What's up with there not being a mirin thread up today? it's like you guys don't even care about making it anymore...
I got some nice mires and an opportunity to act like chad this weekend
> liftin for 2 years, starting to get some good natty gainz > go out drinking with friends, new club is opening > 3 floors with different DJs in every room > manage to let lose and get dancy (been working hard on having fun) > short blonde qt dances with her back against me > turns around, smiles wide and backs up into me > start grinding, she's pulling me into her ass > turns around again to make out, do for some time > run out of beer, ditch qt and get more > come back to same place a little later > short blondie dancing in same spot > I reengage and continue touching her tiddies etc > she turns around to make out more > turns out its not even the same blonde qt > I dont even care, make out and grope her a lot > she grabs both my bi's, her face lights up visibly turned on > dance very intimately all night with her, she's touching me all over > party starts to wind down, meet blond qt outside > tell her I'm going home to cook some food > she starts going on about just coming out of a relationshit and blabla > I start to lose interest and getting really hungry (cutting season ofc) > she suggests giving me her number > tell her I don't want her number and walk away
Damn bro's, I had a hell of a good weekend. My sixpack hasn't even come in yet and the girls are definitely starting to take an interest. We're all gonna make it brehs!!
Please can you elaborate on this? I'm interested to know how you managed to let loose and have great nights
Blake Hill
Well it's been a long journey from my depression and I believe people usually are very different, so I'm not gonna advise anyone to do the same as me, but take from it what you want or think could work for you. Actually, my main piece of advice is what led me to lifting; if you're not happy with the current conditions, do something differently. Just keep trying different things till you find what works for you. Anyways, this is what I did:
> depression started 5 years ago partly due to cheating oneitis gf > the first three years I just moped around, vidya and weed > I stopped doing things I didn't want to do, family events etc., kinda like coccoon mode > life was pleasant but I was still depressed > figured I had to try something different, that led me to this board > after reading here for some weeks I started hitting the gym, trying to escape Auschwitz mode > lifting became a pillar in my life, something to always be working on, researching etc. > it has become my meditation, I clear my head and relax. > I know the weights are always there waiting no matter how other things go > one key aspect I've realized is that I don't really matter > it doesn't really matter what I do or how it goes in the long run > get motivated by this, realizing that the only things that matter to me are what I decide matter > now I only do what I believe is the right thing for me, and often I want to have fun > this allows me to decide what I think could be fun for me, and if it's not there is no pressure to keep doing it
I've also put aside morals and ethics and embraced "the real world", not the world everyone wishes they lived in, but the cold harsh one we actually have.
Was that understandable at all?
Adrian Russell
Aiden Murphy
nothing to do with what you wrote but I love that kid in your gif. Very appreciative just for a banana. That joke backfired on the parents but in a good way
Wyatt Parker
I love how happy that dog is.
I'm glad my ex-gf dumped her boxer at my door when she moved state.
Matthew Brooks
>Be kid >Going to some football place to get my new team clothes >Girls working there says I'm a cute little guy >Get red in face
Only time I have ever been mired. Felt good
Lucas Smith
Another mire from this same weekend
> join a buddy of mine at a preparty filled with nurses > bring some dudeweedlmao because my friend loves it and tells me a couple of the nurses smoke > skinny red head is clearly mirin, she was staring for the first 30 minutes I was there > drunk brunette nurse comes over, can tell she's feeling cheeky this evening > she hints to loving cocaine, I tell her I don't do that shit and she clearly gets flustered > tried to convince me she doesn't either (lmao) and spills spaghetti everywhere > saying all kinds of dumb shit and her friends starts making fun of her > she gets very defensive and starts arguing with everyone > I go out to smoke and a couple of the nurses follow, along with my mate > skinny red head is really fast and stays at my side constantly from here on > her face looks pretty fucked up, swollen as fuck lips > while lighting up I joke about becoming a pirate full time with a parrot and all > she asks "would you have your parrot on this shoulder *grabs closest shoulder and squeezes* > "or this one" *reaches around to other shoulder* > it was actually a smooth manouver (feel free to steal, I know I will) but I didn't like her face at all > she keeps trying to casually grope my body and I finally ask her what the hell has happened to your face > she got botox apparently and tells me it's gonna look a lot better soon > I tell her I highly doubt that and walk off with a huge grin, she the party leaves shortly after > rest of the night several of the nurses seem to almost be fighting over me, even though I wasn't interested in either of them > drunk brunette wants to argue constanly about everything > only qt grill there was a blonde that didn't seem interested at all > still feels good and still had fun
Lincoln Bailey
I know, it's pure bliss. You can truly find happiness in anything.
