How come body positive women say that being thin/fit is unattainable and it's an unrealistic beauty standard?

How come body positive women say that being thin/fit is unattainable and it's an unrealistic beauty standard?

cuz they're fat and lazy

You can be thin but won't look like those girls at all.
Genetics are even more important for women than men, unless you have some cash to spare for surgery

Because they clearly are tremendous cunts

Literally how?
Do you realise you sound like those dumb fatties who shit on fit people on facebook?

Okay, but that's not the point of my thread. I'm just saying why is being thin or just average unrealistic?

It's not, fat people just like to pretend it is. That's about it. This topic really isn't complex enough to demand the thread never deviate from it.

Women are weak-willed, and even gain sexual pleasure from 'giving in' to something, it feels right to them (they're naturally submissive). This is biology and of course doesn't apply to everyone, and does apply to plenty of men, especially in this day and age

Ask them, why are you posting this on Veeky Forums, where most people don't think like those women at all, looks like you just want to circlejerk

there's an old user quote about women declaring the mountaintop to be where they are while men will try to reach the top, it sums up every female logic thread

There's women that post here.

the one on the right she's hiding her nipples lmao


It's like you have selective vision. Did you miss the post where user said most people here don't think like that? Why would a female Veeky Forumsizen be any different.

Damn they're hot

Because women complain about everything, beauty, rights, racism, whatever.

Reeeeeeeeeeeeee we don't have chicks like that where I live.

Where do you live, I can assure you they exist but you have no means to meet them

I'd date up to 140


Man it's really only those last 20 pounds that makes her go from a lardass to a hottie.

Pajeets btfo

if only i can lose 70lbs

I'm soooo soooo sorry.

So where do you find hot girls in India? Help the user out.

I recently travelled to st louis from austin and no joke the people there (both genders) were an average 2-3 points less hot than the people on austin. Some places just have ugly people


I've come to the conclusion that HAES and fat-acceptance people are just those who fetishize obese people.

It's "unrealistic" for their lifestyle, diet, and lack of education on nutrition and activity.

the big cities like delhi / mumbai

t. just went on holiday there 6 months ago. some of the girls were really qt. most were literal negresses though

they lack dedication, are lazy, and stupid.

Lol any thin girl can look like that if they get their hair done, put on some make up, and wear a tight dress.

Bone structure makes it so that some women can't look like that. However, I've seen legitimately big boned women who are hot as fuck, and they aren't the land whales using big boned as an excuse.

I'd squeeze any and if you wouldn't you are a liar


Are girls like in OP pic reachable in real life? Do they worth it? What do they want?



Not all women say that, only phony ass bitches say that.

Because it's easier to bitch about relatively easy beauty standards than it is to not stuff your face with junk food. And because society is so tilted in favor of women, they can get a ton of affirmation even though standards for men are obviously harder to obtain

>Genetics are even more important for women than men
lol no it's not. Men get rejected for being too short all the time. Any woman who isn't fat, even if she has shit-tier genetics, is going to be better off than fucking Chad

She became a roastie at 140 lol

Why'd you become a roastie at 140lbs?

she was chubby but not obese. So for the first time in her life she was getting hit on by Chads, but she was still fat enough to be insecure so she fucked everybody to boost her esteem

plus she probably just wanted to get laid

they lazy and want to be affirmed that to be lazy is ok

could also be the dress, make up and getting her hair done.

Austin. I see you playa