Who left here /liftsforleft/?
Who left here /liftsforleft/?
Im /swoleleft/
on starting strength and i can now 1 plate bench
Just looking at thic pic I felt my test levels dropped.
jesus christ this has to be a joke
>not being a swole reactionary
>che shirt
I'd love the opportunity to break his arm off and shove it up his ass
Why are their fists so limp and lazy? I don't even know what to call their expressions other than 'beta'?
Fuck, I mean if you're going to 'fight the power' or whatever you'd think you'd want to appear strong and determined, not this embarrassing shit.
>appear strong and determined
sounds like nazi talk to me
Yeah but also any movement or group in history ever wanted to make themselves seem strong and the enemy seem weak, even the original commies.
This is probably the first time you get people trying to appear as pathetic as possible in order to win a war.
My thoughts as well.
Stuff like that just delegitimizes the actual groups of people who died for that specific cause.
It's insulting, though we only see it to get reaction out of others.
Those people will never actually do anything worth a damn.
Why do you think you get some many people defecting...because the left is pathetic nowadays.
That disgusting neckbeard though.
Me too comarade. Been on SS for three months now and just hit 200 lbs squat.
Want to punch some Nazis?
This is because the left has inverted the power structure completely, lechery is good, healthy familial systems are bad, they've convinced themselves that this will be true forever now, and have postured themselves as the weakest group because of that
As a Nazi occultist, I train for Hitler and the eternal flame
Why is everything about politics these days?
Let's put it this way, I'd beat the shit out of a Swole Left motherfucker or a Trump supporter who tried to step to me.
Mein brĂ¼der
>the guy on the left thinking he is menacing
That's Castro dumbass
>muh leftists
I want Drumpftards to go back to .
Wtf is bubbles doing in there?
I'm not white, so these idiots probably think I'm on their side, but I want to beat them all up just looking at em
>healthy familial systems are bad
"Old" systems are bad, as they were not healthy and often promoted abuse and lack of freedom. This is not deniable, and the only reason one would think that it is is because they have never known what it actually was to grow up like that.
Found the "swole" leftist
>freedom is good
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeew lad, god didn't put us here in the hopes we'd do whatever the fuck we wanted, sodomy, adultery, sexual abuse, all are results of the dissolution of the nuclear family
All the swole right-wingers are already in the military and police forces lad.
Not even /pol/ likes trump get it right reddit would be their place and fuck you for beeing a left fag.
I'd rape them both and unite them under the dick of anarchy
>god didn't put us here
Only part you go right fucko. Not everyone believes in your bullshit, and freedom of religion means we don't have to. Don't like it, move to a place that lives by religious law.
>sodomy, adultery, sexual abuse, all are results of the dissolution of the nuclear family
Are you really that stupid? Those things have existed forever, often inside of homes that have nuclear families. People just didn't like making a big deal out of it because it made them look bad.
Are children really this dumb these days?
are these faggots really riding on the coattails of our grandfathers and great grandfathers? someone please tell me this is just a photoshop
I'm pretty sure anarchist tattoo is magic marker.
If we can have fat people hate we can have leftist hate
Both are unhealthy and sick lifestyles
>it mustve happened as much maybe it just wasn't reported...
you're like one of those people who claims there are more gay people now because sodomites just didn't feel accepted before
>he's an atheist
oh man never mind, sorry I thought you might be someone who has a shred of morality
Much like the other things you've spoken of, dumb kids are another thing that has existed forever. Kids these days are dumb AF but not more so than the "kids these days" of the past.
The difference is the level of entitlement millenials have that adds a new twist to their stupidity.
Where can I find the rest of these types of images? Only got some posted here
>grows up in an unhealthy familial system
>thinks all familial systems work like that
>in this, the two-thousand and seventeenth Anno Domini
>thinks you have to like trump to laugh at antifags
>Who left here /liftsforleft/?
I'm #SwoleRight
It's the Young Communist League in fucking Alberta. What do you expect here? You think a group of social misfits led by some 80 year old lady are planning on starting a revolution?
