What is Veeky Forums's consensus on alcohol?

What is Veeky Forums's consensus on alcohol?

Spirits not beer.

It's fuckin awesome

robs your gains

a scotch to socially drink is okay though

Former alcoholic here. It's fine if you can use in moderation. Just don't try to kid yourself if you drink too much. If you think it might be a problem for you, it probably is.

Drinking a couple times a week is fine. I try to avoid it tho.

alcohol is shit

fuck up your whole endocrine system for the sake of a little social fluidity, nah you're alright bro

How many drinks a week would you call "moderation?"

So whiskey and vodka are okay. What about mixed drinks? And what about wine, cider, etc?

>So whiskey and vodka are okay. What about mixed drinks? And what about wine, cider, etc?
no faggot. straight scotch only

the rest of the garbage you mentioned are just sugary messes

Mixed drinks are fine if they're mixed with low calorie or 0 calorie shit.

Anyway I love drinking but it isn't fun anymore.
>high tolerance
>have to drink a fuck load to get drunk
>unless I'm doing straight shots I get full before drunk
>still feel like shit the next day
>gains goblin (literally stops protein synthesis)
It just ain't fun anymore.

The last thing you want girls to think is that you work hard on your physique. That's the reason so many obviously buff guys claim that they only ever do situps, pressups and pullups every now and again. Drink a beer or two so they so they don't think you're obsessed with fitness to the point where you can't have fun.

>a scotch to socially drink is okay though

*tips fedora*

For weight; its all bad. It doesnt matter what you're drinking, the calories come from the alcohol content itself.

But its socially suicidal to say you dont drink.

I used to drink until I was shitty drunk every day after work, so for me moderation meant taking it down to once a week or so. Sometimes now I do even less because it's difficult to control.

If you have a good handle on it though try to test your limits. Just remember that alcohol is literally poison, so drinking it at all is not going to help your gains in any way.

Absolutely haraam

>Former alcoholic
No such thing. I'm an alcoholic, I just haven't drank since February 12th. If you were a true alcoholic then you will always be one.

Fine in moderation if you have any self-control. The impact on recovery is worse than the calories.

>hurrdurr i need special labels to remind me how much of a fuck up i am


I'm addicted to it
It eats my gains and kills my head in the morning

Fuck off

good for degenerates and desperate autists who want to be normies

it's fine if you're not a body-builder in contest prep and you practice moderation

It's like you saying that you were a former cocksucker. It's not true because you will always be a faggot.

Fine in moderation, i'm talking a beer once a fortnight or something low like that.

Fantastic for a bulk

I'm a football player. I haven't played in 10 years but I'm still a football player because I played before.

Alcohol is literally poison, but that also means that your body can't really use alcohol as a source of energy efficiently.
I don't remember exact number but only a part of calories from alcohol are actually used.
You can get wasted once and ocassionaly twice a week without big problems.
If you know how to handle it alcohol is fun. It's the best drug.

It's like how your mom was a slut before she met your dad. Just because she stopped sleeping around for a bit it doesn't mean she isn't still a slut.

Believe it or not, there are people who drink because they like it, not because they are trying to fit in or because they have some kind of addiction. I forgot how many of you are children.

I might have a beer or two at the weekend, maybe a whiskey too.

I never drink midweek. I think I'll be fine.

Liking it is one step away from addiction bro.

There's no such thing as alcoholism, you guys are just a bunch of assholes who have no self control.

I think the alcoholism did a number on your brain cells man

He's right, you know.
I'm waiting for the day that epigenetics finally catches up enough to give a genetic explanation for addiction.

Not really, it just turn all your piggish ways into fat, nogainz.

It is absolutely cancerous for your body. Increases estrogen levels, damages and overworks your liver, causes depressed immune system activity within the bext 24 hours of consumption increasing risk of illness and causing you to feel lethargic.

It is a depressant and significantly effects mental health and the lasting effects in the days after consumption are depressed mood. It is fun at the time but is horrible for you.

Alcohol is a gains goblin, mental health goblin, physical health goblin and it increases cancer risk.

Alcohol has literally NEVER been found to have positive health effects in studies which make proper controls for affluence and other factors. Alcohol's only possibly benefit is for cardiovascular health in the aged population with moderate drinking.

Alcohol sucks cock. Do other drugs instead.

Alcoholics are impulsive and low self control scrubs


I enjoy the odd drink here and there, but drinking alcohol is just borrowing happiness from tomorrow.

Seen some studys here that it increases ur test etc, and that drinking 3-4 drinks is actually good for gains.

I agree with that if you're talking excessive alcohol consumption, but 2-3 drinks a night? I politely disagree.
Remember, humans have been consuming alcohol sincr before Christ was born (meads, ciders, etc.). At one time, it was an essential part of our diet due to other food not always being readily available for us.
>So what's the difference between back then and now?
Beer, liquors, damn near anything with alcohol in it that you buy in the store comes from a concentrated source and is ultra filtered to remove any yeast that is in suspension. Saccharomyces cerrevisiae (Baker's/brewer's yeast) is actually a probiotic and is, ironically enough, known to reduce the risk of liver disease including cancer. I don't have the paper readily available but the author of the paper is named Goldin. Google scholar can help out.
Long story short: Brew your own beer so there's still yeast in it and drink in moderation.

it's the worst substance you can put into your body, worse then heroin or cocaine...