>>41288492 → previous thread over 300lbs

→ previous thread over 300lbs

Who is /fat/ for? Fat members of Veeky Forums who want to lose weight

>Even though it is easier to ask, ignore the read the sticky fags
>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy (Gonna need waist/neck measurements)
>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
>Plan your weight loss week by week
>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal, works best on smartphones

Other urls found in this thread:


How much did you weigh in high school /fat/? How much do you weigh now? How much further do you have to go?

5'10 and 220
got Veeky Forums then my life imploded and I ballooned up to 270
Dropping down to 160 is my goal right now

Damn man, we're so similar.

I was 212 in high school, slowly made it up into the 280s.

170 is my goal after I put a few pounds of muscle on.

Like 250 at the end of high school, I'm 192 now. Close to 10 year reunion.

Myfitnesspal ids

>How much did you weigh in high school /fat/? How much do you weigh now? How much further do you have to go?

Wasn't fat in HS, but got up to 220 when married. Now 205 with dieting and exercising

6'3" 230>173 lbs.

Got about 10 more lbs of fat to lose before I'll start focusing on gaining muscle.

280 in high school

I'm like 305 right now

Graduation: 240 @6'3
Worst: 350 @6'4
Current: 250 @6'5
My 38x32 jeans from then are loose around the waist. I keep a pair of 52x30 jeans to try and fight the dysmorphia I probably will deal with forever.

good progress breh

>just drank a giant bottle of Duvel
>binge ate about a pound of ham and made 3 egg and ham sandwiches all fried in butter with a mound of

Haha looks like I'm fasting for the next 3 days!

Damn my dude

Started Highschool at 280 and maxed out at 355. I'm 300 now. Tbh I probably started highschool in the 300s, I just know I was 280 when I finished the eighth grade.

Do you guys realize that you are the products of all the big food companies that have brainwashed you with advertisements and serving shit food at lunch from a young age? Here in Scandinavia maybe 1/100 of young people are obese, and healthy food choices are advertised for on TV.

Yeah but you guys are also like one financial collapse away from literally being communists.

Unbridled Jewery man. Anybody can advertise anything anywhere, as long as its related to food. And you don't touch people's food, Michelle Obama learned that lesson. A mild soda tax has people wanting to trot out Dont Tread On Me flags, Hershey's reducing calories for their chocolate has people in tears.

People don't want to confront the truth that a lot of the shit that we shovel down out gullets just aint right for us. I mean, sure, they know that nightly fast food is a bad idea. But do they know why? If you ask a fat person why eating Mcdicks thrice a week is bad, what do they tell you? Some shite about fat and salt, right? Ask them to carefully measure the oils and salt in their homecooked meals, or in a nice meat and potatoes meal from a mid range restaurant. They'll be floored, every fucking time. Unbridled Jewery has our entire nation fat, and not more than one in twenty of em could tell you why. No one's got a godamn clue, and that's exactly how the fatcats want it.

Used to weigh 236lbs in high school at 5'8". Lead to my eventual anorexia, where I dropped to 160lbs over the course of 4 months and I gained 3 inches in height thanks to puberty. (graduated from HS 10 years ago)

Currently, I've ballooned up to 224 and my current goal is to reach 200lbs. After that I'll keep lowering the bar 10lbs at a time until I hit 165.

Rooting for you dude. You could easily be 170-180 by christmas if you start now. And PLEASE do lift while losing weight if you have little to no muscle mass

Ayy we back in it boys. You best have hit your deficits today... and if not, get back on that horse and ride tomorrow.

Thanks. I'm currently eating at 1,500 calories per day and have been burning about 2lbs per week. I'd love to start lifting, and that's something I desperately need to do. Especially so since it could help my terrible posture I've developed from a desk job.

That's what I'm gonna do if I ever slip up bad again. Punish myself with a fast

>Especially so since it could help my terrible posture I've developed from a desk job.
Yes, man. You need to. In the meantime, while you're getting your shit together with a gym and whatnot, hit up the bodyweight thread and get started.

I don't even bother lifting, just bodyweight shit. I already corrected my slumped shoulders and anterior pelvic tilt.

To the guy having gf issues in last thread - just let her go man and move on. I had a gf just like that that caused me all sorts of heartache, told me she didnt want to live with me anymore and it was so emotionally draining just attempting to have a conversation with her. At one point she told me to get out and leave. Deciding I'd had enough, I called her bluff and I moved out while she was at work and she called me crying saying she didn't mean it and begged me to come back. I didn't, she kept in contact and 3 months later I made the stupid decision to go back and the drama was back on the SAME FUCKING NIGHT. I realised right then the mistake I had made and in a few days moved interstate back with my parents and cut all contact with her.

