
Weightlifting Waifu edition!

>If you are new to weightlifting please read these first and check the other sources they link to before asking questions:

>The information that you are looking for is probably in the above links.
That includes routines, shoes, information on the lifts, etc. Check out the pastebins for literature or the reddit faq for general information.

Included in this youtube playlist are videos related to weightlifting which you may find useful or insightful:

Other urls found in this thread:


koha is pretty promising

but so is he si

Posting some mattie

Joanna Ɓochowska thought...
She's got great speed during the clean.


She posted an easy 110 snatch on her instagram.

Just 19kgs to beat the world record...

wtf why does google say she's 1,9m

I dunno man, it's gotta be a mistake.
She's definitely not much taller than Patrycja Piechowiak at 1.6m


I'm 175cm with 180cm arm span
are my arms average length?



So brah's, I gotta admit, I haven't done any Oly lifting in a long time. I cannot for the life of me get comfortable in the rack position because of a ganglion cyst that limits mobility in my wrist and creates pain. At least that's what I believe it is.

Have you guys ever dealt with a wrist injury that caused pain in the rack position? If so, how?


When it comes to wrist injuries, there's nothing you can do besides ice it and let it heal, maybe some light stretches/calisthenics/physical therapy depending on severity.

I recently fucked up my wrist to where I can't handle the pressure of benching, OHP, and squatting, but deadlifts are fine. Shit sucks.


Any tips on how to prevent going on my toes while front squatting? Am I just week or is there any cue which I can use?

how do you guys perform push-presses?

by pushing and pressing the weight?

How do people make webms from instagram like this? How do you save the video from instagram?

i got cysts on both wrists

ur just a bitch




imagine if he accidentally snatched that because of muscle memory

Anyone heard anything about Kanama High Performance gym in Toronto. I want to join and train with a coach

Recommendations for a PL/WL hybrid program? I'm not competing in anything in the immediate future. I just want to be strong, athletic, and explosive.

How is she so thin but so strong?

do wl and bench every now and then



This is how to save pictures
1 right click
2 inspect element
3 source
4 Scontent
5 save to fapfolder



mattie neither lifts nor looks good

Klokov always looks fit-fash as fuck. I know it's largely due to his physique, but Is still like to knew where he gets his sweat shorts.

Lifts more than you while looking better so

Shoulder/wrist/elbow mobility, so you can get the bar up higher on your rack.

Maybe. Shit absolutely hurts though. I gotta get it checked out soon.

link? p sure you're counting wrong

You're right, I just looked at it again. Colorless Werksans on the inside I took for 25s. They just 20s.

Thought it looked too easy.

>tfw I want to buy Romaleos 2 but they're sold out everywhere
>tfw may have to cave in and buy the lighter version 3's
>tfw I might as well be a cross fitter

eastbay has the blue ugly ones in stock