
/fraud/, where 20% of the posters use the steroids, 50% pretend they use steroids and 30% ask retarded questions about steroids

read all of reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki before asking your absolutely retarded questions. no exceptions.


previously on LARPing general:

1st for real anavar is the fucking tits

>girl I fucked bareback 4 times just tested positive for chlamydia
well fuck me in the ass

>30% ask retarded questions about steroids
Hey that's me!

Yes it would be bad, you would look like shit and your estrogen would be out of control

You are too fucking fat for anything. Too fat to ever be good looking, too fat to start steroids.

Cut down to like 12 % before you start doing anything in life. It will boost your confidence too

Ok guys I got sick of only being 6'3" I WANT TO BE A FUCKING ALIEN. I bought some basketball shoes that make me 6'5". What else can I do?

is that shit severe? I have hooked up with a few girls bareback by now and im scared to catch that shit.

But i fuggn hate condoms.

Is chlamydia serious? Can it be "cured" ?

chlamydia is basically the babby tier of STIs

you take like 4 pills and you're cured. still, it means I gotta go take a fuckin std test and go to a fuckin clinic

the uncurable ones are the big Hs: Herpes, HIV, HPV, hepatitis

>Cut down to like 12 % before you start doing anything in life.
>don't do anything until you aren't fat anymore
I get what you're saying but the phrasing was weird.

>mfw I dealt with my gf of 3 years breaking up with me by shoveling food into my face and now I'm a fat ass.

I can only blame myself. Time to get to work and start cutting.

She's so angry w/ me rn.

wew sounds good.

lol minor

I know the black people here have that shit alot of times, how about white girls tho? I mean i plan to bang a black girl atleast once or twice but ill make sure its not a slut from tinder.
Anyways am i good bangin white girls and not worrying about catching sum fuggn HIV or hepatitis

the phrasing looked fine to me but im a french fag so what do i know

no that is literally not how it works

>It is estimated that as many as 75 percent of the reproductive-age population has been infected with one or more types of genital HPV and up to 5.5 million new infections occur each year.

>herpes is minor

No its fucking not lad its disgusting and you never get rid of it and everyone you hook up with will get it

dont bullshit me. 75% of all girls i fug might have some STD?

Also im asking for murica only, not world wide.

Out of these STD's you mentioned, which one are the worrying ones?
HIV and Hepatitis i assume?

When is your ex not angry at you?

I just meant like, saying "You are too fucking fat for anything." and "Cut down to like 12 % before you start doing anything in life." sounded like "Don't even lift weights or do anything until you're not such a fat ass", which is counter intuitive.

Maybe I'm just autistic.

everyone has HPV, and the symptoms aren't even that bad aside from cancer (which we're all gonna get anyways). stop worrying and have fun

he's never seen the gore videos from b of what happens to women and men who unknowingly give people stds

not thats not what i meant. basically you are too fat to feel confident, approach girls or start steroids.

Everything else is fine.

I know its not the same with everyone, but i personally get depressed when i get to like 15% bodyfat. Its fucking ugly and i look like shit

Oh right, that makes much more sense. Thanks.

Yeah I do feel ugly and look kinda shit. I've got a kinda "chubby dad who lifts" physique going on, which sucks because A) dadbod is fucking terrible, and B) I'm only 22 (23 tomorrow).

Anyway, gonna start eating better right now. Chicken, broccoli and brown rice every single day is fine as long as you don't care about taste, right?

sorry m8, gonna give ur mum HPV tonight so be careful next time ya kiss her

she's a fucking spitting image of my ex, who I treated like poop but she never knew. kill myself when?

of course its fine, i ate mcdonalds and KFC on all of my blasts lmfao.

Also its all calories in calories out. Doesnt matter what you eat as long as you stay under maintenance. I dont eat veggies at all and can cut just fine.