Best decision I ever made.

jbmfp1, been on keto 12 days but I only started to track in on mfp the other day.

>want to get Veeky Forums
>losing weight like a madman
>meet someone
>start dating
>still have 30-50 lbs to lose
>start finding out that abs turn them off and like belly
>they're 9/10 attractive and crazy about me
wat do???


Wish I could even get a gf at the tender age of 27

She's lying, she may like you, but abs are never a turn off.

If you allow a woman to dictate how you should look, she will lose all respect for you and the relationship will end at some point. Keep working towards your ideal body, laugh off her suggestion and give her a good fucking at the same time so she knows who is leading the relo (not her).


also, he never said it to me, I over heard it when surprising him

Jesus Wojak, how come your mum lets you have 8 chins?
>at my worst; 16 and 125kg at 6'0
>now, 26 and 88kg at 6'3"

I lost 20lbs so far, Veeky Forums.

Started at 300, now weigh 280. Goal weight is 180.

Do you think I'll make it by the end of the year? I've been doing around 1200 calories per day and losertown said I should hit it by late November

I weighed around 270 in high school and have dropped down to 165. I still have about 30 lbs to go though.
>tfw keep fucking up progress

how tall? London?

270 at my worst, i think. 253 a few months ago when i weighed myself and got the idea to start losing weight.

235 now. i'm 6 feet, 0 inches.

I want to get under 200, just cause that sounds nice on paper and I can't remember the last time I weighed less than 200, and I'll probably keep going to 180, maybe even 170, 160. I'll see how it goes. It might be a little more efficient to lift and gain muscle while cutting but I really just want to experience being small for the first time in my adult life.


y-you too

>Jesus Wojak, how come your mum lets you have 8 chins?
these fat wojaks seem to be getting more and more complicated

timeframe mang

Stick to it man. You'll have to put a better effort in once you get sub 220, until then it should keep melting off fairly easy

holy shit my dude 1200kcal sounds dangerous
then again if it works, good for you

>people actually eating while they lose weight

Fasting fixes, including your fatness and food addiction. Don't let these anons who have never been fat try to tell you what's safe. Your body is months of stored energy.

I weighed about 200-210 range by the time I graduated. Every few years I gain 10 lbs and stay there. 18-early 24 I was in 225 range. Late24-26 stayed in 230-235 range. Now at 27 after pregnancy I've been stuck at 245-248.


Seems pretty fast desu. I went 330 to 200 in 16 months on a decent caloric deficit. Started losing weight at 15 lbs/month and was at ~4-5 lbs/month by the end. Was lifting throughout the process.

Don't be discouraged if it's going to take you closer to a year from now. It's worth it.

>275 then
>257 now
>under 200 goal

I was up to 315 18 months ago, and that's when I started to try and lose weight. Losing my job and depression have hampered my progress for the last 6 months.

>holy shit my dude 1200kcal sounds dangerous

I'm full and actually getting more nutrients now than before

>Tfw water fasting on 500mg dnp

Two lbs a day laddies, will be at my goal in no time

Damn dude, you lucked out for real. Some people are genetically cursed and get this weird skin-fupa when they lose that much weight. Or their body is just permanently wrecked. You look like you have some real potential to have an aesthetic body by any Veeky Forums standards (although you need to lift... badly).

Hopefully you just die instead.

She's insecure about herself and doesn't want to feel like there's a significant disparity in attractiveness between you two. As long as you stay fat, she gets to be comfortable.

Do you want to wreck your body and fail to attain your dreams just to calm the subconscious fears of some insecure sloot? Or do you want to get shredded and become more attractive to literally everyone else on the planet?

You're full of shit. Two pounds of fat a day is equivalent to 7000 calories. You're not burning 7000 calories a day even with intensive exercise unless you're 500lbs right now.

We /fat/ progress general? I'm in, baby.

Just started IIFYM instead of keto today, formally, so we'll see if I get the keto snap back and jump back up in weight.

Haven't been posting much cause I was pretty sad breaking my diet and not working out while studying for uni finals. I literally study for like 10+ hours a day so I guess mental cognition can burn calories.

