>Cut significantly
>Literally 175lbs at 5'11
>Body still looks like an hourglass
>STILL have huge lovehandles
It's all over, isn't it? How much further do I need to cut?
>Cut significantly
>Literally 175lbs at 5'11
>Body still looks like an hourglass
>STILL have huge lovehandles
It's all over, isn't it? How much further do I need to cut?
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holy fuck are you me?
coco butter
hang in there brah currently 161 @ 5' 11 and will probably be shreds by 150. More than likely ur low test. If you're over 21 get on a cycle asap
Please don't do this to me user. I'm currently on my way fron fatass to 5'11 170 and dont want this fate.
you need to increase your resting metabolic rate, blood sugar hormone system, and energy storage.
You need HIIT, high rep low weight lifting, or clen/dnp lol.
People don't understand that you really need to push yourself and sweat to lower bf%.
A-are you sure? Seems like Id need trt then and I'm not sure if I'm ready to make that commitment.
I have bad news for you, lad
You arent 5'11, you must 5'9 or 5'8
You're skinnyfat. Not an ideal place to be in. You could cut to some 145'ish and be in a respectable bf% and then slowbulk while maintaining bf%. You could just gain some muscle at maintenance. At that point, any form of a bulk isn't advisable.
You probably have no muscle and should actually be bulking senpai
I have this EXACT problem, 5'11 230 to 170, still sitting at around 20%bf though so I'm starting a bulk for a few months and I'm going to see if I cant put on a bit of muscle for when I cut again
nope just low test, srs
if you want to naturally improve your test, invest in zma and a goodnights sleep. The biggest things you can do is when you are finished cutting and trust me you can be shredded, you want to make sure you bulk very cleanly and stay on top of your routine.
I will my dude and I've considered gear in the future but I'm not sure if I want to commit to a lifetime of it. And although I've heard a cycle or two can give significant permanent benefits I'm still unsure about it.
My lovehandles disappeared at around 10% bf.
Bulking is a myth, there's zero reason not to have abs all year long.
Just lift and get somewhere between .6 and 1.1 gram of protein per body lb and you will see gains.
Seriously? You mean staying fat for half the year isn't a good idea?
I have been taking in obscene amounts of protein while cutting and I've been seeing very minimal gains, hardly any at all.
Then again maybe SS really is a fucking meme
If you truly are 5'11 cut down to 150lbs-ish and then start a clean bulk to get some muscle and burn fat at the same time
I read the study, how do you go about getting the ~150g of protein I'd need while maintaining a 1800kcal diet?
Seriously? 150lbs feels so damn light though. I know I'm kinda fat but I definitely don't feel or look 25lbs overweight... maybe you're right though. I should at least try it
If you cut down to 150lbs at least you will be sure you have low bf, if you start bulking now the cutting after will suck
Pic? You may be low on lean muscle mass.
one pound of chicken breast
>780 calories, 140 grams protein
protein powder (2 scoops)
>300-360 calories, 60 grams protein
there ya go
wow what a healthy balanced diet
sorry you can't squeeze it out of cheeseburgers and ruffles all dressed up you fat fuck
Actually throw in some broccoli and some rice and you're pretty much golden
Dude, the study you linked states that the people who got 2.4g protein per kg had more lean mass gain while losing fat. Not sure where you got the 0.6-1.1 numbers you stated...
Also, they had these guys on a 40% calorie deficit. That is insane... Breakdown looked like 245 g protein, 311 g carbs, and 36 g fat per day. (Kinda curious what you'd eat to get those macros desu...) Also, it was done on obese people with average BMIs right around 30, so not sure what it means for Veeky Forums people.
>Kinda curious what you'd eat
Nevermind, they gave them 3-4 protein drinks per day... pretty weak.
I just got one question for you.
What's your diet like?
If you're not getting at least 175 grams of high quality protein then... You ain't doing it right.
If you're not utilizing good carbs in the form of brown rice then... You ain't doing it right.
If you're not consuming green leafy vegetables
then I tell you... You know the rest don't you?
AND, if you're not drinking adequate amounts of water then you're going about it all wrong.
You need some good fats too in the form of nuts perhaps almonds.
These foods MUST be consumed in the proper proportions to get to where you want to be. Only YOU can perform the necessary experiments to find out what that is for you user... NOT that user over there, but YOU.
Your meals should be spread out over at least five meals using the ingredients I just explained above. If you need more details then I'll tell you.
For your protein you need to rely mostly on whole foods i.e. lean beef, chicken breast, turkey, tilapia, salmon, or albacore tuna just to name a few sources. Get you a cheapo scale and weigh your food. Just Google "how much protein is in 6 oz of "insert protein source here" to get an idea of how much you need to get your macros in. If you find yourself in a bind, then yeah resort to a protein shake.
