What does this work out?
What does this work out?
I saw someone doing the reverse of this not too long ago, they were stepping down on the pad with one foot.
Looks like it trains you to take the dick deep while relieving the pressure by ramming your head into the mattress
lost hard
Why doesn't shit like this ever happen at my gym?
Glutes, whatever muscles are in your neck.
I'm honestly just impressed he was able to get into that position.
that's a good legexercise actually
>The Library.webm
Looks like a reverse-shrug.
no it's fucking not. there's a machine for that
I imagine he thinks hes working neck and some sort of erector muscles, in reality hes grinding up his spine.
Thanks for the OC gif user.
There's no machine for that at my gym. So people make do with what they have.
is that AlphaDestiny
Fukken kek
Neck. This is retarded though, since there are million ways of fuck up neck spine so its very very inadvisable to load it artificially especially such way where you cant control the ressistance.
You`ll fuck up your neck as you age even without any training, its very vulnerable. Training it just speeds up the process.
GOD DAMN IT! Where the fuck are people getting the idea do these fuckin retarded routines on machines?
looks like glutes, core and traps. Maybe your hammies as well.