I want to know the truth, are eggs bad for you?
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Everyone who has ever eaten eggs have died or are dying right fucking now OP.
You tell me.
Eggs are literal chicks that are turned into goo from some mysterious way. So they are pretty much not bad but terrible for you. You are literally eating a liquefied beak, feathers and webbed feet.
Its one thing to eat meat but eating up a gooey fetus is disgusting.
It's a period not a fetus
What's your opinion on honey?
eggs are a meme and cholesterol will kill you
cholesterol are a meme and eggs will kill you
eggs are great just dont eat the yolks. they are filled with fat
fats are great just don't eat the eggs. they are filled with yolk
great are fats just dont yolk the eat. they are filled with eggs
idk its like the only reason why i havent holocausted every bee.
I have 10 dozen eggs in my fridge right now.
Eggs are awesome.
Dietary cholesterol does not normally affect blood cholesterol. If it does, it's genetic.
just great. yolk they filled are the just fat
Depend how diluted the contents inside are from all that residual hormones that made hen start giving birth at the age of 5 days at a rate of 20 per day.
Early warning signs reaching critical hormone threshold;
>constant bloated feeling and constipation
>despite constipation, taking giant deuces in increasing frequency
Intermediate stage
>Chronic stomach convulsions begin setting in
>rapid aging may onset
Point of no return
>your testicles begin to reproduce asexually uncontrollably
Jokes aside, eggs possess an extremely high compatibility efficiency with the human body where almost all the protein digested can be used by your body to build your muscles or fuel complex reactions. To compare and contrast, only about half the protein source from red meat is actually usable by the body. Eggs is only second to whey milk..
For this reason, bros help me out! The vast majority of this board are beta dependents that can't assist an aspiring alpha to walk on his own 2 feet.
I need my eggs to further develop my body. Whey milk is no good, because I'm lactose intolerant.
Don't judge me on the anime images, I only posted them to induce from the majority Veeky Forums users. I haven't been on here for a long time (years; jail for BS reasons), so I assume its the anime girls that the attention.
>only about half the protein source from red meat is actually usable by the body
Wait what? Does the nutrition label reflect that or should you halve what it says event counting protein intake?
IF you want a more complicated, but more insightful answer, there's a whole slew of proteins that come in different shapes and sizes.
For the protein to be usable, your needs to connect these different pieces into long chains.
Inefficient protein sources usually contain excess piles of certain sets of protein that can't actually connect into anything useful so they become discarded or burned off for calories.
A simple way comprehend this would be to visualize your protein sources as boxes of jigsaw puzzles. The inefficient ones have excess of one piece, but lacking in another one. Eggs are near perfect, that's why you'll some athletes just gulp the eggs rather than feast on something like beef jerkies.
There are ways get some extra mileage out these inefficient protein sources. Like I said, protein sources are like boxes of jigsaw puzzles. Well one jigsaw puzzle may contain excess of one piece another box is lacking.
SO if you take both these 2 different boxes together at the same time, you may complete more complete jigsaw puzzles then if you just open those boxes seperately by themselves..
Now i believe you can at least provide at least a little assistance to my own request for clarity if you wouldn't mind
are you literally retarded? how did you find your way out of Veeky Forums?
Eggs and milk are the most complete sources of vitamins and minerals. The protein from those sources have one of the best absorption rate.
They both are cheap, and they both are good for your health.
And people who say eggs or milk got too much hormones in them have noe clue what they are talking about. The amount os so small that it wont affect you at all. In some cases you can find more hormones in vegetables.
according to a conclusive research i did years ago, it is not eggs themselves that are bad
it is how they are cooked
the problem is in some egg eaters they eat for example omelettes, which causes some of the yellow bits to turn solid and get clogged in your arteries forever
if you eat hardboiled, softboiled, you should be fine to eat a shitton of eggs basically, but omelettes are bad (im guessing unless you cook them really soft like the japanese, they eat a lot of eggs and don't die early)
Opps I didn't directly answer your question; the nutritional label doesn't. Why advertise something barely known that can only negatively impact your sales. They aren't technically lying claiming piece of ham has 10 g protein when your body is only able ultilize like 5.3 g of said protein.
You're either a fucking retard or this is an alright bait
I love eggs, eat about 2 dozen a week
>the problem is in some egg eaters they eat for example omelettes, which causes some of the yellow bits to turn solid and get clogged in your arteries forever
>if you eat hardboiled, softboiled, you should be fine to eat a shitton of eggs basically, but omelettes are bad (im guessing unless you cook them really soft like the japanese, they eat a lot of eggs and don't die early)
>the problem is in some egg eaters they eat for example omelettes, which causes some of the yellow bits to turn solid and get clogged in your arteries forever
If thats your conclusion then you shouldnt research.