sounds like a win to me. Only sad thing is that no dog lives forever. But then again, nothing lasts forever.
Luis Hughes
the dog has a parasitic infection
Jordan Richardson
wew lad, coulda used more tact
Aiden Powell
So your way out of depression was taking drugs, partying like a teenager and being an asshole, or what?
This place is so weird. You'd think that someone in his twenties would come to a different solution.
Oh well, still better than being depressed I guess.
Jack Walker
>be me at bar >qt walks past >"youre cuuute~" >feels up my shoulder >sit there continue drinking >completely ignore her out of disbelief how do i fix myself fit
Jordan Morgan
not really, was taking drugs and partying before depression as well. Was also a way bigger douchebag before I contracted oneitis and it was when I became a nice guy bitch for her it all started going down hill until I hit my depression pit. Women don't want you to be nice to them. At all.
English isn't my native language so it's highly likely I didn't get my point across on how I dealt with depression. I'll try again. Cutting basically everything I didn't feel like doing and just being alone was step one. Did this for a long time. I then started looking inward and trying to figure out something I wanted to do (which was the hardest thing). I set my mind on weight lifting and from there I've just been building on my life with whatever I think I want, and what I think is right. Now I only hang out with the people I want to hang out with, when I want. I've become much better at saying no to things I don't want to do. This way it's only "my fault" if I'm not enjoying my self.
yes, but also no.
Matthew Sanchez
Do you understand why you didn't even try?
Aaron Rodriguez
>Friends wife always stares at my arms and chest like pieces of meat whenever I come over >Friend busts ankle, on pain meds and no mobility >Go over to check on friend/help him with whatever he needs around the house >Hes suuuuper drugged out on the couch >Truth syrum effect is in swing, hes just telling his life story and all sorts of other dribble >Tells me he's thought a lot about me fucking his wife. He thinks it would be super hot to watch. >Puts his hand down his pants and tells me to kiss his wife who is sitting across the room. >Wife blushing hard and staring at my arms again >Nervously try to laugh it off "Haha those meds havnt made your jokes any funnier" >Tells me he's serious, talks about how we can double team her or how I can fuck her and he can film it. >I start blurting out all sorts of random shit trying to change the subject. "Crazy weather huh? You see the game last night? You ever been to this place? If you could learn a second language what would it be?" >Eventually friend takes interest and the situation difuses.
tldr : Friend wants me to bull his wife
Cameron Gomez
cucks were a mistake
Nicholas Cook
Daniel Phillips
Very nice mindset I've been trying to achieve that myself, not because I'm depressed or anything, but because that makes sense Mirin your mental gains user
Charles Morgan
it's the only way to live friend. If you set your mind to it I'm certain you too will be able to find true joy in this dumb ass world :)
Noah James
She hot?
Austin Gomez
It should be required that you post a current body picture with every mirin story so we can judge how true it might be.
Ethan Harris
6.5/10 to me. Kind of chubby but the pudge mostly went to her ass and boobs. Decent face. Really thirsty. The passable slightly chubby bunny that tries to get with you at a party but you arnt totally into it so you facefuck her and leave.
Ryan Mitchell
Never mired because
>1. Live in denmark >2. Am 5 10 >3. Live in denmark and 5 10
Sebastian Moore
:( Are you considering moving east? I'm thinking of helping Japan with their birth rate trouble
Thomas Hill
You should've been born further up North. Here in Sverige 5'10 is the average height. Manlets, när lär de sig någonsin?
Nicholas Morgan
>Help them by mongrelizing their ethnicity and destroying their quality of life Real helpful user.