Fuck i eat candy everyday and still cut. And no its not the roids, im just under maintenance

Just I even thinking of using steriods if I'm type 2 diabetic? Was thinking of getting on test-e but not too sure if me diabetic will have negative effects.

i mean id post em here but they keep getting slid for this weird cuck shit over there. what are you madmen doing with all this shilling bruh

oh look its two polesmokers having a conversation so it figures you'd have this saved on your computer

What should I add to my 600mg test-e cycle? Preferably nothing with prolactin risks.

What does it mean if I took a 20mg Cialis and my erection quality did not change at all

What are the steps for pinning glutes?

Might wanna get that stroke checked out m8y

means it's bunk

Usually when I'm inside her.

Pick your favorite oral. Or high dose eq.

what is copper lel


i just googled the advances in real lifesized sexdolls and i am amazed by the results.
if i wouldnt have a qtgf living with me i would just order one. they look amazing and i am not even on tren right now

>what are you madmen doing with all this shilling bruh
I don't even fucking know, I lost my mind sometime since Trump announced his candidacy in June 2015. I think the Mayans were off by 3 years, I feel like I've been in limbo since the 2016 election started. I needed Trump to lose so I could regain my sanity, but now I have to see his gross fucking pout every morning and it makes me want to die of second-hand embarrassment for my country. I'll go kill myself, sorry for inconveniencing you.

>type 2
why not lose some weight you fat fuck

I got it from a verified source but I do notice it comes in pill capsules. It's not in tablet-form like the medication usually is, as per the manufacturer.

O shit are you the frenchie I was gonna grab a beer with when I get my motorcycle? It arrives may 10th dood and I'll be there probably end of the month after I spend some time in Croatia.

Lol no even then you're just hate fucking each other.

I cant wait till its candle snuffing time to get rid of you fucking traitors. Best part is theyre gonna pay us to do it.

God Bless America and God Bless The President

no lol, im in murica right now enjoying the sloots here.

Assuming you took an actual legit product that wasn't counterfeit it means your arteries are really fucked up user

She called me a good boy a lot and I didn't even have to ask.

That boy's got issues

Lol keep dreaming you LARPing goober. Trump was the last wave of populism, and the conservatives who held their nose for Neil Gorsuch would never make the same mistake.

Reminder that Trump still hands out colored maps of his electoral victory kek
>"Here, you can take that, that's the final map of the numbers," the Republican president said from his desk in the Oval Office, handing out maps of the United States with areas he won marked in red. "It’s pretty good, right? The red is obviously us."

The man is an embarrassment, and you must be a fucking stupid cuck if you let smug liberals push you into his arms. Btw
>the wall is never happening
>the wall is never happening
>the wall is never happening
>the wall is never happening
>the wall is never happening
Trump already caved on appropriating funds in this spending bill, and he has absolutely no political leverage going forward. Senators on both sides of the aisle laugh about the wall behind closed doors. You'd have to be a moron to think it'll ever happen.

You're such a submissive little gay boy. No wonder you do gay porn.

said frenchie was me. am in indonesia currently though. feck, optimal timing lol

Why would my arteries be fucked up at age 25? How could I confirm that's true?

Anyone have any experience with MK-2866/Ostarine? I don't really have any interest in using gear to get shredded, but I've heard good things about Ostarine in regards to making your recovery time from both injuries and working out very minimal. I do a lot of physical sports that either have contact or are dangerous, and I get injured and banged up a lot. I'd like to be able to increase my healing and recovery time and bounce back quicker when I really burn myself out.

Not really. I spent most of my time facefucking her, choking her unconscious and fisting her.

You could just use low-medium doses of testosterone. Same effect and a lot less cancer.

I would actually get into a discussion on the economy but I realize you'd rather talk about your bathtub brews. And your degree isn't nearly as advanced as mine on the subject. Back to talking about your chinese brews

Will that achieve the same goal? I mean, the dream here is to just minimize my recovery and healing time, I couldn't care less if it helped with gains, and would actually prefer it didn't if I could help it. I'm just sick of sitting around all day because I'm all banged up and sore as shit, I want to be out doing stuff or lifting.