Finally jumped on the scale a day ago and saw I actually lost 2ish pounds, was about 5lbs with no water. I guess I wasn't eating much due to all the stress but I'm still okay with this. Cheers m8s

Tdee = 3000 cals (fasting = not eating)
Dnp makes you burns much more for same energy
Exercise is just a cherry on top

>self respect

Case closed. She wanted you as her comfy fallback guy. The one she has gentle loving sex with once a week/month and takes care of the kids. The stable guy who she can cuck.

Now you are losing your cuckability and she is afraid of being cucked. In her mind you dumped her by losing weight and getting self respect.

You won't believe me because you'll say she would never do that. Well you never thought she would dump you like this either.

Post your entire journies anons. I've fucked up a few times. More than is even recorded, got down to sub 220 twice.

On my way there again, will be the last time. Will never stop counting, and tracking weight or calories again.

I was small in high school. Didnt put on weight until my mid-20s. Im now 34, 5'10", 230 lbs.

I want to be 170 by December of next year.

130lbs in high school, ballooned up to 194. Currently working my way back down :(

We're here to talk about being fatties, not this r9k shit

I'm American but I can admit large chunks of American government and infrastructure are absolute dogshit. Education system, prison system, war on drugs, energy independence, etc, so many aspects of this country are pathetic failures compared to others

think about how many more attractive partners you can meet when you're in good shape. think about how shitty you'll feel when this relationship eventually ends and you still hate your body.

>Get to 250lbs with ex always eating pizza
>Start lifting
>Drop to 225lbs
>Keep lifting
>Get to 200lbs
>Meet new girl
>Gain 40lbs
>Not even eating pizza

I miss doing pull ups and dips...

Men do the exact same thing though

Finally lost 5KG after a few weeks of taking diet seriously.

Now I have the flu, and all I want to do is eat burning hot curries and lie in bed.


Oof, this made me want some thai food...


Peak of highschool football season weighed about 235 lbs.
Graduation after blowing out knee during football about 260 lbs.
Height of fat during depressed college years nearly 480 lbs.
Current day age 25 weigh about 280 lbs.
I want to get back to my highschool football days.

Damn dude, respect. You're nearly there.

Anyone here skipping breakfast and lunch, instead just eating their calories in the evening?

I'm thinking of doing it. Bringing lunch to work is getting annoying (not the meal prep) and it's an office job so coffee should keep me going.

Isn't it better to have all your calories early though?

it'll take few days to get used to it but it's pretty great

i eat one meal in a day around 4-5pm and drink coffee, tea and water whenever i want to

it's much easier to keep your caloric intake low

Current 230lbs
Worst 339lbs

Mind if I hang out here? The cbt threads are meat markets now.

I've been around 300lbs since I was 12. Not obese and weak mind you, just big boned and fairly stocky. Have always been active, doing high amounts of calisthenics, lifting, riding bikes, being a busy country boy etc etc etc.
And now I'm lighter then I can really ever remember being.
While it is taking some getting used too I am sort of liking it.

Do miss being bearmode though. But that was a lifetime ago.

Right now I'm really trying to keep this maintenance/cutting phase from transforming into another ten day diet break. And it's mostly failing.

Ah well, at least the extra calories help me train harder

Keep it up m80, I've been doing 1200 too and its going good so far. We're gonna make it


Highschool was 210lb-238lb

I'm now 222lbs. Strongest I've ever been and soon the lightest I've been in my adult life. Need to work on the endurance though.

>by the end of the year?
No, you wont. However you can make it by next summer my dude.

>even an acquaintance noticed that ive lost some weight today

Feels good man, still having trouble taking those compliments though.

you really need to start going to the gym

6'2" and 75-80kg. Was on swim team.
130kg now, aiming for 80kg.

>6'2" 75 to 130
Fuckin hell man, are you me? Pic related, I still cringe to remember how I let myself go so much. I'm getting by theday though, down from 120 to 88 today

I use to be 220 in high school, got down to 160 with just diet alone, but im now back to 220 again and want to lose the weight fast, but i am having problem with keeping my diet, i dont have the same willpower as i did before, i keep breaking it.


Wow nice progress!
I'm 35 now, it's been a slow decline since uni.
Started diet month ago, only lost 6kg so far but it's a start.

At 107kg now at 6'6.

Tips on bringing it down to 91kg?

Dad bod got me like...

finished high school at 90kg, right now im 67kg


That's not me now, the left was when I was around 78kg. I got into a relationship and ballooned up as you can see. Was 115-120 in that pic about this time last year (or maybe frebuary I think). I had a lot on my plate with he breakup so I was losing slowly. Now I'm kicking it into gear to get back to 75 before Aus summer this year.