Benjamin Diaz
this absolutely did not happen.
Aiden Adams
>haha yeah I remember that one time a girl locked eye contact with me and looked at my arms on my medium express children's t shirt she was def mirin haha yeah this is why I lift I'm still a virgin though.. curse my height!
These threads are the definition of cringe. Bragging about getting slight female attention? Go fuck a girl then post a thread about it
Mason James
>me and model girlfriend go to college pool party hosted at school we don't go too but we are always let in everywhere >take off my shirt cuz it's pool party >5 different girls grab my abs at some point in the night >3 different people asked me and gf if we're models >fuck her in the bathroom >mfw I don't even lift and have a better body then most gym rats
Mason Edwards
Colton Torres
that's not a mirin story, you just made out with some club slut. You don't need a sculpted body for that
James Collins
>majority of population is fat >dont be fat >'omg you fit!' Welcome to modern society faggot
Shh... it's easier to blame autism for your cowardice.
Xavier Diaz
>walk into the store >some old lady employee says good morning to me
I finally made it Veeky Forums
Andrew Kelly
Pizza eating Chad is literally the Veeky Forums version of cuckold fetish
Kayden Jackson
>ywn be a little skelly nignog dancing with your best friend doggo in a favela in rio de janeiro
Adam Robinson
You sound like a retarded faggot and deserved your depression. Can't wait until your hope evaporates when sluts learn you're a retard and start treating you like a dog.
Wyatt Gray
This is what happens when your only education on genetics comes from an image board with an average IQ of 90 and the dominant similarity between users is mental illness.
Jeremiah Peterson
Oh my fucking gosh-damn goodness you sound so un-woke it's almost not even funny you raging cuck
Are you even /7thlevel/?
Chase Moore
Your a giagantic cuckoldn so are you
Asher Parker
>deadlift day >only rack available is the one that's directly facing Gymfu >she's lifting 25's on each side or something >load lmao3plates, she looks surprised and looks up looks up giving me a quick smile before looking away >start deads, we're practically a couple of feet away from each other, autism kicks in and I'm trying my hardest to look everywhere (to the side, at the wall behind her, at the floor) during the lift instead of forward where she's at >she's eyefucking me like crazy during every rest period >don't even make an attempt to talk or even look at her, I just stand there watching the Cavs game on the TV behind her
I feel autistic
Owen Allen
>tfw i walk by grills and they giggle n shit >tfw lost 25lbs >entering broad shoulder mode > >still aspergers getting the best of me >cannotengagewomen.jpg >feels
Jayden Morgan
Sorry but he is right. Stay home dirty gaijin
Austin Ramirez
Not him but. I want to go to japan, become a trainer to help the beta jap dudes get swole and the jap girls to lose their virginity, all of them, in a quasi rapeulant manner.
Eli Bell
My roommate has a fucking shredded body and doesn't lift I'm stronger but less aesthetic.. even funnier that his gf left him for an ugly fat junky
Jack Nelson
I'm stealing this idea
Jose Sullivan
Kender folelsen brormand >be 6 feet 182 lbs (182 cm, 83 kg) >feel small all the time
Tyler Morales
>178 cm >alle mine venner er hojere end mig >mfw
Xavier James
>wear a tank top under my work shirt >finish up my shift >pop off my shirt so customers don't know I work there and ask me shit >8/10 co-worker sees me and says "look at those arms!" and giggles >tfw she has a boyfriend
Grayson Gonzalez
she laughed at you for showing of your noodles
fucking invest more in arms routine
David Rodriguez
>be me in high school >with group of friends >decide to play a game >the guys get in a circle and the girls rate their muscles >first girl is going around, rating out of 10 >"5..." >"6" >"8! *giggles*" >gets to me >feels my flabby skeleton arms >"..............." >"2." >moves on nonchalantly
And that, boys, is why I lift today.
Angel Adams
Some old guy who used to BB/PL was mirin my 315lb 5x5 atg squats. I honestly feel like it's weak as fuck for 4 years of lifting. He was telling me that I could do 4 plates for a 1rm if I trained for it since I was doing these sets with 2 mins rest only.
