/fat/ - beach bod summer 2019 edition

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Who is /fat/ for? Fat members of Veeky Forums who want to lose weight

>Even though it is easier to ask, ignore the read the sticky fags
>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy (Gonna need waist/neck measurements)
>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
>Plan your weight loss week by week
>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal, works best on smartphones

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Fasting to get rid of loose skin. Meme or real?

So I only have one meal that is lunch
and a bowl of peanuts and cashews

is this good or bad?
will it be bad for my body?

Doesn't it go away on its own if you don't lose weight too fast?

How much can you do a day?

I believe its real. I've heard from a joe rogan podcast (rhonda patrick I believe) that eating less protein will cause your body to use excess skin for protein. Might be broscience though.

Whenever I try to do pushups, the middle of my chest hurts and I don't know why. Doing incline push ups doesn't help either

This happens to me too and idk why

I usually sit on it for a good hour or two, peddling decently hard. I basically just throw on an anime series and go for it. It's surprising how quickly it passed when you have something to focus on.

Swimming is still an absolute slog for me; I go until my whole body is screaming and it's still only been 20min

Try changing the way you do push-ups; are your elbows pointing out when you go down or are they running parallel with your body?

I downloaded shit expressly for that. The subtitles I got are out of sync.
Do you just set it to some hard-ish but still comfortable level and stay on it all the while or do you do exercises where you up the difficulty progressively until it's really hard, then drop down for a while, and then go back up, etc?

I've been working on my form so I make sure I do everything correct. It still hurts for some reason

Absolute broscience. JRE is not a credible source for anything... on anything.

Fasting will make it so your loose skin snaps back a bit faster than just traditionally losing it. I don't know the exact science, but during your fasting window is when it happens.

This is by no means some kind of miracle cure. You're undoubtedly going to have some loose skin, you'll just have less of it by the end.

That in mind, has anyone tried needle rolling stretchmarks? I'm considering picking up a piece.

So I want to start running outside regularly but I hate the way people look at me. It's like they're glaring at me. Plus, I get really sweaty so my shirt becomes see through and I generally look like a mess. Is this something I just have to deal with? Is there any alternative cardio that makes me not feel like shit?

Static bikes?

I'm trying the keto meme this week and I'm too poor to buy meats right now. Should I just stock up on eggs?

Today I weighed in 0.4lbs from my interim goal weight. But then I ate a quarter of an 18" sausage pizza at 11:30am. Why couldn't I say no.

Eat nothing but eggs and it will probably fit the keto macros just fine

>hurr losing weight faster than my skin can adjust will SURELY get rid of loose skin

>tfw your mom notices your weight loss

Th- th- thank you /fat/

My mom commented on mine the other day
And my friend who came over after months of not seeing them
Felt good

I agree that JRE is not a credible source, but it's not exactly broscience. During periods of nutrient deprivation, your cells begin a process called autophagy in which they basically eat themselves for amino acids and other fundamental components. The last Nobel prize in medicine went to the guy who did groundbreaking research into this.

That being said, I don't know of any studies that have directly measured it's effect on loose skin. Anecdotally, Dr. Jason Fung mentioned that none of his patients had to deal with loose skin during their supervised fasting regimens.

If you're really hardcore though, you can eat 400 kcal a day like Christian Bale did for The Machinist, and then gain the weight back. He's pretty ripped now.

Bleh. Can't do it. I'd rather just be a pleb and watch dubbed.
I just set it to reasonably hard and go, start of lighter obviously but amp up to proper working. Basically by the end of 4-6 episodes I want my legs to feel like jelly and need me to lay down.
If you can go see your GP, might be something internal. But start with some wall push-ups, get those down and move on from there. Also, try different hand positions, and tracking your elbows with your body rather than out. I recommend grabbing the PDF of convict conditioning, it's got a really great bit of info on push-ups and their ascending difficulty, from wall all the way to handstand.
>mate asked me "where's the rest of you"
Felt good man!

Intermittent fasting is good for you.

It's not exactly bad for your body, but it doesn't sound sustainable. Not many people can pull off one meal a day, every day for the rest of their lives.

Maybe try alternate day fasting? Only one 500kcal meal every other day, and eat whatever you want on the days off. The weight loss will be slower, but I suspect you'd be more likely to stick to it.

