/DNP/ general

no DNP general?

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Anyone seen dinitro stopped selling. Thoughts?

is there a dnp general wiki or a reddit starter page as a sticky?


I cannot get it into Argentina so why bother....?

>inb4 drugs invade the country like never before since 2003
>inb4 narcs from COL and MEX pass the borders without any control
>inb4 former president never declared war against cartelization of poor neighborhoods.

Fuck me.

enjoy death

I'm on day 5 of a 12 day 500mg cycle. I had to buy a fan for my desk and bring an extra shirt to work

I'm on day 6 of 500mg (out of 10 days)

> tfw God blessed me with a cold front
> windy and 50 degree (F) weather every day
> everyone hates it
> mfw

I've been told fatigue is a problem, how bad is it? I've got a decently physically demanding job and I don't want to collapse from sheer exhaustion.

Tell progress after five days, mate.

I've lost 1 pound, but there's a lot of water retention during a cycle

Can anyone tell me what one might expect at just 200mg/day for a week or two?

This. I was very lean on my last dnp run (400 for 14 days @ 8% bf) and the first 6 days I weighed 3.5lbs more than the beginning, but a week after I was done when the water weight shed I was down 13 pounds

Same bro
I want to see if they can mail it or something

Source on image and i will

You first fagboy

Bump for the yellow poison

Its not so much the fatigue that gets you its the fuckin heat. It feels so hot you just lose the will to even move. Sleeping is the biggest bitch.
Don't do this if you have a construction job please.

I actually spend a decent amount of time standing in a giant refrigerator. It's just I have to move quickly and bring heavy objects from point A to point B and I don't want fatigue to drag me down.

>on a low daily dose
>expect heat
>receive perpetual diarrhea instead

Is it true that DNP makes all your organs yellow?

Any Germans here who ordered the stuff form the US or China? Kinda tempted to order DNP though I get the feeling it's not going to get through the customs and I'll end up in prison for trying to smuggle explosives.