These pictures may not do it justice, but you can probably see that I am bloated in my lower abdomen. It’s like this 24/7. It looks worse in person. It’s like a hard pooch that never goes away. I also have issues with occasional diarrhea and stomach pain and my farts smell like toxic waste.
My doc is sending me for a colonoscopy, but it wont be for a couple months. Wondering if anyone else has had this issue.
Gabriel Sanders
What do you eat on a daily basis?
Cameron Clark
Good night sweet prince
Sebastian Collins
Here’s a shot from the front.
I realize I do have some fat on me. But believe me, this is not fat or poor posture. This is definitely some sort of intestinal issue.
Austin Morales
You are probably lactose intolerant. Or cancer. Might be cancer.
Brandon Robinson
Well to be honest, my diet is shit. It's the diet of your typical american.
But, I have done strict diets in the past to see if it helps this issue. I would only eat meats and veggies for a couple weeks, but it didn't help anything.
Joshua Robinson
you probably are developing acid reflux like i have now buy a good probiotic and see if it helps your bloatness if it doesn't go talk to your doctor and tell them you're having "digesting" issues stress that it giving you pain or they will just tell u to eat moar fiber(doesn't do shit)
Wyatt Roberts
Another shot
As you can tell, I don’t lift that much. It’s hard to find the motivation to lift when you know that your stomach is always going to stick out like this.
Kayden Hughes
remember that kid who said "don't swallow gum, it stays in your stomach for 20 years!"
you should've have listened
Josiah Harris
I’ve searched the internet far and wide and this is the only other case (with a picture) that I could find of someone else with a similar issue.
This guy posted his pic in a forum but didn’t get any answers
Gavin Cooper
Dude it's just fat. Albeit a lot of fat.
Cut out carbs, do the leansgains method of IF and come back in 3 months.
Landon Reed
Yeah dairy bothers me more than anything
Probiotics have made me have a lot more stomach pain in the past.
I saw a naturopath. She diagnosed me with SIBO and gave me some herbs to take. Stuff like Oregano and Garlic. It helped my stomach pain and diarrhea but didnt get rid of my bloating.
I'm getting a colonoscopy in a couple of months. But not sure if I could be doing something to help myself while I wait.
Austin Rivera
No, believe me its not. Some of it is fat, but not all of it. Not even most of it.
I have gotten extremely lean in the past and it's still there. And it's hard to the touch. And I have other stomach issues to go along with it.
Also, I read once about how vitamin D can help IBS. I took vitamin D for two weeks and it completely cured me. My stomach was flat as a pancake. Unfortunately it stopped working for some reason.
Jeremiah Price
Shit dude maybe we should exchange emails I've got the same shit. I'm cutting now and it's the bottom bit that's a hardened muscle of sorts. I'd figure you have no digestive issues at all but have a muscle imbalance that compensates with the lower abs.
William Bell
u r fat and have shit posture, just like me. welcome 2 da club.
James Hughes
You're fat. Period.
Aiden Anderson
Yeah I can remember cutting in the past and getting so goddamn frustrated. Like "Why the hell wont this last bit of fat go away!"
Believe me, this is a digestive issue. I can't wait to get this colonoscopy done to see what the hell is wrong with me.
If you're having similar issues, go to your doc and ask to get sent for a colonoscopy or see a GI specialist. You may have to exaggerate your symptoms a bit for them to take you seriously.
I'm a bit chubby and my posture does suck. But a large part of this is either IBS or crohn's or ulcerative colitis or something.
Nathaniel Williams
Luis Gutierrez
OP, you don't wanna hear this, you're fat.
>b-b-but it's hard!
Fat can accumulate under the lean mass and feel hard to the touch. This is arguably worse than normal fat. No posture work or meme movements will fix your fat ass. You need to lose weight.
Isaiah Perez
My guess is pretty likely to be celiac or lactose intolerance OP
Gabriel Foster
Then how do explain my other stomach issues? Like stomach pain and diarrhea? I also have other health issues that may be related as well. I have chronic tension type headaches and mild prostatitis.
And keep in mind, all of these symptoms went away (practically overnight) when I started supplementing with vitamin D. That tells me that I have some sort of issue with my immune system. Not sure why the Vitamin D didn't continue to work though. Probably just jump started my immune system but couldn't sustain it forever.
Jaxon Wood
thats not the point, op is asking about digestive problems you literal retard
Colton Sanchez
>If it's because I'm fat, why do these shitty things start happening? Because your body isn't built to maintain a healthy lifestyle at your size. Why don't you try 1) Diet 2) Exercise (if nothing else, cardio) 3) Drinking only water.
And come back to us in 2 months.
Bentley Ortiz
I tested negative for celiac.
I had a food intolerance test done though, and there were dozens of things that I was intolerant to. The only things that I wasn't really intolerant towards were meats and vegetables.
But some say that those food intolerance tests aren't accurate. I've tried eating nothing but steak for a week but that didn't help my issues.
Benjamin Murphy
Someone gets it.
You people realize that its possible to be fat and have digestive issues also right? The two things aren't mutually exclusive.
Ian Baker
All these other guys are probably correct >lose weight >eat better >check with doctor but you might also have a bit of Anterior Pelvic Tilt that makes your belly stand out more than it should.
Nathaniel Martinez
Lmfao, you ate only steak for a week? Fucking nice 7-day carb cleanse lmfao. You must have felt like shit.
Ethan Garcia
Wasn't quite a week. More like 4 days.
But yeah, I felt like shit. And I lost like 2 lbs everyday.
Chase Miller
Def cancer, I hade the same. I m dead now.
Jason Adams
>Well to be honest, my diet is shit. It's the diet of your typical american.
ffs, mods can you delete this spam? OP you answered your own fucking problem
Carson King
What is wrong with you? Nothing. You might not think so because your arms and legs are probably twigs and you don't weigh that much but you are fat. Straight up fat. There is nothing 'special' about your stomach, you are just fat. 25-30% bodyfat easily but again you probably didn't think so because with shirt on you look DYEL, which you are regardless.
Also carbs, salt and carbonated drinks make you bloat but that's really not the issue here. You are for the last time still just fat.
Chase Foster
But I've had a clean diet in the past and had the same issues.
Goddamn it, I know I'm fat. But I also have issues with my digestion.
Fuck it. I'm going to get lean as fuck and come back with pics of my lower abdomen still protruding and then you'll see what I'm talking about. Right now my fat is camouflaging my inflamed lower abdomen so nobody is taking me seriously.
Ayden Ross
go to a doctor and get some taste m8
Wyatt Flores
Already been to a doc. I'm being sent to a GI specialist and getting a colonoscopy done. But I have to wait 2 more months for it.
Aiden Morales
you have lordosis
Bentley Rivera
starts with a forward head posture which puts your whole spine out of balance. Fix that, google some stretches. Then start lifting. Do SS or SL with an extra ab exercise and the right stretches (again google it) to fix your lordisis