How much water am I supposed to mix with this shit?

How much water am I supposed to mix with this shit?
I put as much in as I could but it seems like theres too much powder and it turned into a thick gunk with like 80% still a dry powder so I took out a bunch of powder and filled it up with as much water as I could and shook it but now it all looks really soupy and chunky
Also it smells fucking rancid do you guys refrigerate it or just put it in the cupboard ?

wait are you putting water directly in the tub?

Yeah, how else am I suppose to do it?

Put in a small amount of water and fully stir it in before adding more, then repeat until all of the powder is wet. Then you can add the rest of your water to taste. Otherwise there's a good chance it will clump.

Have you never had to mix powder and liquid before? C'mon man.

See the goal is to eat as you mix. That way you will make gains and slowly water it into a drink. You have to earn it faggot.

Theres physically not enough room in the container for the water, though. I dont get why they designed these things the way they did

Wait, are you mixing water into all of your whey at once? Holy shit

Oh yeah you're doing this wrong op, pour more water in and let it sit out for awhile. Its kinda like a solution but you gotta let it sit out with water in it at room temperature or higher considering increase in temp=increase in solubility. Lemon juice is acidic so if you want it to mix fast and don't mind the taste of lemon put half a cup in the tub, stir, and wait an hour.

Its been sitting in the fridge for like an hour now, shit fucking stinks
I'll throw in out in the sun and see if it helps dissolve it

What should the end product look like? It kinda looks like pure liqud diarrhea right now


8oz water per scoop my man

post pic

No one said it was gonna smell good. Man up.

Itll smell a little bad but the end product should be pretty clumpy with some seperation. Just mix that and drink after. If it smells too bad add some spice like cinnamon and the flavor will get better. No matter how mad it smells itll be fine, its kinda like a learning curve to getting Veeky Forums so i hope you aren't weak enough to fall out.

Pls b real and include me in the screencap

take it outside and leave the hose in it

Hose water is nasty

I leave mine overnight, dumping a bottle or two of water into the tub and shaking vigorously
Dont listen to anyone telling you to put it anywhere other than a refrigerator

>he doesn't have a dedicated whey hose

its like drinking hoppy beers and IPAs. once you get used to them, theyre delicious

Every protein powder I've ever seen tells you exactly how much liquid to mix with 1 scoop. Mine says 250mL. Pour the liquid into a shaker bottle which usually has measuring gradations on the side, and then add the protein, screw on the lid and shake like fuck.

