>so tell me more about these "deathlifts"
you forgot the "" around bulking
>What do you need this creatine for
>I'm afraid I don't understand....what is "1/2/3/4" and what does it have to do with getting a "gf"?
>A cartoon dog told you to do what with a skateboard?
>Good lord..you know they use this stuff on livestock, right?
>And then the piano told you to take five scoops?.. Interesting
You've been putting WHAT in your breakfast?
>You need to stop calling this number, "manlet" is not listed anywhere as a medical condition
>what has Nazi officers got to do with "making gains"?
>You're eating five dozen eggs every morning to become a "barge"?
that's a clever one
>No wonder your heart is in terrible shape, your survey says you've only been cycling three times in your life...
>You're cutting?
>Self harm is not the way to lose weight
>I will make an appointment with psychiatrist
>What is fapping and why can't you do it this month?
>Please listen carefully. We don't want to alarm you but it appears your body has gone into what we call ketosis. We'll take you to the er and get your glucogen stores back to normal right away.
>My receptionist Stacy has informed me that you keep referring to her as Myron
>Have you taken any blows to the head lately?
This thread is the funniest of all of fit. Good job whoever makes these
>What do you mean, 'squat plug'?
My sides
Nice one
You tell me
>low test? You need a library not a doctor
>you should be getting eight hours a night
>Dial? No no, machines these days use buttons
> user, 5'10" is the average male height. So no I can't give you HGH.
>So, you are here today to remedy what is listed on your paperwork as...."sickness for the thiccness"?
>Hmm...I'm afraid that I, too, suffer from such a condition
>I told you sir, my name is not pajeet.
Fill me in here, chief.
>Sir, I understand your fascination for deadlifting. In fact, it is my job.
>But I'm afraid you're not allowed to be in the morgue. Please perform your recreational activities elsewhere.
>Look I can't tell you this any clearer. Dr Jeff already clocked off hours ago
>you expect me to believe you gained 20lbs of lean muscle from bicycling, caviar and Pinterest?
>being new
>making fun of someone because they haven't wasted hundreds of hours on an alaskan ice fishing image board
>she also mentioned you tried to.. tip her?
>and then the patient quoted that he wanted to "leave humanity behind" I recommend the patient be put under medical observation until their safety can be confirmed
>Sir, this is the third time this week we've caught you in the maternity ward searching for "bulking secrets"
>Tfw there is far too less Gaston-posting
kek good night my sides
>we've been over this time and time again. Each test has been NEGATIVE for gynaecomastia. Stop asking
>so the nurse said you do some kind of sport called Dee bowl? Let me look that up
>oh lord
>I understand your concern, but I can assure you their weight is perfectly normal.
>not lurking moar
>take on scoop of this medicine daily
>n-no not 5
Fucking brilliant
I'll spell it out for you newfag, Scooby an oldfag of fit has a YouTube channel where he has a shitload of home gym/diy style tips, one is to use a skateboard against a wall to do squats to save spending money on squat racks/barbells etc. He's a chill old dude who's sensible as fuck and tried to educate the young idiots here to not waste money early and they could achieve good physiques by simple methods. Too bad half the idiots here don't take advice from an old fag who's now retired early, looks amazing and is self sufficient, had pilots license, found love all that shit. They all just whinge about tfw lonely/broke/fat etc.
>roastie? That's DOCTOR roastie to you young man.
my sides
Underrated quads
Yeah buddy!
please explain
>your cippled toes? That can certainly happen when you drink as much milk as you have been
>sir I can assure you you are not a baby mammal
I spat out coffee
I've been pronouncing it dee-yell this entire time
No nap?
¡mio dios!
>can you tell the doctor what you meant when referencing his "BBC nigger cuck genetics"?
>I recommend the patient sees psychiatric care, fears he will not "make it" despite being in fine health
they fun :DD
Dude you're killing me :D
Deze memes are too strong. WIN!
Bump for bants
>Where did you say you got your information? "A Japanese anime image board"?
hurr durr
>"What do you mean by your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you do not reply to this post?"
As a 4th year medfag these make me kek heartily. Thanks OP!
> Sir this is a newborn. Not a "Manlet". And "he will learn" when he is enrolled into primary school several years from now.
Its obiously d-y-el
Funniest one
> "Eat big to get big?" That explains your situation."
>you've said you've had three sips of energy drink a day sir, but your heart rate suggests you've had three cans.
>Patient keeps refering to an unknown deity called "Sys" that will make ensure that everyone will produce something
>you chew hard gum for 5 hours a day to get these, uh.. "facial gains"?
>patient says the he "mews" to reshape his maxilla and become a "slayer"...
I fuckin love m2k
>Sir, how did you get into the lab?
>Please put the trenabol vials back in the refrigerator before I call security.
>Stacey, check out what this patient put under 'Sexual Activity". He made a new box and wrote 'Never'.
>Wait, who is in London?
this threads are always the best
Top fucking kek
Scooby pls