Just curious, to all you veganfags, what are some good, cheap non-animal protein sources that don't contain phytoestromemes?
Just curious, to all you veganfags, what are some good...
not a vegfag, but I could see why Tofu could be considered a protein source. Also Beans. From a price perspective, beans, since 16oz of Bush Beans is only a dollar.
not a vegfag, but I could see why Tofu could be considered a protein source. Also Beans. From a price perspective, beans, since 16oz of Bush Beans is only a dollar from Target
Tofu increases estrogen and decreases testosterone
yeah soy, legumes and beans are chock full of estromemes
>vegan shit
You have to go back
Milk has mammalian estrogen which DIRECTLY increases estrogen.
I'm not a vegan. I'd just like to try it to see if it's just a fad or if it has any positive/negative effects on my body. If it works though I might go vegan full time (whenever I eat alone at least which is always) because I like animals and sheet.
Milk does too and it is extremely little, but you are correct.
A great alternative to tofu is tempeh. This is unprocessed and doesnt increase estrogen. It is cheap, tasty and thus the best vegan product.
Oats, Lenzils, chickpeas, kidney beans and protein rich vegetables like broccoli are also great protein sources.
For variation you can look up some lentils or black bean burger recipes or falafel.
Being vegan is easy once you know how to make your food taste good.
even if that's true estrogen has zero oral absorbtion.
The amount of estrogen Milk has is minimal. You'd have to drink like 95 quarts a day for it to have a even the most marginal of impacts.
isn't estrogen good? it could increase your growth
ban me if I sound retarded, just read this online
post pubmed or consider your claim untrue
confirmed for increasing estrogen
confirmed for increasing estrogen
confirmed for increasing estrogen
>kidney beans
confirmed for increasing estrogen
vegans when will they learn?
oh wow didnt know this. How significant would this be noticable if i eat this every day, which i do?
probably not very significant t b h, but they're not good for your test either
it is really possible that this guy is a vegan and isn't on gear?
0% chance he isn't on gear regardless of his diet
his all time best lifts would have easily got him into the olympics but he could never replicate any with enough consistency in qualifiers
>muh soy increases estrogen meme
When will this shit stop?
I thought sam hyde was a power lifter, not oly
that's Clarence, check out his youtube channel Clarence0, the guy is a beast