Soy proteins is a good alternative (9 € a kilogram here)

she was talking about fasting and atophagy. a state where the body scavenges for nutrtion because you are taking in none .


eggs are great but don't forget the veg

Fat fucks


Dysmorphia user here. I too hate getting looks, it sends me into rage mode and I just want to punch the fuckers. Try to blast your music and remember in a few months as you make progress all the hate looks will turn to miring. And try and be mindful they have no right to judge you so why give a fuck about their opibions , they don't know you and the don't know how hard you are working not to be a fatty.

Fuck em.

>have a candy jar at work
>trying to stop eating out of it because it's ruining my cut
>coworker is looking into it, doesn't know I'm walking past right behind him
>jar close to empty
>"look at this girl..."
>only two girls who work here, myself and the person whose desk holds the candy jar
>stop walking and turn to him
>"are you blaming that on me?"
>"I had like, three or four yesterday"
>"yeah? handfuls?"

I want to cry Veeky Forums. He has no idea how much my weight has been a struggle my entire life. I lost 60 pounds and I'm still kind of fat but I go to the gym 5 to 6 days a week to get this shit out of my body and try and look good. Those comments are so unnecessary.

Also fuck him, I bought that candy for everyone. And people were working here overnight the past two nights. 24-hour candy withdrawal from the whole team. Fucking ass hole.

Well, at least I know I'm never eating it again.


Get rid of the candy jar.

Wtf, just pick it up and throw it in the dumpster? It's not mine and everyone here takes from it. It wouldn't disappear without being noticed. But god I hate that fucking thing.

why did you buy candy?

Because it was available.
Don't put yourself in the situation where you have to actively think about not eating it. If it's not there, you can't eat it

It was administrative assistant day or something, I bought it for our admin because she complains about having to buy new bags all the time and how expensive it is. Whether I bought it myself or not it'd be there, so I thought it'd be nice if she didn't have to do it for once.

So, has anyone else added probiotics to their diet plan? Did so a few weeks back and my cravings for crap have gone down significantly.

We do have a bowl with sweets at work too - i don't buy anything for it and don't take anything out of it.

Yeah, never again.

I'm so glad I work nights alone. Fuck all that pressure. Plus, free coffee.

Idk never really been fat my metabolism is fast af always had a sixpack :p

Fuck, I need help fat. Every time I eat either chicken or eggs I gag. This morning, my breakfast was a two egg omelette but I threw it all up. How do I stop this? Alternatively, what low carb low cal foods can I eat instead of fucking chicken and eggs?


Kangaroo mince is pretty good. So is regular mince. Steak, proper sausages (none of that filler crap), spinach. Do you want savoury or sweet, I posted a decent recipe for protein pancakes that other day.

Thanks man

post myfitnesspal ids. It's good to have accountability.


Currently 250 at 5'9 (manlet woop woop)

Started at 280 last year. Not excellent progress but more than boogie I tell myself.

Getting degree in two weeks then I can work a real job and commit more time to focusing rather than full time crap job + full time school.

We're all gonna make it

>115kg to 80kg in ~1 year
>loose skin
it's really disgusting famalam
I have "made it" by the scale, but I look like shit
hopefully it will get tighter
if not I am seirously considering operation
or I would if wasn't a poorfag student still

6' 240 -> 190
This is nice
I think I want to get down to at least 165 before I start eating to gain muscle

Can someone help me make heads or tails out of this? Or is there some forum I can go?

You can always just do a meat bowl for breakfast.
>sausage (as above)
Cut it all up, toss it in a pan with oil and spice. Cook until desired, throw in a handful of spinach and some peppers.

Girls are so annoying, stop being emotional. Why even ask in the first place if he meant you? Victim complex much? Get over it. Do you, ignore anyone else

great job user , I can't wait to get down to 250

rhonda patrick is a whore and looks like a monkey

Keep going.

The reason girls don't post on Veeky Forums

eat 1700 cal a day
where did you get that ?

200 lbs at 2lb lost a week.

oh no how will we survive

I didn't input how much I eat, it just calculated that.

reminder to quit eating fatty


gonna sound edgy, but they always are attention whores. also i notice, in their "before & after pics" they seem to take an ungodly amount of time to lose weight. which basically mean they dont put as much effort.

they dont understand, to lose weight, exercise is only like 5% of it at most, and dieting is 95%

Are my tits going to be the last thing to go?

>Arms and legs are starting to have some form of muscle definition
>few inches have come off my waist
>Titties are still juicier than most women in my area

On the bright side, I'd rather see attention seeking whores losing weight than attention seeking fatties trying to "self accept" and posting disgusting bikini pics

(and then putting on their tindr that overweight males are a deal breaker)

Thanks you!

