what does Veeky Forums think of these kinds of adjustable dumbbells? Are they worth it? I don't have much room and want to add some arm work to my cardio routine. They seem pretty expensive but seeing as they go up to 32.5kg each, that seems like it'd keep you going for a long time (that's basically like a 65kg bench, currently I bench about 45 so there's some good room to grow)
look on your local cl before buying new equipment, there are always fattys selling their stuff
Evan Lee
how the fuck would that thing even work? the weight is still on the bar, regardless of where you twist that stupid fucking knob.
Ayden Richardson
how the fuck does that even work
Adrian Bell
i'm in the uk, CL has basically nothing over here. I tried gumtree too but can't find any that are cheaper than these (one guy selling two with a bench for £270, might be worth asking if he'll sell them on their own for less)
they have a locking system, you twist the thing and it picks up different plates depending on how much weight you specify. The other ones are left in the rack. see: youtube.com/watch?v=ruccnOLfqvw
seems like a pretty good way to get a wide range of DB weights without taking up the space of a whole rack, plus it's cheaper. And £260 is about a year's gym membership for me so hopefully this will pay for itself in the long run.
Ryder Sanders
no theyre a giant meme. you can buy regular cheapo dumbbells for much less that do the exact same thing
also, dumbbell only routines are garbage. go to a gym. you can buy a membership with the money you save from not buying that shit
hope this helps
Dylan Carter
That's pretty convenient
Ayden Myers
also. seeing as youre in the uk. look at a carboot. theres always peope selling shitty dumbbells for nothing at them
Kevin Smith
I have them and they are good for doing a bit of lifting on my days off but only get them if you can't afford a gym membership.
Wyatt Hughes
I can't really afford a membership, they're rarely less than £30-40 a month here. £60+ if you want 24/7 access which I do. Also struggling to find time to get to a gym so i was hoping having these in my room would make it easier to do a quick routine in the morning.
good idea, i have no car however so i dont know how i'd get to one. they're usually not in the centre of town.
I can buy a 30kg normal set for about £50 yes but they usually only go up to about £10kg per hand, which I can do easily, and it means you're limited when it comes to excercises because half of them aren't tough enough and doing 80 curls a day isn't a good idea. also i was mainly planning to use them to supplement running and cycling, I'm not trying to get huge, just to even out my body a bit because i'm slightly t-rex mode at the moment.
Jaxson Rogers
you can go to a car boot on the bus or on your bike lad
or you can buy handles and plates separately, then your only limited to the amount of plates that will fit on the bar
I look forward to breaking my bike taking 70kg of weights home in a backpack no actually i really did that once, except it was 40kg of books, the spokes on my rear wheel snapped
anyway i'm looking around on ebay, seems like they're fairly common used and i found some good options, i just wanted to know if they're a good idea. Seems like it so i think i'll bite the bullet and get them.
Nathaniel Taylor
you must have a pretty shit bike. assuming you weigh ~80kg thats only 150kg total. Ive ridden a bike with two people totaling way over that on a shitty bike from hafords and nothing happened
Brody Morales
it was an 80s road bike, and i hit a pothole. might have just been shitty spokes, idk.
current bike is much nicer but i stil don't feel like lugging 70kg of weights in a backpack home...i doubt my backpack could handle it either. i'll look for something a bit more central and take a taxi/uber home.
Aaron Smith
Tbh just get some 2.5, 5, 10 lb plates and get one of those small bars that are hand-grip width and do that. Also clips. You'll spend way less (small plates are $1/lb generally) but you'll just have to take a little time to change out plates
Isaac Cruz
>can't really afford a membership, Also struggling to find time to get to a gym So no money and no time? That is a perfect combination for achieving your goals.
Nathan Taylor
Dumbbells are garbage as fuck. Get a pull up bar and a barbell w/ plates instead.
Evan Turner
Im /homegym/ Ive been avoiding them because i heard that theae kind of adjustable dumbbells cant take being dropped well. And i dont like the idea of easily lowering weight down at my sides off a bench. I feel like thatd be alot of stress on shoulders. But I really have no idea what im talking about
Evan Reyes
Yeah, you really don't.
John Rivera
It probably wont diminish in value too much so its not like you are throwing 270 away. You could sell for 180 with not much effort I bet.
Jonathan Gonzalez
Have you looked for PureGym and "The Gym"? There are none near you?
Isaiah Ortiz
brainlet detected
Easton Cooper
the weights and cradles they leave behind will take up more space than a stack of 5kg weights for an adjustable olympic set.