Feels Good Thread

Veeky Forums is slowly turning into/r9k/. Can we start a feels good thread and bring each other up?

Post any success stories you got.

I saw 2 wild porcupines on my morning walk today

I have seen major progress in myself and now have a gf

How fast were they?

I've been smashing my workouts lately, gonna finally switch to weighted dips.

No effin way dude, that's awesome.

were they porcupine friends?

My gf left me a few weeks ago and is now miserable while I am doing noticeably better, lifting almost every day instead of a max of twice a week, sleeping better, more relaxed and outgoing and more focused on my own shit
>tfw the gainsgoblin meme is real

Remember Veeky Forums, just by bettering your self you are better than the majority of people.

>going bald so I shaved my head
>hooked up with a random girl and brought her home despite the insecurity
>a couple month ago another one told me I looked like a "bad boy"

Helped me come to terms with it desu. Especially since I have basically no interactions with females that aren't already friends so the ratio is pretty good

I'm in the exact same boat as you brosef.
Getting mad gainz, but feeling mad feels sometimes.

I may not ever be attractive but girls say I'm easy to talk to and caring now.

Big step up being isolated and playing WOW for 8 hours a day a few years ago.

One day i'll find that qt.gf but I gotta take these baby steps.

Everybody can make it, don't fall back into mediocrity anons

Man, to be honest I have no feels over my ex, the only thing that's pissing me off is having to get good at the whole social/getting laid thing - fucked a 4/10 a week after ex left just to get back on the train, but the damage of years of comfy, lazy living is pretty severe.

In either case, if you're getting feels, just use them as motivation to go to the gym/for a run, shit works wonders and you'll feel amazing afterwards

I was at a party yesterday and things went really well. The liquor I drank made me much for social. As a consequence I managed to hold a conversion with a cutie for over an hour, even got her number too. Gonna attend an art exposition with her on Wednesday.

Training is also going great. I lift four times a week and run three times per week. And I have lately managed to repair my broken relationship with my dad. My acne is going away. Old friends are coming back to my life too. More or less managed to get enough disiplin to combat the curse of procrastinating

My only problem is that my grades are total shit. I spent so much energy to fix my other problems and lifting. I hope they will get better next year.

I got a girlfriend after 20 years of tfwnogf. She's smart and funny and I really like her. She's psychologically unstable though and I'm sure she'll rip my heart out of my chest. I'm just enjoying it for what it is right now.

Good job user. Get those grades up!

One step at a time. Keep going dude.

Well done

>tfw no gf who will rip your heart out in your sleep

>got 3x5 70kg OHP yesterday.
>got 260kg deadlift for 1 rep last week. (3x BW)

I'm seeing my favorite band this Saturday and this girl at the gym has made it painfully obvious that she wants me to talk to her but I'm to much of a pussy to make a first move

Weirdest thing: on a trip to New York, picked up a girl from a museum, had wine with her, kissed, kissed more, GOT HER TO MY HOTEL, then she got some kind of cold feet and asked to leave. And, after a few attempts to warm her up again with smooches, I was cool with that, walked her to her subway station, got her number, parted with a kiss and smiles. Total blue balls but feel good about the night. Not gonna call her, would have if we'd fucked.

(Not a Chad at all, just a nerd who got Veeky Forums and likes women.)

So glad for that, but SUPER-thankful I'm not some piece of shit from /r9k/.

>started throwing black belts routinely at judo practice
>got extra T H I C C half-Japanese gf
>bought into the stock market when prices were low, now the market's bullish again
>nearing my old lifting PRs again while coming back from an injury
>T H I C C ex-gf is now F A T ex-gf and cut her hair too short to top it off
>my art is actually looking good after years of being dissatisfied with it
>can financially afford to buy art
I started coming here years ago when things weren't going so well. We're all gonna make it if we try. Things get better as you get older, but only if you work at making them improve over time.

> I'm just enjoying it for what it is right now.
2/3rds of the art of living right there.

I believe in you brother. Once lifting and being social becomes second nature to you, you'll become more inclined to devote your time to school n shit. Just keep it up and good job with your stuff so far.

>was 225 lbs at my fattest
>Took my driver's license pic then
>Now I'm 197 or so... Still another 25 to lose but
>Heading with some friends to a shitty bar to dance
>Fat redguard bouncer checks my id, looks at me, then back to id
>Repeat 3 times
>"You lost some weight dawg"
>Y-you too...