There's more...
If you haven't grown the underlying muscles to show how ripped you are then you aren't going to appear ripped then aren't you?
Get into the gym. Lift free weights. Try to work every muscle group. Utilize compound movements to build that muscle you want to reveal. Finish the muscles with a machine or two. Develop a good training split. The old bodybuilders of old have already determined what works in terms of training. Listen to them. They won't steer you wrong.
Do some cardio to burn that fat, but do so with caution. It can kill your muscle gains depending on your genetics again experimentation is key.
FINALLY, be patient and consistent. When you miss a meal-- you're going backwards. If you eat foods that will set you back it WILL show in you physique. If you don't train then... Well, am I getting through to you? Are you seeing a pattern here? All of this, everything, comes with the nuance of taking it with a grain of salt. Don't overtrain. Take some breaks for recovery. Have a resonable "Cheat" meal every now and again. But STAY consistent. Only time and hard work is the space between where you are now and where you will be later. The years WILL pass. What you do during that time will determine how you look in the future. Truly hope this helps.
Best of luck to you user, you CAN do it.
I can't eat that much protein.
My parents buy shitty food and I can't afford to eat so much protein in Canada.
I understand all this and I really wish it were different, though.
>in Canada.
You go fuck yourself. You go FUCK YOUR FUCKING SELF MY MAN. I live in MOTHERFUCKING BRAZIL and I manage to eat enough protein, as do many others. Shut the fuck up and buy the damn thing
haha yes rich kids dont understand
I can't I'm a neet because I refuse to work.
Food is a lot cheaper in brazil so itself no surprise.
>Food is a lot cheaper in brazil so itself no surprise.
Yeah no I'm going to sleep. I just hope you remain the useless piece of shit you are, people like you don't deserve happines, don't bother chasing it
Do it, fuckface. I'm in Canada too. Just get protein powder for now.
From where you little nigger? It's too expensive or it's just bunk
Fuck you too normie
Canadianprotein and myprotein are the two cheapest options in canada. Both are tested and are fine. I make all kinds of gains on canadianprotein. Pretty damn cheap, especially buying 22lb of it at a time.
I was gonna buy canadianprotein but it looks sketchy. They have no lab results anywhere. Probably just corn starch and flavour.
Myprotein seems better but I fucked up and didnr buy on sale now it's $300 I don't have money. I don't want to work. Should I just do creditcard fraud and get on disability?
You can get a 12 lb weight gainer for 50 dollars at body building
Is that expensive?
50 dollars?
Dude fucking go to Safeway or shoppers drugmart or was mart and get a couple pounds to start. It's like $30
What about other protein brands?
Like universal nutrition or ON?
10-12lbs weight gainers cost here from 65 to 80 dollars and the minimum wage here are 350 dollars so you can imagine the struggle to buy a protein here
It's like $80 for 11lbs of protein but I don't want to work and I only have a little money saved
All brands cost 80 cad?
Can you shop at BB?
weight gainers 12lbs are 40 to 70 dollars
No it's whey. The cheapest brands the user above mentioned are. Weight gainer kind of jew scam I've read
They can give you 10lbs
The difficult thing of all this is not staying consistent, or training and eating good food.
The hard part is finding exactly what's optimal, because there are so many factors and the results (both good and bad) take so long to show.
I think consistency trumps all. The vast majority of people who ever train will stop by 1-2 years. But if you keep training even if it's not "optimal" you'll make massive gains over a longer timeframe.
The formula is pretty simple. Lift weights (progressing in either weight or reps) with good form and eat your macros you can find easily. Oh and have a somewhat balanced routine.
The difficulty is doing it for years even when you get bored
>>Literally 175lbs at 5'11
That's the upper end of normal BMI.
>175 at 5"11
dude to put this into perspective, in 131 at fucking 6"2 WITH clothes.
you can definitely lose more.
You're pretty underweight dude might want to bulk a bit
i'm 5'11" and 155 when i cut (starve) and i look like an effay T H i N person. anyway, cut further.
Is it? Seems below average.
i know how you feel, OP. i'm down to about 180 and i still have lovehandles and man titties. the navy method and the 3+4 point caliper tests all pegged me at about 17%bf, so hopefully i will start looking better soon. i've also heard being overweight can change fat distribution, and i've been between chubby and obese all my life, so i'm wondering if my fat storage will change after i maintain a healthy bf% for a while.
how much muscle should i expect to lose while dieting? i have ~17lbs of fat, roughly, between me and my goal but idk how far down i should adjust my goal weight to account for muscle and water weight