Manlets BTFO
Manlets BTFO
this thread is a literal representation of the autistic screeching meme
Manlet detected
Manlets look like little gains goblins
Why do you guys make fun of shorter people? Serious question. I know this is Veeky Forums and all, but why?
>Small, almost unnoticeable bulge
Checks out. I'd rather be short and any other race than Dutch. Lol seriously worse than Jews.
Really makes the nog jog
Jelly much?
they think it's still funny
>being aroused at a convention where 80% of the air is testosterone
What are you, OP?
>5'11 vs 6'0
>german flag under US flag
krauts cucked again
I still think it's kind of funny in moderation, even though I am a manlet's manlet.
Guy on the right is 6'8"
despite his bs claims, martyn ford is 6'5" at most
>Dem toothpick legs
Lmao this dude is a joke. I bet he is uncoordinated and slow too. He is goofy looking as they come. He even stands awkward. Shieeet jelly of what?
Rich is 6ft though
Of his height, you moron
>toothpick legs
good luck getting huge legs when youre 2.15
Keep trying manlet. He is an actor and he kick boxes. Better than you in every way
I'm also a manlet and these guys are so wide that they look absolutely ridiculous. They look like their heads have been shrunk
is he over 7 feet tall?
my 6' ass would look manlet to him, and im 10/10 height
kek i'm 7'1 and you are just trying to make yourself feel good, fucking manlets
He's 7'2
I want to see them fuck.
Would be a good life being that height with those genetics. Hollywood would love you, and if that failed you could still make at least a million a year in the porn industry.
Of course the downside being at 7"2 your life expectancy is late 40's to mid 50's. Least you would be able to live it up, also everywhere you go people would be staring at you giving you attention.
Damn, I thought Sadiq was taller than Ramy
>His excessive height makes him look goofy and uncoordinated
Why am I jelly?
check him standing next to jerry ward, who recently admitted to being 5'8.5'' (he used to claim 5'10-11'')
he is on steroids dummy and being that tall is generally a pain in the ass
u are not self aware enough desu
>be this tall
>dick can't even fit all the way inside a vagina
>dick can't even fit all the way inside a mouth
>have back and knee problems at a young age
>can't squat properly
>things like doors, cars, rollercoasters, chairs, etc, aren't designed for you
b-b-but atleast im not a manlet!!!