Tyler Kelly
Just because this has never nor will ever happen to you doesnt mean it didnt happen nor wont happen again for someone else.
And yeah this definately happened, it was the most awkward situation ive been in in for a long time.
Christian Collins
>walking down the street at night >couple approaching me >They cross the street 20 feet in front of me >Push button to wait for light >Look behind me >They crossed right back after they passed me
>go to gym with bros >Skinny guy with decent gf benching 115 >load up on the bench next to him and start repping 255 >he immediately gets up and takes gf to other side of gym >We all follow him, hop on the machine next to him with 3x the weight >scream during reps, slap each other >he gets up and takes his gf out of the gym >his sesh lasted 20 minutes.
>Get a pump, head over to pool >post up shirtless in a chair with a book >whenever girls start talking to me, light up a massive cigar and blow smoke in their faces >They generally dont leave
>Girl asks me what im into >tell her im a National socialist. >she is oblivious >talk about all the party members by name except for hitler, who i refer to as "the guide" >Shes drunk as shit but into it >Finally, get to the soap/lampshade factory I want to open up >she laughs, but leaves when she realizes im not kidding.
Thomas Walker
>(been working hard on having fun) I feel this so hard it actually makes me want to cry
Benjamin Butler
>weebs are this delusional
Ian Wright
Those aren't mires and you're a dick.
Christian Gonzalez
wish all: jews shitskins muslims niggers didn't wake up tomorrow
east asians can stay, but in their own countries. why can't it be this way, would be heaven
Ethan Hall
except this didnt happen you fat retard
Jeremiah Hughes
>visit older brother at his college's town >he brings me to a party and introduces me to his friends >we got there a few hours late so everyone is already drunk and super friendly >really drunk 6/10 girl immediately targets me and gets touchy >starts bringing me a crap ton of alcohol and pushing me to drink it >later try to talk to some of my bro's friends but she keeps following me with alcohol and talking >keeps loudly whispering that Bro's little brother is hot to literally anyone nearby >bro and I had to go back to his house and she apparently legit tried to convince him to let her come (they're acquaintances at best) >somehow gets my number and tries to get me to promise to meet her later that night >deny because I don't trust people to make good decisions while shitfaced (beta I know) >I drive back to my college the next day and she yells at my brother because she was trying to fuck me
Kinda wish I would've done it because I'm still a virgin (19 years old, starting to develop magical powers) but I couldn't justify it.
Also >fat manlet that is vaguely friends with everyone else was there >keeps telling me that I'm in >gets pissy when I don't go after her >the rest of the night (even hours later when we go to a club) he won't shut up to everyone about how I didn't fuck the girl >bro tells me that guy keeps trying to hook up with the girls of the group and he was seething with jealousy because I didn't really care >lol
Daniel Anderson
You're my hero, user. Godspeed you magnificent bastard.
Grayson Bell
>playing coed soccer in college >i'm actually really good >do a sweet play and intercept the ball and score >girl on the other team whispers "he's fast" just like in my animes >nice
Jonathan Martin
>just like in my animes
Caleb Powell
First verified mire last night after 3.5 months >playing yugioh with a friend >fresh chest day pump in a tight shirt >he says I'm looking ripped, asks if I've been going to the gym a lot and asks if I have a sixpack yet
We're not usually the type to compliment eachother, we normally just bust eachother's balls.
Caleb Bell
what you did wasn't beta, you didn't want to do something so you didn't
>that's alpha behavior user
Bentley Martin
That's a good mire user. I remember when my bros first complimented me, was on cloud 9 for about a week
Nathan Young
Brody Robinson
>180 cm >min lillebror på 15 er hojere end mig
Chase Peterson
friend wants to set me up with his smoking hot femme friend > cmon user, go out with us, I'm sure she'll love you > you're such a big guy, she needs someone like you to protect her
I'm actually a bit scared of falling for her, she's way too fucking hot. I'll just fall in love again, she'll realize I like her way too much and dump me. Whyyyy is nature this way
Asher Moore
>narcissism, the post
If this is what it took to make you happy, you should've just killed yourself.
