Post examples of shit genetics

Post examples of shit genetics

Sadly my outward lowwr legs..

doesn't look that bad man

When I squat my legs bend in when my feet are straight it hurts to walk now

>he stayed natty to look like this

that really isn't too bad m8 you should see mine. i would post pic but I'm at uni library right now

My faggot fucking effiminate ass nipples. I look in the mirror everyday and it's the first thing I notice every single time. Put a shirt on its the first thing I notice, every single fucking time. I didn't ask for this shit, what does puberty have against me? Why me? Why do I have to be so conscious of my massive fucking gyno all the time. HURR JUST GET THE SURGERY ITS ONLY 6 FUCKING GRAND.

>brb having to wear compression shirt under shirt under sweatshirt
>brb no amount of lifting will get rid of lady boobs
>brb scared to take shirt off at public pool in fear of being rediculed like an insecure teenager
>brb wearing sweatshirts even in private because the sight of my own nipples disgusts me
>brb never going to make it unless I can come up with the money for surgery

Why fucking try anymore

Why not just get surgery?

don't want to put myself in more debt on top of cripple student loans.

I don't think there's anything wrong with you, you just have big feet so they hang a little outwardly.

People are so weird about their bodies on Veeky Forums plz have some confidence

Dude they look fine, calm down


whats the issue here

can I suck on em

lmao don't lie to him dude


Dude I know that feel 3000%

Holy shit

I had horrendous acne on my face before I hit it with accutane and I was less self-conscious about iy than my FUCKING NIPPLES NOW

shut the fuck up your complexion is nice

I went to some doctor and they said I have Vargas knees or something called femoral retroversion they said it can be fixed with physical therapy so I'm pretty confident

I legitimately wanna flick your nipples with my tongue desu, they're hot. And get nipple piercings, its way cheaper and it forces them into a more manly conformation if you're so worried about it

>legitimately wanna flick your nipples with my tongue desu, they're hot.

It's comments like these that remind me how fucking rediculous they look. Thanks user, I'm just gonna not return to this thread in order to save myself the shame.

Fuck you

user, 6 grand is well worth it. it may take you a long time to save up tho but super worth it

Not him but if I had 6 grand extra id get laser eye surgery or something.

Too skinny. Shoulders to narrow. Feels bad man :(

>roiding for this

>t. nog

you're just fat go work out

This isn't /pol/ u fuckface


then lift and get them bigger faggot fucking faggot jesus christ

This isn't /reddit/ u fuckface

Your shoulders are proportianally wide as fuck

people would kill for your bone structure shut the fuck up

What are u referring to?

shoulder span is wide

thats just an average skinnyfat body

waist hip and shoulder ratio sucks

DYEL faggots blaming on genetics because they don't put enough effort into it : the thread

you cant lift your way out of narrow clavicles my friend

Left guy still looks infinitely better than a skinny-fat version of himself

Does anyone else imagine slicing one of those fucking huge veins just to see what happens? Am I a psychopath?

Can't lift this away

I'm getting super vascular, and this is seriously becoming a fear of mine, I'm always thinking about if I cut my forearm I'm gonna bleed out like if you cut the jugular on a normal person.... Why can't I be super lean and not vascular like crazy, I might just get fat again

you have wide shoulders you stupid cunt

It looks like a shark is trying to escape from his chest

wide as fuck shoulders


If his traps weren't so huge he'd look great.

Watch some Alphadestiny senpai he'll fix those traps up quick smart

here you go

dont worry, got a buddy who has the same gyno tit ratio as you, he says girls luv it. Its all about confidence brah



>when will they learn

Promise you girls totally love that amount of nipple. My gf loves mine and anyone else who's seen them loves to go for them.

Super self conscious about them still but recent years has made me think of them as less of a negative overall.

Shit genetics? You're acting like one of those tumblr "muh genetics" fatties..

Theres nothing wrong with your genetics.Your own actions caused your body to degenerate. You are just the typical sedentary, skinnyfat lanklet. Just fucking lift


yo I have the same amount of gyno and I usually put some skin tape over my nipples to stop them from poking out

it makes my gyno look like meaty pecs as long as I never take my shirt off

warning though you actually need muscle mass on your shoulders/arms and chest for this to work

the muscle on the rest of your body gives the illusion of having bigger pecs compared to if you were skinnyfat they would look unnatural

jesus christ I did a shitty job of explaining


muscle mass+skin tape over gyno = illusion of big pecs

no muscle mass+skin tape over gyno = bitch tits

How do I enter peeps mode?

>1 year of SS


whoa. looks like ET

I wonder if this is the same guy as this

Fuck you i was about to post that...

Female here definitely don't give a shit about those nipples yeah they are a tad puffy nobody would care unless they were shallow to a weird degree. Stop obsessing work on your social skills instead.

All shoulder retard

oh fug that looks like me
>a-at least I'm 6ft1 though right guise? :'DD

I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore

>balding at 22

In before shitskin. Does castor oil regrow hair?

>Does X regrow hair?
unfortunately no although iirc there should be effective methods on the market in a few years or decades

Ketoconazole shampoo - this kills DHT
Pumpkin oil/castor oil - moisturizes hair and contain vitamins that promote hair growth
Minoxidil - not sure how it works but makes weakened follicles stronger and helps growth.
And Saw palmetto/ finasteride if you wanna risk your sexual life but want luscious hair - these stop dht production but they have a chance to fuck your shit up. Research the sides and figure if its worth it to you.
Also try massaging your scalp to promote blood flow senpai.