Why would anciant humans spend a lot of time, resources and work force on building fucking tombs

Why would anciant humans spend a lot of time, resources and work force on building fucking tombs.

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Muh afterlife...
Pretty simple really

>what if i am forgotten

because the leader said so?

Social cohesion, retard. A common belief, a common cosmology that united the minds of the people over a vast territory

And dick waving contest too

The cycle of the Nile determines life and death
The cycle runs equal to movement of the stars
Stars are the gods
Build huge monuments mimicking constellations and contain tunnels to allow souls to ascend directly to the stars.

shortest summary possible

Why would modarn humans spend a lot of time, resources and work force on building fucking shopping malls.

Meanwhile OP's jerking off watching anime complaining about people actually achieving things.

pyramids were not tombs

They're both meaningless, at least he's enjoying it while the Egyptians toiled and suffered while doing it

Never played Minecraft have you...?

They make shitloads of money for the people who own them, why not? Doesn't seem like a fair comparison.

>Why would anciant humans spend a lot of time, resources and work force on building fucking tombs.

They're temples to God-Kings - built by people who worshiped the gods.


Because in the ancient world a ruler measured his level of respect bulding unnecessary shit.

In Egypt for example the first dynasties were seen as gods on earth so they had the power to build whatever they wanted, with time this idea began to fade away especially because of the nile floods getting worst every year, so they changed the narrative now the pharaoh was the son of a god, which diminished his power over the people, because you fear more a god than the son of a god.

with more prosperity more obedience you get from your citizens simple as that. The pharaohs who ruled in egypt's worst moments have almost nothing build under their reign.

Youre still talking about it, arent you?

Egypt was a command economy. The church-state planned and set all the production and distribution of agricultural goods (the land was owned by the god-king). Yes, theocracies were usually set over centrally planned economies.
Peasants planted and harvested then brought these to the pharao's storages where his clerks would handle distribution and trade.
During flood season, when there was no planting or harvesting to be done, the pharao would use his accumulated wealth to finnance his vanity projects and peasants looking to make additional cash would take up work building these.
It's not a system I would defend, but it worked well enough that egyptians had relative stability, and they theirs was pretty much the only civilization (all of which were more or less command economies) that survived the bronze age collapse. Though this would've had more to do with the Nile's banks' fertility, than the managerial classes' skill, has the drop in agricultural yields is largely responsible for the ripple effect that broke these economic structures.

>In Egypt for example the first dynasties were seen as gods on earth

We are gods. You are on this planet until you die and we are divine authorities whether you like it or not. It's not a political ploy - talking psycho-killing burning bushes is a political ploy.

There is literally no reason to claim to be a god when you're the King and risk divine wrath after you die unless you have good reason to claim to be a god.

You're not talking about people with a society overrun by scientific nihilism or Abrahamic corruption.

Your suggestion the ancient Pharaohs were insincere nihilistic opportunists making impious claims for their personal egos is dubious.



This explains why common folk would be interested in it beyond compulsion: the pyramids are an economic investment for future generations. (Funnily enough, even today the investment is paying off thanks to all the tourists.)

humans like to build shit, that's all. Before our degenerate societes, humans used to build gorgeous churches, puramids, great wall of china, gigantous luxurious castles. You could say skyscrappers are our modern form on expression but these will be destroyed by nature in 300 years at best, pyramids will live for thousands years

>great wall of china
user, i don't think the workers liked bulding that

do you think egyptian slaves enjoyed building the pyramids?

>implying the pyramids were built by slaves

The vast majority of builders were free paid labourers.

Interesting. I stand corrected.

Read "Fingerprints of the Gods" by Graham Handcock

Spends last little bit before the end of the book talking about how the world would be saved as long as the "Hope-i" never gave up.

>What do you suppose he meany by that?

Humans were way more spiritual

Last I knew it is thought most farmers had nothing to do while the nile was flooding so building kept people busy

Because workers were compensated for doing so.

They are not tombs.

They couldn't have. Not even meme'ing but it's entirely possible other worldly entities constructed the pyramids, because it is sheer impossible for humans at the time to do so. Even with a supposed infinite pool of slave labor the mechanical know how did not exist to actually build the pyraminds. It may not have even been aliums. It may have been God or the predecessors to what we know as planet Earth. We probably won't ever know for sure, but we can at least rule out impossibilities.

The dudes that built it got money/food/shelter/beer

The dudes that had it built basically got to T-bag the world for over 5000 years and prove that most of the world are basic bitches by comparison. Also religion, epic Public Relations triumph and it kept the plebs busy.