Veeky Forums, should i date this acne girl

Veeky Forums, should i date this acne girl

I'm a relatively hot guy, 7-8/10, could pull most girls. Im seeing this girl from my work, started chatting with her. She is incredibly cute, little fit thing 5'1", no more than 105 pounds. Easy little thing to throw around.
She is also so damn cute, and so damn nice and easy to talk to.
The only downside is that she has relatively bad face-acne. It isnt horrendous, but very noticeable. I love being with her, and I dont think it makes her any less unattractive to me.
Should i date an acnechick?

why wouldn't you, if it's not a huge deal to you and you think she's cute and you love being around her?

>I love being with her, and I dont think it makes her any less unattractive to me
you answered your own question retard

stop being a little faggot and referring to Veeky Forums for advice on shit like this. make your own decisions.

does her makeup cover it up?

don't ask that in this place full of people who pretend to date 10's. if you like her, she is nice and easy to be with, then go for it mate.

If it doesn't bother you then it is a non-issue. It's like scars. If you have nothing against it you won't even see it anymore.

Go for it.

Go for it. Acne might clear up, and if it doesn't bother you anyway, don't let that qt get away.

I don't know I have the same problem, chicks I want to slay, but wouldn't want to be caught being in a relationship with.

Yeah i feel you all. Maybe im just a horrible person, that Im worrying what people might think if im in a relationship with her

lol how about you start dating her then encourage her to take accutane or you can just stop being so shallow

slip isotretinoin into her protein shakes

Am I really that shallow? It doesnt make her any less attractive to me, but im just worried what other people would think if I dated her. Perhaps thats just me being horrible

Breh, I'm gonna level with you; you found the holy grail. If she really is as good looking as you say otherwise, then as far as treatable ugly goes this is at the top of the list. She has likely struggled with it since she was a teen, and probably wasn't so hot back then. I bet she has self esteem issues and doesn't get much attention from men. Be with her, if it ever comes up tell her you don't notice it, you don't care, she's perfect the way she is blah blah. Keep being a shredded cunt and she'll want to work to please you, encourage her and get her some hard core treatment (I assume its not because of bad diet or shit) while telling her you just want her to feel her best. You hit the jackpot boyo; we have entire threads about turning fatties and nerds into models but you got the ez mode right now niqqa.

goddamn man, i hear you. But it isnt really like shes a fucking 10/10, more like a 7/10. I just really like her just as she is. That does kinda sound like im in love though, but I just feel like shes "below" my standard, If you get me? What people would think

Don't shit where you eat retard.

man my ex already is in my class, too late lmao

but this girl doesnt go to the same uni, so dont worry ;) just workplace

my bf started dating me ~1 year ago when I had HORRIBLE acne. I was very self-conscious about it, but he said stuff like, "idk I think you pull it off" and then would shrug off the topic. I thought that attitude was so manly. it made me respect him so much more than I already did/do.

also, 3-4 months into it, my skin cleared up of its own accord. I don't know why, and I'm not saying it will happen to her, but I think it was because I was with someone who didn't make me think about the state of my face all the time so I stopped picking at it and left it alone.

>I'm a relatively hot guy
allow us to be the judge of that, op.

you're more than likely a 5/10 and cute acne girl is out of your league. she's just being nice because you work together, she wouldn't actually pity-fuck you.

You askin it here on Veeky Forums means you actually don't want to date her bro.

post pics of her

and of you if youre that confident youre not an ugly faggot

bruh we already netflixed (but no chill yet tho;)) several times, so you just keep your fat mouth shut. Stick with your traps

They might think be taken aback from afar OR if they might think you're a good guy since you recognized a catch that other men passed up because of a cosmetic problem.

Son, if you like her that's all that matters. You don't know how lucky you are its unironcially like 1/1,000,000 that a man can stand being around. If she has opinions, wit, and feelings; that makes her a 10/10. Like I said appearance can be worked on but personality is forever

How bad is it OP? Like straight up whiteheads? blackheads? just some bumps?

Girl im seeing now has some slight acne scarring around the perimeter of her face. Kind of a turn off to me but she applies make up decently well and its not too noticeable.