This is the most recent photo of me

Everyone's different, but for me my problem was snacks and processed shit.
So I started by quitting chocolate, chips, etc. then started cooking my meals with fresh stuff, pretty much nothing that comes out of a box.
Lots of vegetables, fish, dairy, eggs. I still eat a fair bit of rice but I've cut down my consumption.
The weight is slowly starting to fall off.

Ah yeah my bad. Still look heaps better now in that pic though.

Work out
And most importantly track your calories. Really you can lose slowly by doing a lot of exercise (even walking) and eating smart (as in, good cooking and smart portion) without much thinking. But if you're serious track your calories and be meticulous. At 6'6" you could be a god if you dropped to 80 or so.

Use the OP to do up a guide for yourself. And i know it's a meme but monster is unironically good for dealing with hunger, had my first one today.
Thanks man. My biggest hurdle was realising I'm not trying to backtrack my steps to something I lost, but that I'm making ground on a new endeavour. That simple change in outlook on my body and fitness completely kicked my motivation into a new gear!

>lift every other day for about 45-60mins (PHUL)
>take walks or do light cardio on off days
>work a desk job

How many calories should I eat a day for weight loss?

I've been trying 1500 but I don't think it's manageable for me. It always leaves me feeling like shit 24/7, and I need to be able to build muscle mass (my legs/hips/core are fucked up from spending the majority of my life as an ambulocetus- used to be 350lbs).

Would 2000 be too high for a slow cut?

Just ran the calculation and yea 2000cal should be good enough for a slow cut. Just remember, weigh yourself weekly and if you're not seeing any loss adjust cals accordingly.

I'm 6'3" and 190lbs and I'm on 1600cal. What's your diet like? Might be you're lacking in something. I would say to start hump it up to 1750 and see how that goes for 2 weeks

>What's your diet like?

Chicken, sandwiches (just cold cuts on bread, or pb&j), tuna, vegetables.

Also take Vitamin D, a multivitamin, and fish oil err day.

Why does my weight fluctuate so much??

One week I'm 75kg, the next I'm 80kg, then I'm 78kg and now I'm down to 76kg

i weight myself at the same time every week so it's not just morning/evening fluctuation

Might be lacking in iron from red meat. Either way, bump up the cals to 1750 and include a bowl of mince (150g) with mushroom (100g) and spinach (50g). Test that out for a few weeks.

Water retention, weather, bowels/bladder full, etc. are you always weighing yourself naked?

I'm also gonna play devil's advocate here and say you might not be tracking your calories right

I use the myfitnesspal app to track calories, heard good things about it on this board, but i'll admit i might forget to use it every time i eat and such. working on that.
No, i don't weigh myself naked

i'm just gonna hope it stabilizes

>At 6'6" you could be a god if you dropped to 80 or so.

80 seems a bit skinny. 91 would put me at 200lbs. Don't know if I want to drop below that. Told my wife I was thinking of maybe even cutting to 190lbs and she said I'd look like a twig, 80kg is 176lbs by the way. We're both into fitness.

>And i know it's a meme but monster is unironically good for dealing with hunger, had my first one today

I switched from sweetened to unsweetened coffee last week. Don't care for sucralose or aspartame. Figure each coffee only amounts to whatever milk I put in it. Throughout the day it comes to like a cup of milk.

Okay, so former /fatty/ once again turned /fatty/

I think I've broken through the wall of utter depression and am ready to start again. God a few questions though.

>Is it better to do cardio before or after lifting?
>Red pill me on Arnold presses, is it beneficial to do them as opposed to front and rear delt DB presses or would I just be wasting my time with those?

Weigh yourself naked, most consistent results, preferably right after taking a shit.

Also, add us on MFP so we can all bug you to make sure you track everything you eat!
Depends on your body composition, got any photos for reference. I mean aim for 200lbs as an interim goal, and from there you can see how you feel; either continue to cut lower if still chubby or begin a bulk for muscle gain. I'm 6'3" and I think 75 is the sweet spot for me, so I thought maybe around 80ish would be for you but again it's all down to personal choice and body composition
Light cardio before lifting to warm up
Light cardio and stretching after to cool down
Heavy cardio on off days.

Can't help you with the Arnold press though

You fell for every single dietry meme and drug that is out there instead of just eating a well balanced diet. Only thing you missed is dnp, but i'm sure thats next.

Going for a 10 mile hike today, /fat/.

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