I want to start couch 2 5k but the only pair of shoes I own are 10 year old flip flops

Do I need any kind of specific shoes

It depends, my bitchtits were the first to go.

Just keep in mind that you owe nothing to them. Wipe that glare off their face by getting fit. Hell, stare right back if it helps.

Get 10 dollar Vans or something, as a bonus they double as decent lifting shoes for when you become an adult.

Enjoy them while they last, fatty, until you make it fully, you're not gonna have any women to fondle with ;)

(keep up the good work gl)

It's your own self loathing talking shit. If anything, people are positive toward fat fucks making an effort. Let them stare, when they see you still running two months later they'll start nodding.

>visiting family
>everyone is obese or at least fat
>mom has thyroid issues and disabled since back surgery
>5' and well over 200 maybe 250
>baby brother is autistic and schizophrenic, obese
>older bro a lifetime failure, dumb, fat, ugly, lazy, living at home in his 30's, never been successful, shit job to shit job usually living at home not even paying rent, obese
>everyone just lays around watching TV and eating like I did growing up
>lil bro trapped in this lifestyle, doesn't have help
>I'm bipolar and fat (compared to normal people, back home I'm "healthy" and everyone was mad when I was thin)
>can barely take care of myself let alone these people
>mom brings home groceries and I get triggered at all the unnecessary bullshit she brings home
>explaining why this stuff is unnecessary and what she needs to do to make Small changes that will improve her and my brother's health
>gets mad at me and pulls same shit as always "throw out all the food, we'll just starve, etc."
>explain she's killing herself and taking my brother's health down with her
>trying to help because I fucking love them. When her fat ass dies, I have to take care of my brother and I'm not ready man I can barely take care of myself
>older brother jumps in and says some stupid shit about millionaires not being able to lose weight while he eats his second meal of the afternoon
>SCIENTIFICALLY INACCURATE fucking everyone can lose weight
>triggered af
>he actually said it's impossible for him to go under 170 because his doctor showed him a chart and he thinks his legs each have to weigh 60lbs
>doesn't even have health insurance he hasn't seen a doctor for years until mom took him a few months ago and he's on vitamin D supplements because shit diet and lifestyle
>I'm losing my shit
>been eating a lot and laying around
So depressed. I just back from a trip abroad. Been planning to finally into ss when I get home. Sick of being this fucking mess.
Pic related is their pantry

I can feel with you man, something you have to learn over time is that people won't take help if they don't want it.
As long as you can improve and better yourself, like you've been doing, you're on the road to a successful life.


point out my posts in this thread

>disabled since back surgery
What happened?

How do I achieve MC Ride mode?

he's thinspo. basically just eat less and have moderate activity.

>even just responding to a post about females having to point out their females

You know the rules, imgur, and you're on /fat/ so surely you must have something on your chest

>only eat fast food for breakfast lunch and dinner
>try cooking and fail

God fucking help me

>It's your own self loathing talking shit. If anything, people are positive toward fat fucks making an effort.

idk about that, when I was obese and first started running I got yelled at from cars more often than not (literally more than 50% of my runs). Now that I'm relatively fit, it hasn't happened in over half a year of 100+ runs.

I agree on the "let them talk shit" bit, though.

Family has been and always will be the biggest gains goblins.

it's hard when you can't change others with the info you've gained . I want my parents to stop eating so much sugar and to lose weight . maybe they will follow your good example user

It was a dickish thing to say, but even as a girl I'm super hard to get to so it doesn't seem something worth crying over. You should've just laughed and walked away, imo.

>protein pancakes
I need this in my life. Post it please.

You have to get got

Seconding this, I need more fat pals.


link the calculator.

jizz in the batter

>Can someone help me make heads or tails out of this? Or is there some forum I can go?
I really doubt you're 15 % bf at that weight. Don't lie to the calc.

u mad

Running barefoot is GOAT

Done and dusted

Just rused you m8

I took me literally seconds to google what it is

I told my parents that they shouldn't be buying multiple bags of cheetos a week when everyone in the house is obese. My parents and I have been eating healthier/less respectively and losing weight but my brother is still a fat fuck.
Their solution was to hide the cheetos from me which takes away the temptation but it also means my fat brother is just going to keep growing.
Can't win em all, but it's the small changes over time that stick that matter so it's possible we've made a small difference without noticing it.

you seem a little upset

Wow no not true at all

dr jason fung is a psuedoscientist