What exercise/routine do you regret doing the most
I wasted time doing 5/3/1 and overhead press
What exercise/routine do you regret doing the most
I wasted time doing 5/3/1 and overhead press
Other urls found in this thread:
doing SS and not straight into PPL
Why would you say 5/3/1 was a waste of time?
If you have regrets about training and you've been Lifting for less than a year, then you're a giant faggot and you're never going to make it anywhere anyways.
Post your physique
How could anyone regret spending time on ohp
starting on meme PPL as a skellington and not gaining base strength with SS/SL before
No. I don't post pictures of myself on the internet.
I weigh 193 lbs. I run 10k in 43 minutes, a mile in 6 minutes, and my lifting stats are 475/320/585 currently. I have no training regrets besides occasionally visiting this shithole
>wasted time doing PPL for nearly a year after I made my noob gains on that Reg Park 5x5 routine instead of doing TM+accessories
>waste time coming to this terrible board which has zero useful advice besides the very occasional tidbit which might be of some small amount of use to a complete beginner
>feel like I'm wasting time atm and have been the past 2 years by not /fraud/ing, currently researching a blast to start out with to change that
please elaborate on you dislike of 5/3/1, I just started doing it
Read the fucking book
If you're thinking about bailing on it because some Anonymous faggot on the internet said something bad about it then you probably shouldn't run it in the first place
Lol that neck on bottom right
negative canthal tilt, the image, literally everyone but luimarco
what are you trying to say with this picture
literally didn't even notice latsbrah had this until I saw pic and check youtube channel, now I can pinpoint why he is ugly, b4 i wuz confuse
Not OP and I don't dislike 5/3/1 but it relies on accessory lifts for virtually all of your volume and without joker sets the strength work is too light to really be effective.
The Juggernaut Method is IMO better because it fixes those things while keeping a lot of the really good things about 5/3/1
pic related
sports use an hlm or nebraska model from ppst3rd or use original bfs program or maybe lsus 10-5-3
barbell sports use tm for powerlifting or hybrid oly from ppst3rd or lsus 10-5-3 for weightlifting or maybe bfs with some main lift choices
to look good, use lyle mcdonald generic bulk or aworkoutroutine.com muscle builder
wendler is a ripoff artist and his programs suck don't give him time or money
>wendler is a ripoff artist and his programs suck don't give him time or money
Jim had to simplify shit for retards who are too stupid to go into the gym and work hard. Don't blame a man for putting food on his table.
PPL literally best routine fag
>anything is the best routine
depends on what your goals are and if you're /fraud/ing (and what gear you're on if you are) and your height and frame and other genetic factors
there's no one size fits all routine that works for every goal and every person you utter retard
Keep doing SS
>implying I'm doing SS
a tall framecel beginner wanting to gain strength would get a lot out of SS but that's not me
What's the best routine for aesthetics? I'm coming out of beginner now.
Currently doing 5/3/1 For the main lifts on PHUL 4 days a week with cardio six days. I only do 5/3/1 on Monday and Tuesday the power days and Thursday Friday I do hypertrophy work so I'm not going for power. Working pretty well so far with that.
But don't do 5/3/1 the way wendler approaches it, I wasted three months on it and added 5 pounds to my bench.
You mean
>Veeky Forums disgusting roid-monkey "aesthetics"
>real world will-get-you-laid A E S T H E T I C S?
I can give you the latter:
Consistency 5x10
Bicep Curls 3x10
Time and patience 10x15
Low body fat 1xFAILURE
wendler took a good program and fucked it
at least greyskull and stronglifts didn't fuck up their ripoffs too much
lyle mcdonald generic bulk or aworkoutroutine.com muscle builder