What is with overweight/obese people giving nutrition advice?
What is with overweight/obese people giving nutrition advice?
Fat people are a large and easy to sell to market.
They lead by example, of what not to do.
She promotes a no-grain diet and tons of fat.. butter and coconut oil in coffee, cream, unlimited avocado, fatty meats etc. Also says 30 minutes of high intensity cardio is equivalent to 7 hours of moderate cardio.
Fat people rather have someone fat telling them how to eat
I don't care what she says. She should focus more on what goes into her mouth than what comes out of it. When it comes to jobs like nutritionist or personal trainer I feel like your body is your résumé.
Well she obviously has a ton of experience.
>you have to eat healthy to know what's healthy
>trusting someone's knowledge when they can't follow it themselves
This is kind of fair actually. A lot of doctors are overweight smokers. A bit of a stretch, but most sports coaches can't and never could play that sport at a high level.
Difference is that being a coach of a doctor is purely knowledge based and doesn't require you to be fit in any form.
However, to be fat and giving nutrition advise is a stretch because there's no real effort needed to lose weight and stay healthy when it's all about what you eat.
>She promotes a no-grain diet and tons of fat.. butter and coconut oil in coffee, cream, unlimited avocado, fatty meats etc.
This is not exactly surprising. Permanent obesity and diabetes are rampant in the low-carb community, along with cholesterol denial and branching out into "health at every size" ideology as well.
I do that all the time here on Veeky Forums.
>A lot of doctors are overweight smokers.
Expecting a doctor to be healthy in every aspect of health he's aware of is a way bigger ask than expecting someone whose job is nutrition to have a healthy diet.
What is akrasia?
A sign of someone not worth trusting.
I'm going to teach you how to fly this plane even though I've never flown a plane before. I took some online courses and got this certificate though, so trust me, don't worry. C'mon let's get this bird in the air.
If you can't even follow the plan you've laid out, you've probably laid out a shitty plan. It has to succeed on both a theoretical and practical level, and if you yourself can't make it work what are the odds that the people who are coming to you as an authority rather than going to wikipedia will be able to make it work?
>ah yes looks like I'll be teaching myself how to fly aircrafts in a week
>w-what? But this guy on Veeky Forums implied it's just as easy as learning what's healthy food or not
>implying shitty nutrition isn't just as deadly in the long run as a plane ride with a shitty pilot
it's same shit as skinny as fuck PT giving lessons in gym
Found the fatty.
so viewing fatties can feel healthy and make people money
Almost down to single digit bf
PT here
its actually incredibly difficult to give out good advice to people who don't want to hear it. i'd say maybe 10% of my clients actually really want to give fitness a proper go. most of them are there to feel healthy, not to change in any meaningful way, and all they want to do is come in and do trendy workouts that don't do anything
i train as many young guys as possible cause they're the only ones who listen.
Cool story bro
What are you even trying to say with this gibberish? Learning the controls on the plane is easy, it's just memorization like anything else, actually flying it is the hard part.
That comparing aircraft learning with learning what food is healthy or not is pants on head retarded and even you can't disagree with your pilot bias
Well she claims the eat the diet she promotes so either she is lying or her diet doesn't work.
Learning how to do most things is easy, it's the execution that garners respect. That goes for everything from sex to nutrition to flying a plane.
Well I dont watch her so I wouldnt know
Are you really normiesplaining how hard piloting is to a pilot?
He knows how hard it is to fly a plane, and he's on Veeky Forums so he probably has a handle on nutrition, I'd wager he's in a better position to make a comparison.
Step aside nigga I got like 1000 hours in DCS.
I only give advice on /fat/ threads. Only because I went from 260 lbs to 153 over the span of 2-3 years with a little exercise.
>itt maneuvering aircrafts is easier than eating healthy
Ahhh yes I almost forgot what board I was on for a second
fattys know everything about dieting
but know nothing about WORKING OUT
it's almost like dieting isn't enough to lose weight
its almost as if in order to lose weight you have to actually WORK OUT
i fucking hate fat people
>im just genetically fat
>eating like a normal human being isn't enough to help me from my point of no return state
>working out? no never tried it
So she is either a liar or her diet doesn't work, never trust fat people.
why do they hire PT then... They can do those meme workouts without PT and spare money...
>he doesn't know about auto-pilot
>it's almost like dieting isn't enough to lose weight
It is though
>its almost as if in order to lose weight you have to actually WORK OUT
You dont though
You literally just need to eat less to lose weight, it actually takes less effort than to eat
>implying these guys went to pilot school
Reminder that this is the original creator of HAES.
most people don't realize it but PTs are in no way experts. we do bullshit qualifications which teach us nothing and we're hired based on our people skills.
in principle, at least in the kinds of places PTs are usually hired (health club,s commercial gyms etc), PTs are floor salesmen, NOT trainers. the gym manager analyses what style of workouts is likely to make the gym the most money (maybe some fancy fitness model or celebrity has sparked interest in a new type of workout) and we are told to plug it to clients. obviously not everyone does this and I don't do it, but its a good way of getting many PTs to keep clients coming back easily.
in more serious places, if they hire PTs they'll usually be looking for the kind of person who actually knows what they're doing, but this is the job of a coach, not a PT.
this is why you shouldn't trust PTs. they're not always wrong but they are certainly unreliable.
Is that a Jew?
Harpo Marx?
This so much. Jesus I had a family friend trying to explain her dieting shit to me once.
This woman is like 120kg or something. At the time I was doing a bunch of calisthenics, not calorie counting but trying to gain mass by eating big every meal, and would be considered mildly athletic looking to the average normie.
I explained calories in and calories out to her once, then gave up cause I could see she wasn't taking it onboard. In my head I was like "bitch look at yourself, now look at me, who the fuck do you think knows what they're doing?"
You fucking know it is.
>personal trainer
if she's a 'nutritionist' in media, her job isn't to get people healthy, its to get people watching.
personal trainers also aren't hired to get people in shape, they're hired to make the gym money.
losing weight doesn't require experience to know how it works whereas flying a plane is learned through experience and experience alone
try again
Yeah. Duh. So?
How was your eating as a child? is correct, if you're under a calorie deficit then you don't really need to exercise to lose weight (don't stop though because you'll have some muscle you've shaped to work with after your cut)
Anyway, if you ate more as a kid, you will actually have more fat cells in your body (making it harder to lose weight compared to your skinny friends)
It's one of the reasons why I think letting your kids be obese should be illegal
on the flip side, you gotta feed your child enough so they grow to their maximum height/bone structure potential.
if i was a father i'd keep my kid ever so slightly chubby and feed him high protein shit that he'd devour such as healthy burgers in order to maximize growth and minimize chance of him being picked on
goes without saying too that i'd have a home gym and teach him to use it if he wanted
(((They))) want us fat.
For what reason? I'm not sure.
Most sports coaches have at least played the sport.
Bill Belichick, the greatest football coach of all time, played football in college even though he wasn't physically talented enough to go pro (or even a D1 team)
Bulking tips
Can you recommend me the best flying simulator out there?
That is true, being a little chubby would probably prevent him from becoming a Chad as well and he'll look up to you and want to become "fit like daddy"
Letting your child become specifically obese though is abuse
I don't know, I only ever played LOMAC and DCS. But the latter is supposedly the most realistic combat flight sim out now.
that bitch knows how to bulk
>prevent him from becoming a Chad
They need to be harassed, bullied, ostracized, and possibly even beaten until they understand their place at the bottom of the hierarchy. The last 5 or so years of social justice nonsense has made the dregs of society way too confident.
Belichick is a cheating rat with no sense of integrity