Id say give dating her a try, if you find yourself too distracted by it, call it off. Acne is something most people grow out of so depending on your age, its not gonna be a problem for too long unless its scarred.

Why do you care what other people think?
Stop acting like a little bitch and be a man.

>when you're so sensitive and delicate so you revert to ad hominen attacks

When you lash out at somebody about them liking traps, you're probably in the closet. lmao

>I'm a relatively hot guy
i'm not the one on trial fagop.

how dumb are you thinking a coworker wants a relationship.

Yeah. I dont want to post pictures of her either. I think she is beautiful and looks really great to me, but I dont think others will. Perhaps I just shouldnt care, she has the personality to back up the looks.

It isnt blackheads or whiteheads at all, more like red bumps and perhaps a little bit of scarring. I dont know how she does it, but all her pictures on facebook and instagram, you cant see it. But it is very noticeable irl.

you care soooo much what others think about ***YOU*** being seen with a chick with acne.

So, yes, you are that shallow.

Well since she started texting me, and told me we should meet up :)

How old are you? How old is she? Like i said, she will outgrow it eventually.

I feel you though. I normally dont care what people think too much, but when it comes to someone im dating, i definitely am critical on who i choose.

We are both 17.
Yeah, me too. Idk, I just really really like her


no shame in being with a girl who has acne

now a fat girl is a completely different story

>that Im worrying what people might think if im in a relationship with her

stop doing this.
seriously, I made the same mistake when I was younger (Im assuming you're 21 years old max based on this statement alone).

Do you guys really think people listen to the advice given in threads like this? I give some pretty shit advice jokingly but now I wonder... have I caused an autismo user to eat his cum and do other stupid shit?

Are you me? I'm in this exact same situation

Guys not sure where to post this.

But it has been nearly 5 years since my last girlfriend. 7 months last time I fucked a girl. I am really having this feeling of being alone. Anybody have any tips?

I really want to go clubbing or what but all my friends to want to.

write coherently pls

Lol youll be fine. Youre young as fuck. All i can say is dont think too hard about it and just have fun.

They'll think you're a nice guy at worst.

the opposite faggot, people will think its sweet of you if you are a good looking guy

enjoy your ban

>Im worrying what people might think
You must be at least 18 to use this site motherfucker. Reported.

Go fuck yourself, just date her. If you're that insecure about what other people think, you'll be miserable either way.

don't, if you're asking that piece of shit question you obviously don't deserve her


This kind of happened to me in the opposite side. I had really bad acne from age 12 to 16, then it started to clear up and I finally got to date people because I wasn't some horrific looking monster.

I started dating, and got into a steady relationship. Stress from school, work, and being a second parent to my kid sister took a toll and my acne exploded. I was so fucked up looking that I was astounded that anyone could even look at me. It was the reason I actually paid the money and went to see a dermatologist outside of my insurance coverage.

Flash forward 10 years and I'm married now. My partner has acne, and has no clue how to follow a skin care routine. He always makes the excuse that "I already have good skin."

Motherfucker doesn't need to look any further than the medicine cabinet to see my stockpile of heavy duty retinoids that I've been on for years.

Tazorac is the shit, by the way. My dermatologist really didn't want to put me on Accutane, and it turns out that some people with cystic acne clear up better on Tazorac anyway.

I will say this, though. If your partner has really bad acne and you plan on reproducing, remember that your kids have a pretty good chance of inheriting that. I don't plan on passing my genetics on for fear of that alone.

don't give a fuck what other ppl think it's just a waste of time.
enjoy your fking life and do what makes you happy

This is how women think, don't wear your significant other around as if they're a purse.

ishygddt. The risks from accutane are far too high to be worth it. I did two courses of accutane as a teen. Had I known then what I know now, I wouldn't have touched it.

Do it faggot

Leave her and get with a better looking chick since you can get one right?
Now fuck off this is the answer you wanted

Ughhhhh get the fuck out of my Veeky Forums you fucking normie OP
Seriously... GET THE FUCK OUT

go for it bro. who really gives a shit about what people think about your gf, it's not their business. do what makes you happy and if its chicklet acne girl go fuckin hard

shut up


You sound like an awful person.

Is it butt acne? Cuz I likes dat

if you're white, shame on you, if you're not white
>you go girl :)