Lol do you have a degree in wall building? I don't even understand your response. It's clear the wall is going to be built, for the following at a minimum
>nobody in DC but Trump actually wants it
>a majority of the country doesn't want it, ESPECIALLY in the border states (inb4 all negative polls are fake news)
>construction will take years, and would be cancelled by whoever wins in 2020 anyways
>construction would require excessive use of eminent domain, which conservatives hate

the wall was just political bluster to raise his profile among """economically anxious""" retards in the mid-West. The smarter trumpcucks will be happy with increased border patrol funding, and the dumber one will just continue to blame the establishment for Trump's inability to strike a deal. only the most retarded trumpcucks still think it'll happen though, this spending bill was basically the only chance. It's not like Congress is going to try harder to appease him going forward. He's already balked on two ultimatums and it's clear he's more bark than bite.

Nice. You take some of my women and I'll take some of yours.

Gg. How's Indonesia? I might visit while I'm over in Thailand in July/august

Yeah, testosterone greatly increases recovery time. Many athletes will take relatively low doses just for the purpose of being able to work harder and more frequently. Look at all the baseball players that get busted for steroids and don't even look like they exercise.

Him being in office benefits my family. I don't give a fuck if the economy crashes. This is a game of who's left standing at the end. He thinks I'm some pol tard and not someone who literally begins things with the end in mind.

This is about families and if you don't understand that I feel sorry for you. Why dont you go read some and learn about the way the world really works user.

You haven't seen the people in Venezuela eating each other because they can't afford to eat have you?

indonesia is top notch. good cheap food, tight little brown women (don't judge), great spots for sports and other fun activities. some laws are idiotic and in some places the locals hate tourists, but eh, watch me give a damn.

Good point. Have you got any dosage recommendations for me or side effects I should be aware of if I'm taking a low dose?

Nice. Any particular parts that you'd recommend? Or food?

Do you have a learning disability? I'm not really sure how any of what you said is relevant.

Enjoy your tax hike though, or will you benefit from the 15% pass-through like Trump and his family?

>dnp belching

I looked closer at what he sent me.

I ordered both Dianobol and Cialis. He sent 2 separate bags full of capsules. The separate bags are labeled "Dianobol" and "cialis" with mg amounts. The capsules in both bags look identical.
I opened the capsules carefully and extracted some of the powder from each. Both powders look and taste exactly the same, with a slight sour taste. It doesn't taste disgusting. It seems that I have the same substance in both bags of capsules. Cialis is supposed to be a light tan pill, not a capsule, so I doubt that ground-up Cialis would create a white powder. Did my source accidentally send me 2xDianobol, or did he straight up scam me?

Does anyone know if Dianobol is supposed to be a fine white powder? This is my first experience with Dianobol.

You should probably do 150-300mg per week, broken up into two or three injections (this depends on what type of testosterone you use, though). Side effects should be nonexistent at a low dose (key word being should, some can still appear). The main one you should worry about is high estrogen, which you can control with an aromatase inhibitor. Make sure you have some on hand just in case you need it, but at such a low done it shouldn't be an issue..

what is the difference between oral glucocorticoids that are prescribed to rheumatoid arthritis patients and other people, examples Prednisone


oral steroids that you guys take, examples dbol, anavar, winnstrol

Dbol is a fine white powder, yes. I don't know about cialis but as a very, very rough guess I would say it could be colored, possibly tan or yellow.

not how it works

your source capped raw powder of cialis/dbol he got from china with filler into capsules, which is most of what you're seeing/tasting. it's normal that you don't have the pharma looking pills because... well... it's not pharma.

your cialis is most likely just underdosed, though I've gotten bunk cialis a bunch of times. you could try just taking two.

as for the dbol, you will know immediately if it's fake. it'll make you double/triple your usual AI.