Storytime. I had a friend of mine I went to school with who did this to one of my younger cousins. Now in school this guy was pretty much a nerd who liked to lie a lot to get what he wanted. My cousin was involved in gang life in California and was a pretty violent guy for the most part. He began dating a girl from one of my classes despite my telling him not to as she was fairly loose as people knew her reputation around campus. Eventually they got married.

Fast forward about 3 years and the lying guy and his wife bang guessing the lying nerd came into some money and could buy wine. TAKE NOTE HERE...if this is all it takes for your woman to fuck shes a slut period. Anyway, it happened and my cousin and the girl broke up. The nerd thought it would be a good idea to go on his social media and brag about it to his friends and word got around to the gangbanger cousin of mine from California. He eventually went and found the guy and is now doing 55 years in the penitentiary for killing the nerd over something that happened years ago at this point

The moral of the story here is this: Men are going to want pussy, its a fact of life. My cousin was more than capable of getting other women yet let this ONE piece of ass make his lose his shit to the degree that he went to this guys house and killed him. My cousin took the L there as well as the guy because that same girl I went to school with is still probably sleeping around saying the wine made her do it. NO SHE WANTED TO FUCK PERIOD. If you are going to sleep with other men's wives you have to understand that in other parts of the world people die doing that everyday.

I really just hope Veeky Forums takes this seriously as there are plenty of trolls here who make light of these situations. My aunt was destroyed over her child going to jail even though I thought he was a fucking C U C K for doing it. He could have found someone else.

Sorry for the blog post

Not sure why you're replying to me user, the lady in question is single.

The woman in the story said she was single to the nerd and she was married. WOMEN LIE. It was an example for OP but didn't click his post so it responded to you


someone explain why this board is turning so beta


Invasion from thirsty /r9k/ femmes and losers, /lgbt/ and /hm/ making the rounds, and horny girls hoping for half naked cbt pics of and convos with rapey male anons.
Oh and shills who don't know how the board works.

Yesterday I was in the same party with two older girls who seemed pretty obnoxious and never spoke to me few years ago when we went to the same school but now I had a banter with them both and they actually talked to me as equals, abstract feel. Don't know if social gains or just gains because we hadn't seen in a while.

Nice, user. Always feels good when randos comment on it.

>I'm going to break all my maxes after finals
>Gonna shoot for 245 lbs bench, 325 lbs squat, 315 deadlift,
>4.0 this semester
>started going to more clubs
>still no gf, but started hanging out with more chicks this semester

The arms on my uniform is not as tight as they were before and I am seeing progress on my legs and ass

This story hardly makes sense

I'm actually happy for all the /r9pol/ here lately. It's like that 'COME AT ME, BEACH' comic that's getting posted every day now, or those 'why lift if you don't have a perfect face' thread - no stronger motivation than not wanting to ever be shit like them.

Well there's the thing, any time you talk to another human being you risk disappointment, deceit, triggering a psycho, etc. So you can be an /r9k/ shut-in or you can get out there and LIVE.

motivation for what exactly? being a bloatcel gymcel roidcel who's still invisible to prime females?

careful about sticking your dick in crazy


Here's the .gif you were looking for.
And good work user.

Becomes more of a contaminate board everyday, constant feels threads, people calling each other cucks all the time(can tell they've come from /r9k/). So many threads that aren't relevant to training/fitness at all like "hey Veeky Forums how do I smell the girl that lives next doors farts?" But in an effort to not get the thread deleted add something on the end like "oh and what's your OHP". Thus place has literally just become a more civilised worksafe /b/.

And hey thats totally your call. If you see a woman is on social media with a husband and children and she tells you shes single you know what you are dealing with.

Im not sure where you got be a shut in from that explanation as much as stop plotting on other men's wives but ok

Has anyone her have experience in fucking chubby girls? Not your T H I C C type girl, but just a regular chubby girl?

I've been talking to this one chick at the hospital I work at and she told me she wants us to be fwb. Should I just go for it? I'm 24 and shes like 36.

pic related.
Its what she kinda looks like.

lost my v card to a hamplanet during freshers when I was completely twatted
was one of the worst experiences of my life

Christ this image hurts me bad

yeah this. dude needs some remedial english lessons.

What part of it didn't make sense.

Tl;dr: You chase other men's wives, theres a good chance some sucker will kill you because they can't get over it.