If you mentioned that a small group of people shouldnt eat eggs as dietary cholestrol affects their blood cholestrol, then that would be a valid point.
What youre talking about is nonsense.
You seem to be self sufficient and possess acceptable intelligence.
pls help
meat, generally, have an absobtion rate of 80% +-
Its vegetables and fruit that has very low rates. And they lack some types which are good for muscle growth.
I eat about 12 hard boiled eggs/week
I did a blood test last week and my cholesterol was pretty high according to the blood test chart
i ate 5 eggs everyday and had perfect cholestrol ratio, and amount.
I also drink 1-2L whole milk a day.
I eat alll the yolks btw
I read somewhere that oats can help regulate cholesterol. I don't eat any currently so I don't know.
Eating cholesterol doesn't make you have more blood cholesterol. Tell me, does eat fat make you fat?
>I eat alll the yolks btw
same here
Dietary cholestrol doesnt have much effect on blood cholestrol, at all. Unless youre one of those very few who actually does, due to your genes.
Even then its more about your general lifestyle and diet then the amount of cholestrol in your diet.
Eat more vegetables and fruit, and do some form of cardio. dont be sedentary all day long
TBF, I came across this on some old book iI got my hands on in jail and it never gave actual percentage, just kept redundantly claiming egg has near perfect absorbtion rate. The only numerical values given on this subject was diagram that had egg valued at 100 and every other source was measured against the egg.
WHy I was jail is long BS story where I eventually recused my judge for demonstrating gross bias, but ofc in American justice no criminal lawsuit gets file on the law enforcement side (caucasian btw).
I been permanently sheltered all my life, pls help with
>Eat more vegetables and fruit, and do some form of cardio. dont be sedentary all day long
I consume veggies almost daily and do every 2 days a 10 min run to warm and 30 min run to finish workout.
I have a desk job tho.
Some people are just bound to have more cholestrol then others. The amount of cholestrol isnt a good indicator. Its the ratio between the different types of cholestrol.
You could also had the blood test taken at a time when you have elevated amounts of cholestrol. It doesnt stay constant throughout the day.
Also, aren't fruits valued for being natural sweets with most of its calories derived from the carbs? Vegetables is mostly just fiber. I don't either were ever consumed for their miniscule protein content
Eggs are like, ridiculously good for you.
Just don't be stupid and have 10 at once like anything.
Not him but omelettes do take on some weird heavy texture and i always feel shit after eating them whereas all other forms are fine.
yeah, but some people claim beans, and other types of vegetables with decent amount of protein are good sources of protein.
But the absorbtion rate is poor, and the protein profile is incomplete.
Do you even know how eggs work m8?
Fuck, looks like the Lunesta is kicking in
>idk its like the only reason why i havent holocausted every bee.
Bees are required for polinization, withount them we would not be able to grow most fruits and many vegetables.
The honey is just a convenient by-product.
>humans spouting idiotic junk while under the impression they're being rational
Is this a new phenomenon? :^)
on side note, i never got these answered.
>How exactly am I suppose to clean / maintain skillet when multiple source claim the way cleaned prior compromised the integrity of my skillet? They don't provide alternatives!
>is it too redundant to both "season" a skillet and apply an additional liquid oil layer on top when it's cooking time, and if so, is re-seasoning a skillet necessary as long i'm willing to pour liquid oil on top?
also what does this imply?
>Dont use metals with it and you wont have an issue. Its cheaper then a skillet.
Does this mean I can't use stoves that are metal with these pans? That may be an issue.. Do ya remember how i claimed my judge was found to be acting too maliciously in my malicious that I actuiually managed to get her thrown out my case?
Well all her old ruling still stand and I'm still stuck inside a house 24/7 for another year or 2, and all the stoves available to me are metal
actually I misread this. assuming that website I visited recently and that old book i mentioned prior can be dependable. The absorbtion efficiency varies widely depending on the type of meat we're talking about.
I don't doubt fish can achieve and even go beyond this efficiency rate, but birds would fall a little short, and I made the distinction of using red meat for my analogies. I don't doubt my estimates is a little off because I never bothered to memorize red meat's absorbtion rate, but it's not really great.
Then again it could be your more deeply invested into this subject and the other sources i'm relying on are at all fault. I never fully enwrap my rationale over any 3rd source.
Great numbers of people have always praise fishes like salmon as superior source protein over land based animal so there is societal evidence that support the theory that the type of meat plays a crucial role on the quality of the meat.