Mixing Up Your Routine

Mixing Up Your Routine

Is there truth to the theory of Muscle Confusion?

And if so, how do I go about altering my Chest Routine?

The exercises I use, that are split between two days are

Incline DB Press
Flat DB Press
Weighted Dips
Incline DB Flies
Flat DB Flies

I don't have any barbell benches in my shitty gym, and using machines seems like it would do more harm than good


if you disagree check the size of the legs of oly lifters ad powerlifters (ie guys who squat with the same style all the time).

>Is there truth to the theory of Muscle Confusion

Follow a strength training program and you will have no problem getting a bigger chest. All of what you posted looks like accessory work for a BB flat bench.

I want her to hold me between her legs with her hairy godess arms and asphyxiate me with her piss as she looks down upon me, spits on my face and tells me I'm worthless.

different exercises hit different angles of the muscle. you can also change intensity, volume, and frequency.

it's not "confusing" your muscle, it's just doing things different to correct imbalances.

biological law of accommodation my boys

You and i brother.

That's a nice braaapparatus

This, depending on your lifting experience you might need a higher selection of exercises to over come the law of accommodation

3plate deadlift Brap


Sauce on op's pic?

The body adapts to any training program. It usually takes 4-6 weeks for this to happen. Always switch shit up to avoid plateaus


Whos that OP's brap sauce?

Naughty Ashley or something

i dont believe so. the body might get used to volume so you have to do more but you can also just deload and then it will go back to before

Body adapts to the lift and makes it more easier to execute the motion.

Good, better form, more muscle recruitment.

Adapts to the weight ? Increase weight/volume.

Adapts to volume ? Increase volume. When enough volume reached -> increase weight and reduce volume.

Repeat the cicle.

While exercise selection is a good thing to have. Muscle confusion is retarded.

I guess doing different exercises activate the muscles differently, and might demand more of lesser used muscles as well. That might end up giving you better aesthetic results than only doing the same 3-5 exercises your whole life.


Queen of fit Natasha 'my brrreap waifu' Aughey

I tend to plateau every 5 kg, changing routine helps.

>Prithee, m'Lady, might I throw my gaze upon your rumpscuttle?
>Yes, my dear, inch those court appearance trousers down to revel thy magnificent can
>Oh my indeed
>On first glimpse, mine heart leaps in rapture
>What is that over there, schnuckums?
>*Teleports behind you*
>Alas, I am closer, and with bottoms-bared you are vulnerable to my stealth attack
>*Crouches down at lightning speed*
>Why, greetings, fair arse. Might I withdraw a whiff?
>A gentleman cannot help but notice the arresting nature your curvature sports
>You are an arse that began its journey in full rosiness and pert quality
>However, blessed buttocks, like a daffodil that has been ravaged by slugs, you are now an arse that sags in a permanent frown, your crack housing a dark-grey fartdriller, permanently pungent
>The hands of the clock have not been kind, dearest arse, however you must now be ready for my hands, which I assure you.. will be... most kind...
>*Playful chortle*
>That's it, reveal yourself to me
>*Wedges buttockflaps apart, slowly, as the clagnut speckled hairs pull on each other and eventually snap apart, letting out a strong scent of rotting chicken and stale piss*
>You did not disappoint me, my lower-class lovebug. It is a powerful aroma.. Thou hast revealed Thy favors and Thy bounties
>Like the first guft of wind as you open a packet of sliced ham!
>Come on lass, you know what I require

>roiding to look like a dude
I commend her dedication to training but you can't expect positive feedback from the majority of people for looking like that. She looks like a the jacked dudes at anime conventions dressing up as cute girls.

i always do 4 exercises for a bodypart with as much weight and as many reps as possible. ill pick it on my mood and available equipment.
sure i always come back to the big 4 once in a while but doesnt mather that much.

i trained years with a prober program and plan. but once you learn where your limits are and how to push theme you can go by feeling

>>no barbells in my shitty gym
That's not a gym, find a real one.

I don't know about "confuse the muscles" but I've gotten DOMS from trying different exercises. And that would seem to indicate they're giving me something that the standard exercises aren't.
>Front squats = upper back DOMS
>Bulgarian lunges = glute DOMS
>curls = biceps DOMS
Not as important, but fuck off with the chins and rows only mean


that's another way to confuse



Anyone know her cycle? She's ripped but not overly masculine. Wife would like to get on something similar.

I have seen the term "brap" being used around pretty often, and it is usually associated with good butts. I was 100% convinced that it was a fart noise. Something compelled me to google it just now, and I see now that it is a gunshot noise, used to evoke hotness. I can't believe I thought it was farts this whole time.


Well, now I'm sure that's a fart noise.

Hnnnnngggg wouldmunch/10