I'm only on day 2 of my "dianobol," what other signs should I look for that it's working, and when should I expect that?

They're completely different compounds with completely different effects.

>I've gotten bunk cialis a bunch of times
Damn, that is sad. Is it worth it to go for pharma then as opposed to UGL

Oh ok. They are just both called steroids so I wondered if there's a relation

parts: pulau weh/iboh, yogyakarta (kinda metropolitan and hipstery but still rad), random surf spots on random islands lel
food: ALL OF IT. seriously. a thousand [something] goreng variations, fish in all colors and sizes, you literally cannot find something here that isn't tasty. also i recommend street food vendors, hotel/hostel/restaurant food is bland and tourist-friendly to an extent

honestly just go wherever the wind blows you, you cannot miss. just stay away from the tourist traps like guided tours or public beaches.

take 50mg preworkout 1-2h and do some volume frontsquads / deadlifts if your lower back explodes and you begg someone to shoot you to get rid of that hurtful pump you got real dbol

Cool, thank you so much dude.

Please explain how to pin glutes. First injection this week and I'm nervous.

Ask your gf to do it. You DO have a girlfriend.. right?


Roiders, how long do you exercise for? I'm a sensory addict and would like to work harder for longer periods of time.

What exactly is it that makes people age like this?

>tfw feeling that cozy dnp heat coming on

depending on current point in my programming anything from 45mins. to two and a half hours. pretty fucking spent after the latter even with muh roid magic though tbqh

androgens, lots of em


1-2 hours. depending on muscle group, if i chat too much with buddies, motivation and or how busy it is.

does test make you age too?

Ok guys, I have a question. I was a little freaked out but I caught it fast.

So after blasting anadrol and winstrol for a cycle I didn't PCT, instead I just chipped off some anadrol orals to lower doses to wean myself off. I didn't develop any gyno after that. But now its around 6-8 mo. later and I started showing signs of gyno, didn't know what it was at first, then realized, freaked out, and now I just blasted 1.8mg letro. I have a decent size lump under one of my nips, around 2 cm and my nipple is puffy as fuck, but I just started the letro today.
Can I reverse this shit? Did I catch it in time? its barely noticeable until today where my nip is clearly puffy but I just started the letro today.

I'm not taking any test rn and I dunno if I should, but I did take the letro. I need help Veeky Forumsizens. How much letro should I be taking to get rid of this gyno scare if I'm not currently taking any test?

You STARTED on 1.8mg letro with NO test?

Holy shit lad.

Please respond


pin vert instead

it's literally the baseline for anabolic and androgenic capacity that others are measured against, so yes technically, but not not really. rabid test abuse will play a however small part but there are worse offenders by far.

Take your thumb, put it on your hip. Take your middle finger w/o moving your thumb from your hip and rotate your middle finger downwards until it ends up center-ish asscheek. You should pin there.

Somewhat yes, testosterone has a negative effect on collagen synthesis.

As well as the fact that it literally gives you a second or third puberty you could call it that.

i dont have a reaction image for this, but you dun fucked up son.

>he doesn't pin subq

And you expect to make it?..

Yeah real fucking insightful faggot.

Really? because I think the letro will obliterate the lump. I'm just wondering how much I should take.


Is going on test a better decision than going on roids?

No signs after your cycle for 6-8 mo. then all the sudden you get gyno? The fuck? Did someone dose you or some shit? I would absolutely fucking destroy someone if they dosed me with roids without me knowing.

Yeah I wouldn't be surprised if one of my buddies thought I wasn't going hard enough and dosed me while I didn't know. Dudes a fucking retard. Doesn't even know about PCT...

Screw it. I ain't worried. Letro is strong as fuck. This shit will go away. I chewed him right the fuck out, but he didn't admit to it.

the ol' dbol birthday cake prank

Thanks man. Noted and will do. You should join the /fraud/ discord so you can lmk when you're in France again. I barely lurk here anymore.