Not "How much do you want to lose" but more so "how long do you want to keep working out"?
There will be a time when you can't/don't. What then? In a way, how long do you want to keep this up, and how long do you think you can keep this up? And whenever you eventually fall off the routine, what then?
I'm sorta just getting started, so I think I would like to do it for a couple decades if I can, but I'm not sure how much I can.
I'll probably natty lift until my 40s then I'll 'supplement' like scooby and other fake natties do, in my 60s I probably won't care anymore
Ethan Russell
I'll just row until my fucking limbs give out due to old age.
Nathan Williams
I'll always workout to whatever degree my body is capable.
Obviously I won't still be deadlifting 6 plate when I'm 60 (or will i? Maybe I'll be able to afford HGH by then)
But I'll always do what I can to keep my body as healthy as possible. Fuck being disabled through laziness like half the old people I know.
Jace Long
Until I die, hopefully.
Jaxon Sanchez
Hide a bomb in my stroller
Thomas Edwards
KMS at 40.
Jack Scott
I plan on lifting until I die. When I get into my 40s I'll look into HRT and lift for maintenance. Being 220lbs would probably be bad for my health so I'd aim for about 190 15%bf and try to look 15 years younger. Just as long as I'm not obese of skinnyfat I'll be happy.
Jordan Ross
Dubs spoke man. DeWit
Julian Green
Current plan is to keep up barbell strength training until I am working out with intermediate weights for working sets. I'm currently 160 pounds, so this means benching 165, pressing 110, squatting 225 and deadlifting 255 for sets of 3x5. After I achieve this goal, I plan to maintain my lifts by doing a full body barbell routine twice a week. From here I will focus on yoga, calesthetics and cardio. I am also considering boxing or some other form of martial arts. Every year I will dedicate about two to three months to increasing my barbell lifts, so I will continue to keep growing stronger.
I want to continue to stay active throughout my entire life. I've always done some sport or physical activity. Looking back, the darkest times of my life are those where I was the least active. I may never be the strongest, most agile or most aesthetic man around, but I truly exercise for my health. I want to age well. I want to continue to be happy, healthy, strong, flexible and fast as I get older.
I understand now that fitness is not a short term burden to help you achieve a goal, be it aesthetics or strength, but rather a life style. I love my active life style, much more than the alcohol, drug and junk food life styles that I tried to cram myself into during my younger age.
I'm just rambling. Hope you enjoyed this blog post.
Ayden Hernandez
As long as it takes to push the rock up the mountain.
Logan Bennett
To be strong enough to build a log cabin in da woods in some remote far away pristine place and live out the rest of my days as a healthy active hermit till I eventually die peacefully in my sleep.
Carson Torres
It's nice to see people who want health to be top priority, not necessarily aesthetic. I want health, too, but aesthetic would be a nice bonus. Thanks.
Christopher Taylor
If you want to enjoy life even when you're old, never stop lifting. Muscle mass and strength are incredibly important for well-being at an advanced age. And like others suggested, definitely get TRT once your test levels drop. Low test feels awful, mentally and physically. >Wherever you are in your life, you should take up strength training and perform it over the course of your lifetime. It's never too late to start.
John Clark
how tall are you/how long have you been lifting? you should hit these numbers pretty quickly
Kevin Rodriguez
I'll keep lifting until my body physically can't anymore, so maybe until I'm like 80 or so
Aaron Morris
I'll probably lift regularly until my grave. A healthy lifestyle doesn't absolutely guarantee you long life, but it certainly increases your odds.
Sebastian Kelly
5'11 and I've been lifting consistently since last July
I was very close to those numbers for my 5 rep maxes, however I got mono during March. I also had a horrible fever for a week during December. I would have reached intermediate by now had I not gotten so sick twice, but I am nearly fully recovered after having mono. I also have changed my routine from Texas method to an upper/lower split, which has let me increase the volume in my workouts.
I should reach my press, squat and deadlift goals by the end of June, at the absolute latest. I might be held back because I graduate from college this month, so I might be too busy to focus on working out. Also, fuck bench press.
Christopher Wright
For as long as I can manage to keep deluding myself that lifting will improve confidence, cure autism and get me a girlfriend.
Michael Morgan
I will stabilize myself when i will do 100kg at benchpress.
Colton Johnson
The endgame is the only reason ive been consistent with lifting, took a month or two off due to losing sight of the goal. >Work on squat, ohp, pull ups, other compound lifts >Trying to improve strong stance using shaolin techniques >Simultaneously growing a beard so great that Gandalf, Karl Marx and Grizzly Adams would be jealous >Take a 10 minute ice shower every morning >Take martial art classes to train core harder >Finally, I'm ready >Buy plane ticket to Alaska, past the artic circle >Spend months in the wild, hunting and becoming feared among animals >Find my target, my life long enemy: the polar bear. >Sprint at bear, bear stands up on hind legs and tries to come down on me with 100 pound limbs >Nice try fucker >Uppercut its head and spin around onto its back >Chokehold a bear in the artic circle >Eventually dies, skin it and wear its pelt >I am now the undefeated king of bears >Fly around the world defeating gorillas, tigers, grizzlys, a united states marine >Earn fame for being the toughest guy on the earth I will strike fear into the hearts of all living creatures, what do you guys do in your spare time?
Nathan Reed
I play runescape in my free time
old school > 3
Cameron Ramirez
As a competing martial artist, I'll probably fuck myself over moderately before I retire from competition - late thirties probably. Now 30 and already mildly fucked. I still hope to be able to continue training and lifting until it becomes physically impossible.
Lincoln Ward
I'm 29, been lifting since 16-17 and I have nothing to show for it. Always had to "restart" due to injury, sickness, losing motivation, bla bla. I have a few years left until I realize I'm too old to get where I want with my lifting, so that's my endgame. Will exercise regularly as long as I live though
Dylan Martin
Lifting to honor my ancestors and the warriors who came before me.
Jace Davis
Jaxson Watson
I just want my back to heal and my outward lowwr legs to fix.
Mason Bennett
Hopefully until I die.
I am aware that I will not be able to put on (or even maintain mass) past a certain point. For now I'm 22yo 6ft 220. I plan on getting bigger.
I'll just go full A E S T H E T H I C S once my natural test levels start dropping I guess.
Xavier Mitchell
osrs is the superlative runescape
Adam Taylor
>this why there isn't religion which praises strength and masculinity... like Mars or Ares in ancient times? Woman have feminism and all we have is internet board...
Brandon Wilson
I started lifting 9 years ago or so, at home with dumbbells. Now I'm down to 2 days a week at the gym after getting sucked into the whole fitness and watching calories and autistically measuring things.
I'm looking to maintain my look (not-lanky good looking guy, nothing extreme), get some health benefits and have an easier time doing physical stuff around the house.