restricting access to exercise

"but obviously this is what they're planning because they hate non-fatties" is not an argument. left wing groups do not secretly plan things, they are very open about what they want to do.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.


in this thread, we btfo /pol/

People have been calling for race wars for hundreds of years in america

America is just a sensationalist nation

>just because the LGBT stuff is new to YOU
I'm an oldfag and the 90s was not this stupid. It was stupid, but not like this.

There is a distinct breed of activism culture that has been using minorities (both gender and racial) as useful idiots and tools to bludgeon their ideological opponents with.

Honestly I'm just pissed that RuPaul, a literal tranny nigger faggot that survived and thrived in the fiercely homophobic 70s, 80s, and (to a lesser extent 90s) got thrown over the bus by younger college miseducated sorry excuse for "activists" for not using the same newfangled academic terminology they do that didn't exist until very recently.

It has existed before, yes, but people weren't blinded by postmoderist "intellectualism" in the past like they are today. Not many can or want to critically think anymore. People in the past debated and understood the consequences of lefty ideologies (they weren't pretty). Today, we've seen the rise in these ideologies because the leftist professors have brooded these ideologies to kids who cannot critically think in the universities. A credible left wing movement? How about the subversive social acceptance of abortion, gay marriage, letting illegals illegally steal money from tax-payers, etc.



>left wing groups do not secretly plan things
their jewish puppeteers do, though

IT's the last place on the net where you're free to say whatever you want. I don't like the wannabe censors either.

>left wing groups do not secretly plan things, they are very open about what they want to do.
Yes, antifa tends to be really bad at OPSEC. You got that right.


I could see a LA Riots 2.0 deal happening in a poorly policed area but not much more than that. The government's a lot stronger than it used to be.