Every single one of these people is soft as fuck, most look to have some sort of disability whether physical or mental. They're not making a statement here, it's just their retarded club picture.
The people in the second pic are a different story, if you're going to act like a tough guy and look like that, you deserve whatever trouble you get yourself into.
And I want communists to get the fuck off this planet.
You seriously believe that entitled internet crybullies are representative of the norm for the current generation of youth?
Ok so when is this thread going to turn into racism nigger calling?
Fashwave threads on /pol/.
It's not just on the internet, there have been widespread riots on the streets and American universities are becoming a bad punchline because of them
vaporwave is a good place
Or old soviet statues with neat text on it
usually the latter
They were the first to get off this planet.
>antifa is pathetic collection of funhouse mirror-looking genetic cul de sacs
>theyre still bullying American rightwingers and gettingtheir own way all the time
Fucking get it together yanks, for all you talk tough you look like absolute faggots lately
lel this guy looks like shit. fatass
Anyone have any idea what drives the left to fight so much? All I've noticed is desire to protect the status quo or rarely to fight for some storybook idea of equality.
They are violent aggressive manchildren
They just wanna LARP.
>to protect the status quo
If you're barely an adult and never read a book about politics, could you try and not participate in conversations about the topic?
Why are gingers always mentally weak? I remember seeing a ginger in ISIS, are they all so prone to being cucked by radical groups and mindsets?
>openly fight on behalf of and are funded by the same people as incumbent neolib parties across the western world
>hurr whut you mean status quo
They are literally religious-tier zealots for the established order what are you on about
>he doesn't realize that antifa and other far left groups are just tools to be deployed against anyone resisting the choices that the powers that be decided on
/r/ the reddit screenshot where antifa decides they can't work out because it's fascist to do so
>Stuff like that just delegitimizes the actual groups of people who died for that specific cause.
You don't know shit about communism. Most people are forced to side with commies when they takeover; their lands taken, etc. Retreating red army soldiers were met with a friendly firing squad, and they didn't volunteer to fight. There is nothing legitimate about communism.
Yellow car syndrome.
I got you senpai
>most people are landowners
bodybuilding is the opposite direction of being able to fight, you loose cardio, agility and flexibility
I have nothing against people trying to improve themselves
a big thing now is "toxic masculinity"
mindblowing. do these people even want men to exist anymore?
theyre coming after us bros
Hmmmm ...
I found OP, get a load of these stupid fucking locks.
"Hard times create strong men,
Strong men create good times,
Good times create weak men,
Weak men create hard times."
So what does this make the swole left? I guess if they identify as gender fluid then it makes it ok
When commies have taken over they don't only take land. Anything of value you own will be taken from your apartment, and they will search it. Bank accounts too. I was using land as an example because when Mao took over in China farmers' lands were taken from them and they were killed/tortured.
But keep believing it's a good thing. Power to the people!
but, the left is inherently degenerate.
Oh, are you from a communist country?
There are no communist countries, because they fail 100% of the time.
Those accounts make some interesting comments:
>Reality is racist get over it and start solving problems instead of hiding from them.
>By the way; Trump himself tweeted black crime statistics to millions. The details of his picture were wrong but only technically.
>Blacks and Mestizos are measurably more prone to violence and criminality in general wherever they are in the world.
>No more dogwhistles, just airhorns now.
I could smack any leftie ITT to next week with a light jab
No, I've just read up history.
National socialism is different from communism, but I like the gif.
You can just say no. I still have my communist baby books and you're trying to tell me what communism is like.
Which great country are you from?
>red-headed step child
rly maeks u think
would bleach the one in the gray minidress. Its funny because most of these chicks dig guys who are conservative but just arent trying to argue about it.
>normie who has fucked libsluts
>The details of his picture were wrong but only technically.
What did he mean by this?
fuck off, neolibs hate commies just as much as conservatives.
this is 100% accurate actually.
>tfw conservative but lefists are more fun in bed
implying lifting wieghts make you some kind of ultimate fighter