Defeat transgenderism

This is a war. You need to get your diet in check, stay active, and raise your testosterone.


Drink reverse osmosis or distilled water. (If you do distilled, supplement with minerals.) Avoid drinks with sugar or high fructose corn syrup. Energy drinks are fine but get the zero cal ones.

Make sure your carbs, proteins, and fats are coming from non-poisoned or non-refined sources.

Carbs -- get your carbs from clean sources like potatoes, rice, and quinoa. Avoid wheat and sugar at all costs.

Fats -- get fats from olive oil, nuts, coconut oil, avocado, etc. Avoid hydrogenated oils.

Protein -- get protein from animals. Bison is packed with more nutrients than beef. Make sure your fish are wild caught and not from sources with mercury. Avoid soy and other processed fake proteins at all costs.

Veggies and fruits -- get them at your local farmers market and make sure they're either organic or free of pesticides.


Get a blood test to see what your level is currently at. Our ancestors had around 1000 ng naturally. To raise it, first try it the natural way, by changing your diet and lifestyle habits. (You can find plenty of info online to do this.) If that does not work -- and it's still too low -- consider talking to a physician about starting TRT. Under no circumstances should you have low testosterone.


Whether you lift or practice MMA or ski or jog. Whatever it is you do, you need to make sure of one thing: push the envelope as much as possible. Make it hard on yourself. Embrace pain and suffering, it is what makes you grow. Recover. Then push the envelope even further next time.

Always remember, if you sit around with your thumb up your ass you are letting the zionists and pedophile ruling class win. They fully intend to create a race of gray sluggish weaklings. The first step in destroying them is to get yourself in order.

Forge ahead.

Zionist are just paid scape goats every one knows the white race hates the alpha male/ human beauty.. that's why your females marry Couch potatoes who make 50K a year instead of real men

White people have been going around infecting different cultures for Milena with they're European pig fucking ancestors getting on poorly made ships invading countries like true barbarians all while being deathly ill..

Jews are just greedy assholes not these all powerful,race-destroying reptilian mages you weak pigfuckers make them out to be... majority of government workers, politicians, are white males yet a tiny group of jews with curly sideburns and matza bread run the world with their bat mitzfa money??

The self-destructive, self-loathing, white race with failing birth rates is the true satanic enemy of humanity and of itself... all the hypocrisy and genocide will cause your race to collapse under its own weight/lies you Pig-fetus hybrid


THANK YOU, Jewish Overlords, for a drug that makes traps!!

What a time to be alive! Mazel tov!

There is no race beyond criticism.

This is fucking stupid.

hidden reported fuck off

I wonder what OP looks like, what he achieved in life etc. I cant stop imagining some skelly or chubby faggot doing nothing all day but shitposting on /pol/ and reading blogs with "alternativ facts" and believing all of it.

But is a qt trap gf the way to go Veeky Forums?


is this stuff really in our water?

fuck you nigger I'll eat the way I normally do

>Veeky Forums

Or you could skip all this shit and pin test

every day /pol/cucks prove themselves to be completely insane, thank you


All these pol posters sound like Eric Cartman in my head.

Anyone have the image of that zelda speedrunner's slow decent into insanity by drinking that soy shit nu-males love?

Some of this food is fucking poison and I do believe it is used a type of mass crowd control.

I have fucked a few and spent time with them, they are all lunatics. Never met a single trap that isn't seriously messed up and it makes them very difficult and uncomfortable to be around.

>reverse osmosis water

He knows his shit. Good thread, get a bump.

Atrazine is a pesticide which is used on virtually all crops. If you think you can eat anything without being exposed to it, you're an idiot.

The studies linking atrazine to any sort of impairment in mammals have inconsistent findings.



No but seriously you would be surprised how good you feel after eating organic and grass fed meat for awhile. You'll feel like shit eating a pizza.

What the fuck do insane conspiracy theories have to do with fitness? Anyway, you can use SUPER MALE VITALITY to restore any testosterone lost!

Obvious /pol/ shitposting aside, it's been proven that modern males have much less testosterone than previous generations.

I wouldn't be surprised if there is something in the water. Luckily, I roid so that doesn't affect me.

tell me more

How where they messed up?

>tfw macros are like 60% fat and I only eat organic yet still a tranny

Fuck off back to /pol/ with this horseshit. Let me ask you something. If the government is poisoning our water, where do they get their own water? Do they have their own non-poisoned water that they have to take with them when they go somewhere? What about their families? Government officials don't care that their families are drinking poisoned water? Get off of the conspiracy website and read a motherfucking book.

desu it isnt hard to get filtered water, when i went to china we were staying with family friends and they had bottled water, water filters etc because chinese water is shit