Brandon Martin
my man ethan
Josiah Phillips
mirin? wtf is this? what happened to "its all about personality bro xD"?
talk about cognitive dissonance
Jace King
>first huge cocaine party w/ friends >qt blonde grillfriend who has bf joins >she wants to snort a line with me in the hallway >"ok cool" >*snort coke* >the coke hits her and she turns all wooglyboogly >first time coke, feel like a god >"you have such a cute butt user" >she slaps my gluteus >be autistic and thinks she's just making fun >she asks how many times I work I out >mirin AF >let her touch arms >bf enters the hallway >bf is a narcissistic asshole >bf is Veeky Forums >dude sees her gf touch my arms >"ah you found him" >dude touches my arms too and checks my gluteus >gettingreallygayinherehaha.jpg >everybody's horny due to the coke >dude wants threesome >"ok" >snort coke of her tits >dude wants to snort coke off my chest >he wants to make out >cokedup.jpg >make out >have threesome in the hallway >people walk by like it is nothing >go upstairs bc people >enter room with bed >fuck qt grillfriend >dude watches >he jerks off >do not give a fuck >dude stands behind me grinding his cock against my ass >get soft immediately >get my clothes and get out of the room >... >don't do drugs kids
Aiden Flores
> tfw nobody said no homo
Owen Carter
189 her, foler mig stadig som en manlet
Matthew Hernandez
183 i norge.. helt ok. Handler litt om hvem du omgås med/står ved siden av her.
Hvordan går sommercuten? Blir det roskildefestival?
Dylan Parker
everyone knows the parrot line, except you apparently
no one will think it's clever or original
Daniel Murphy
>live in the Netherlands >Am 6.2 -1.88m Fuck my life. At least I lift and can compensate a bit.
I could sum it better up: Women hate having a relationship with a better looking guy because then they have to compete with other wymenz and must do something in their nonsense life to keep the men while the fat slob of a boyfriend is a keeper because he can't attract women so easily.
That's all
Thats why wymenz cheat on their lazy unsporty boyfriends with muscular guys, getting pregnant and the lazy fat boyfriend thinks it's his own child.
Asher Hernandez
I chuckled heartily, tru tho
David Taylor
t. race mixed inbreds without heritage or culture
Tyler Reyes
>lampshade factory
Tyler Taylor
I got one from yesterday >Go with gf to friends home Saturday night >German Shepard thinks I'm a big guy >Bites me in the fucking balls >Go to get tetanus booster yesterday >Qtpie asian rolls up my sleeve and tells me to relax my arm >Tell her that's as relaxed as it gets >She says O Wow and blushes Pic related, the boys are ok, tis but a flesh wound
Angel Lee
>he went nihilist hedonist route
Angel Brown
>lift heavy weight >greater quantity compared to previous lifting ability >female say "good, you strong" >happy
Jonathan Myers
it's a weird situation but i get you bro, i don't want to be seen staring at some girl and getting distracted, just wanna lift some
Christopher Young
agreed with bro here, don't do shit because society thinks you should
Gabriel Cox
>we decide to play a game >boys get into the middle and are either complimented or insulted jesus
Hunter Taylor
Jesus quints. Lift for the prophet. Deus vult
Joshua Lewis
>be me, 180cm, 75kg, +-15% body fat >wear clothes that really complement my physique >girls checking me out constantly - on the street, super market, uni >tfw all my bro's live in different countries - only bro out during the summer >tfw stuck in limbo with a 6/10 girl with 10/10 personality for 2 years, no flame what so ever, but she is nice to chill out with >see her 1-2 times per week to chill, fuck her only when drunk (once in 1-2 weeks) because 6/10 >tfw I could save a big load of money for moving in with her for next year when I do my masters degree >tfw she is 6/10 >get mired constantly - always an inch close from chatting up another QT, but conscience says no >tfw have a conscience
Why can't i just be a sociopath?
>wear a t shirt in public >"friends" from uni (guys and girls) tell me i have nice arms, do i work out? >tfw get those looks from girls >tfw too asperger and too much conscience to break out of 6/10 grill situation - i basically friendzoned 2 years ago >tfw waiting for summer so i can go to my home country and let my dick run loose