Has anyone else here tried /BOB/ (Bulking On Bananas)...

Has anyone else here tried /BOB/ (Bulking On Bananas)? Supposedly eating 30 bananas per day and four scoops of whey will provide you with enough calories and complete proteins, as well as plenty of vitamins, to fuel your body for a healthy composite bulk. This is my first day trying it out, here's what I'm having today


This is like the fruit version of GOMAD Just eat normal ffs.

some other tard made a thread about it last week and here was his result
"Eatubg 30 bananas and 4 scoops of whey is making my shit is kind of resembling soggy bananas, and I feel very icky and hyper all of the time. My lifts have stagnated and cardio sucks. Am I doing something wrong or is this just how it is for a bit while your body adjusts?"

>not getting the banana flavored whey
never gonna make it

I feel like this new meme is trying to get someone to die of potassium poisoning or something

People don't die off of GOMAD

Aren't bananas radioactive? How carcinogenic would 30 a day be?

yo some fag is trying to advertise myprotein. I saw him earlier being a fag

>"ma'am your son died of from eating too many bananas. We also have reason to believe he was a homosexual."

30 bananas a day is honestly dumber than GOMAD

>removing fats from your diet

Recipe for disaster desu.

no you dont understand I need the CHEAT CODE to unlock swole

Isn't this the same shit that Freelee banana whore did a while back?

what are you a monkey OP?
also each banana has 27g of carbs FYI
Thats wayyy too much

Eat lots of proteins and fats +carbs for energy at the gym. Workout hard as fuck 2 hours 6 days a week. Take test boosters and creatine and bcaas and muscledust and pre workout and go fucking insane for about 1 -2 years.

You could make some sweet dosh selling all the peels to a clown school.

Just fucking eat like a normal person ffs you're going to fucking die

For the record, you'd need to eat 400+bananas to overdose on potassium.

There's no danger from OD'ing on potassium from your stupid fucker banana diet, the only danger is not getting all macros, and possibly turning gay(er).

No, I eat three dozen hard boiled eggs a day plus a multivitamin because I'm on a cut.

fucking got me kek

Oh shit, well I'll give it a try for a week and see how it goes for a week. I know for a fact that I won't die, but I don't know about my lifts

Just look at DK, all he eats is bananas and he's as swole as a juicer

Better idea is to mix the protein powder with bananas in a blender and add some milk and ice.

You will get delicious shakes that are better tasting than just eating pure bananas all day.


>27g of carbs

keto fag detected

Don't you dare talk shit on GOMAD.

15lb of muscle in 3months.
>ALL while maintaining 10% bf

my intestines might be seriously shot-out but the daily miris I get make it worth it.

>It's a little scary drinking all that dairy

holy shit dude how are you not dead doing all of that? how much did you sleep?

mad props on the gains

I got my 8hours. For those three months though nothing else in life besides work, gym, cook, eat, sleep, GOMAD.

I did laundry a few times too.

>tfw 30 bananas a day meme is making a comeback

>eating 30 bananas per day and four scoops of whey will provide you with enough calories and complete proteins

nigga wat

OP is trying to channel his ancestor's power

You got del monte bananas bro, you got this. Those things taste so fucking good. I could eat 15 of those in one sitting.

"Local retarded man becomes comatose after consuming 30 bananas daily for 1 week"

>He hasn't been following the /BOB/ for maximum gains since he was born

Imagine harnessing that kind of power

Gorillas don't eat bananas you dunbfuck they eat leaves and twigs

bushel of bananas a day?


google peter siddle diet

op is a delmonte shill

30 bananas a day? Where would you house all these bananas that's 210 of those saucy bastards a week. You'd roll up to the supermarket and clean them out of bananas.

But I'm doin it cause it gotta see

>unlocking silverback mode