I literally never thought height was a big deal, and thought physically face/body/overall LOOK was most important...

I literally never thought height was a big deal, and thought physically face/body/overall LOOK was most important. Look at movies, at least before Marvel, the tall dude is usually a grunt or a villain, no one roots for them.

But jesus after regularing this board, I thought myself as screwed in life, and wouldn't even approach girls or smile back at them, because I resented them if they were interested in me, they would probably leave for some 6'2 dude even if he was half the man I was.

But I was thinking of a time before I came to Veeky Forums, I was a fucking fat manlet and had girls into me because of emotional PRESENCE. Who the fuck cares what they say, the basic tenet of PUA is you don't give a shit what girls say. Power is sexy; girls want height because it makes them feel safe and secure. Well this isn't caveman times anymore, height and fighting abilities don't make you powerful anymore, otherwise every girl in the world be chasing black dudes exclusively. Social skills makes you powerful, salary makes you powerful, and, above all else, how comfortable you FEEL in life makes you powerful, and rare.

So basically I'm done, literally nothing good in this board other than the sticky.

it's not that big of a deal dude, you're just a subhuman genetic deadend whos heritage deserves to be cut short (haha) ASAP

look on the bright side. ending your own suffering (via suicide) and doing what's best for mankind are one in the same.

Beta , the thread

havnt been on fit for months and this is the first thread i see lol

Don't be angry at the world. The world didnt give you this pathetic life. Your mother and father did .

Kill your mom and blame it on your father. They deserve it . They knew they had shit genetics but they still went on giving you birth knowing you would have no chance competing against other males. They did it for their entertainment and amusement. Your parents probably laughs behind your back and talks shit about you when they are with their friends.

>literally nothing good in this board other than the sticky

>current year
>they still haven't learned

I think I'm going to instantly hide anything with manlet, anything with obvious shills for merch or loser youtubers, anything shilling SS or any shitty workout plan homo threads and muscle girl threads.
Will make things a lot more smooth.

>manlets even to short to avoid obvious samefagging

>manlet so assblasted he literally has to censor manlet threads for himself
hahaha jesus christ dude just end it all

Why you post that image?

That image is for roasties only ;)

I was at a mall and saw a 5'7 white guy with his white gf

She was your typical germanic girl, pale skin, brown long hair and has a nice big pair of titties

He must be fucking her right now

Dont obsess over height, its pointless

>Dont obsess over height, its pointless
t. coping manlet

Im 6 ft my lovely lad

Your mother wishes she had a man, and not a boy

I was an extra on that movie. Worked for a few weeks on it.

Liam is huge, I wanna say 6'3 maybe 6'4. He gets hella pussy. Based on what I saw JLaw seemed interested, but he didn't really show anything back.

I was in the set too and fucked jLaw

Her pussy is tight and her anus smell nice

If Kek grants you 4 inches to spend on height, cock length, and cock girth, how would you spend it?

I'm 6'1 with an average cock. I'd spend 2 on height, 1.5 on length, and 0.5 on girth.

give proof liar

>the world be chasing black dudes exclusively.
Tyrone or cuck?

>girls want height because it makes them feel safe and secure. Well this isn't caveman times anymore, height and fighting abilities don't make you powerful anymore,
WRONG. That is just how they rationalize it, they want someone that is tall because it signifies good genetics

>Will make things a lot more smooth.
will make things a lot more quiet as well

Oof, so close. Almost made the cut.

Always next time.

one and* the same


>white people cant fight

Kys manlet