My nose currently looks EXACTLY like his on the left. What are the odds that, if I get a nose job...

My nose currently looks EXACTLY like his on the left. What are the odds that, if I get a nose job, it'll turn as good as the right picture?

And what are the odds for disaster?

45.63 in your favor, 23.22 against, the rest is neutral for that particular nose

>being a noselet

>not getting a nose implant

What exactly is wrong with his nose in the first picture ?

It's kind of shapeless and points down.

The bridge was too short

Go back to r9k,you stupid idiot,both noses are perfectly fine

This entire post was so astoundingly retarded it couldn't even possibly offend anyone. I love it.

left nose looks better
left boy clearly best boy

same nose different angle, also pic was taken years later

>the fgits on this board

That doesn't change the fact that you're an insecure faggot

>being this mad about someone having the confidence to recognize something they wanna change in themselves

It's very ironic, because you actually do sound like the kind of insecure retard who lashes out at others because they feel free enough to do what he can't.

its the only post that makes sense ITT

if you think having a nose like pre surgery efron is a bad thing then you have emotional problems, fair enough if it was a big ass hooked kike nose but holy shit get a grip you fucking girl

>wants to change his completely normal nose
>he's the insecure one

That's exactly like the aunt that says

>Why are you going to the gym? Your body is fine, user.

Having something be "fine" or "normal" isn't reason enough to leave it be if it makes you unhappy and you feel like you could be better. I'm sorry this concept offends you so much.

Keep holding back those tears as you look in the mirror and try to convince yourself that not being an action hero all the time is girly.

well i mean fair enough its your body. just seems very odd that you'd feel insecure about a nose that is objectively normal and maybe actually even a little attractive. like why not your eyes, cheekbones and jaw too? you've probably mulled this over in your head too much and had it snowball into a big deal which, to be honest, it seriously isn't

get the surgery if you want it i'm only providing an outside perspective here

what the fuck has this got to do with fitness?

Nah son. I'm confident in my nose shape and even though I know it isn't perfect I couldn't care enough to waste my money on some vain procedure. Besides, if you're so deadset on it then why bother asking Veeky Forums? Did you think you'd get confirmation or support here or something?

>Having something be "fine" or "normal" isn't reason enough to leave it be
Alright then. Might as well go all the way: get jaw surgery, get a little fat sucked out your cheeks while you're at it. Hell, maybe even get eyelid surgery done and laser hair that literally only you stress about

>that you'd feel insecure

Still not true. It's a very toxic vision to think that being unhappy with ANYTHING about your body is "unmanly" or "insecurity", you can just be recognizing facts. This is how you create those balding, middle-aged fat slobs, by having a generation of men who are TRULY insecure enough to think they can't care about themselves.

>I know it isn't perfect

Just subtly confirmed you're lashing out like a kid. Also, going to the gym is inherently vain. Why are you here?

>Did you think you'd get confirmation or support here or something?

I was actually more interested in the success rate and changes of a positive change rather than a negative one, which I think the OP conveys very well.

I'm very happy with my face, my jaw is very square and I like my eyes and have a head full of hair. Is there anything else you wanna project on me? Feel free, I'll be your therapist.

letting yourself become a negligent fat slob is one thing. getting surgery to glamourize a normal nose is quite another

I agree, my friend. Going to the gym to alter a perfectly normal body is also unacceptable.

Tell me again, why are you here?

strength, flexibility and durability, not expensive plastic, faggot.

for the record, why are you here? this is totally unrelated to fitness


So your goal is to look like shit. Also, you'd never use any "strength" gained in the gym in the real world - people who practice truly radical things aren't gym rats. Even if you were powerlifting, you'd be gaining strength just to get strong. Vain again.

>flexibility and durability

Such cookie cutter terms they don't even make any true sense.

I'd just stop trying, but it's your life.

congratulations, you've just been promoted from faggot to deluded bitter cunt faggot. good talking to you

>congratulations, you just tore my ass and now I need to attempt a dignified escape

Have a good one.

pls be a troll m8. if not, you've definitely got BDD. You can't seriously be conflating lifting for aesthetics with rhinoplasty

like another user said, it's your body and your choice, but you should really think this over before going through with an irreversible surgery. don't do it before 2018 at least.

>you can't seriously be conflating [process done to make something "normal" more aesthetic for vanity] to [process done to make something "normal" more aesthetic for vanity]

You are seriously tiring. I'm not even joking, but I think you're just a level below. Get smart or stop typing.

this is the most cringe-covered cope i have read on this site in weeks.

you have emotional problems and lack any authority from which to argue ITT.

>why are you here XD


I can do that too.

I'm not the same guy as before, but sorry you're tired after responding once.

Not memeing, you don't sound like you're in a good place mentally, and I can guarantee that shaving down your nose won't change that. Take some time to focus on yourself.

You're pathetically condescending. I really wish you'd go fuck yourself quite hard.

I made a simple thread asking what would be the changes of success in doing a surgery that is somewhat risky - not even saying I was planning to do it at all, or was sure. Very ironically, the same people who came in here shouting insults are the ones calling me insecure for asking this question, which apparently was very offensive.

Veeky Forums is filled with the most macho-wannabe, insecure retards on the internet, the type of fucking morons who'd tell you to "suck it up" and accept your gyno because you were born with it. I had gyno btw, did a vanity surgery, best decision of my life, I'm ten times happier.

I'm only tired because you're aggressively ignorant.

>being this childish and bitter
>going to the gym is inherently vain
lmao I think you've just confirmed how incredibly vain you are if you think the only reason to go to the gym is to look good. Some people actually train for sports, personal enjoyment, and/or strength for its own sake.
>acknowledging something about you isn't perfect is a sign you're lashing out
Wut? It's called being realistic mate. But go ahead, get plastic surgery if you like you preening pissed-off little man

>but I think you're just a level below. Get smart or stop typing.
kek alright big man. You're the one asking for advice on rhinoplasty on a fitness forum on Veeky Forums of all places

the aunt that says
>>Why are you going to the gym? Your body is fine, user.
nephew lifts up his shirt, his voice breaks a little
>See, look, I think my abs need some work
Aunt touches nephews stomach
>No, No, this good, this is real good
They look into each others eyes
>Mom walks in and says through angry tears "First you seduced my husband, and you said you were going to try to be a good sister again, and now you are moving in on my son? Get out!"
mom turns to son/nephew
>"You too, out of my house, you are 24 years old and don't have a job, get the fuck out today or Im calling the cops"

This is why you should never try to improve yourself, it only leads to disaster.

>this anger and hostility
everyone's a cunt on Veeky Forums but i mean come on, this level of embitterment is bordering on plain weird

Get out, Shyamalan.

But I used to hear that a lot. I was 125lbs and 6ft and my mom used to tell me I was "just skinny" and normal. Only you really know what you need in the end.

>Being this obsessed with your physical appearance

ya'll are a bunch of ninnies